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<jannau> mesh shading and ray tracing in g15 (pro?)
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<austriancoder> soon in a MacBook near you :)
<jannau> also "the biggest GPU redesign in Apple's history"
<sven> uh oh :D
<jannau> that's just PR for all we know
<j`ey> ooooooo
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<alyssa> _jannau__: G16 if i'm not mistaken
<alyssa> == Apple M4
<alyssa> which won't drop for another year+
<alyssa> so we have time
<alyssa> I am more concerned about the alleged new ISA
<alyssa> G15 (== Apple M3) should be hideously boring, I think
<alyssa> (and dropping in a few months?)
<alyssa> not 100% sure why the macs lag behind the iphones for a year
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