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<jannau> asahi-20230902 hits an assert while allocating a staging resource for a compressed texture (DXT5_RGBA)
<jannau> the agx_linear_allowed one in agx_select_best_modifier()
<jannau> result in a non-debug build is a segfault in disk_cache_compute_key()
<jannau> fixed by reverting "bf4d2a40bada asahi: Force staging copy for LINEAR buffer reads from WC BOs"
<jannau> seen with prusa-slicer
<jannau> same as reported with supertuxkart in
<rosefromthedead> did drm_asahi_get_time land? i can't see it anywhere
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<marcan> pushed a fix
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<jannau> fix confirmed on asahi alarm
<alyssa> still broken, another fix coming
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<marcan> it's less broken at least :p
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<karolherbst> and at first I thought that was my fault :')
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<alyssa> pushed asahi/main, please smoketest
<alyssa> CTS is running now
<jannau> passes deqp-runner deqp_{egl,es2,es3,es31} on m1 ultra. previously segfaulting programs still work
<alyssa> :+1:
<alyssa> jannau: tip, you can cat together all the caselists and do a single deqp-runner run
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* alyssa wondering what the least invasive way to get no-nonsense asahi/mesa CI would be
<alyssa> or at least get testing in the release tagging loop
<alyssa> hmm, easy enough to do that second bit
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