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<Guest2615> does shader compilation happen in-process or is it farmed out to a daemon?
<Guest2615> (wondering if it’ll be possible to have an early look at the instruction set with an iOS app before a mac comes out)
<i509vcb> alyssa: something something 10x-30x or something like that more iphones sold per year than macs
<i509vcb> hopefully G16 is just on time for agxv being done or beyond done
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<jannau> ah, I can't count (or don't care for iPhone SoCs). M class SoCs don't appear to be on a yearly schedule so I would expect them to skip an A* generation from time to time
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<i509vcb> alyssa: do you plan to rebase agxv onto asahi/main eventually? Ideally so I can try to test the layer id stuff
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<alyssa> i'm
<alyssa> ill right now so not soon unfortunately
<alyssa> sorry :(
<i509vcb> Hope you feel better soon :)
<alyssa> thanks :-)
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