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<i509vcb> I don't see any layer id enum variant in gl_system_value
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<i509vcb> Something about LAYER not having a sysval value feels weird
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<alyssa> :\
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<i509vcb> one thing I did notice is that layer has a gl_varying_slot, wouldn't that imply it's already a varying or is the common infrastructure not capable of expressing layer as a sysval currently
<i509vcb> I guess I could do tree wide changes but then I have to figure out what other drivers expect...
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<alyssa> a
<alyssa> hmm
<alyssa> i509vcb: ahhh
<alyssa> I see the problem now
<alyssa> vk_meta is hardcoding a load_layer_id intrinsic inappropriately
<alyssa> rather than conditionally doing so only if the driver wants layer IDs as sysvals
<alyssa> see for contrast nir_lower_input_attachments which has a load_layer_id helper that takes driver nir options to generate a varying LAYER load instead of a sysval load if applicable
<alyssa> I think you want to take the helper in that pass, move it to nir_builder with the appropriate rename, and then convert vk_meta to use it to ensure agxv never sees load_layer_id intrinsics
<alyssa> Notably, spirv_to_nir does not generate these sysvals for layers, neither does the glsl compiler. this is just a case of the vk_meta abstraction being a bit leaky and inadvertently hardcoding NVK specific details in common code
<alyssa> shouldn't be too hard to generalize/fix vk_meta to do the right thing
<alyssa> and then no special handling will be needed in agxv, i think
<i509vcb> Fixing vk_meta there sounds reasonable, I imagine a few nvk specific details will be there anyways
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