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<alyssa> i509vcb: possibly you're mixing up util_format_is_compressed style compressed (ASTC, ETC, BCn, PVRTC) with Apple's framebuffer compression scheme (COMPRESSED_TWIDLDED)
<alyssa> ?
<alyssa> the former is indeed not renderable on virtually any hardware
<i509vcb> Yeah I've heard of compressed texture formats typically being used to reduce ram usage in games. I'm talking specifically about the twiddled tiling
<i509vcb> (off topic, I don't exactly know if the dcp can scan out the special apple drm modifiers)
<i509vcb> I've pretty much been working on what's needed so that the wsi can allocate images with a non-linear tiling
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<alyssa> nice
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<i509vcb> alyssa: was the plan to implement vkCmdBlitImage with vk meta like image and buffer copies?
<i509vcb> (I'm guessing yes because I saw the blit stuff already is there)
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<i509vcb> hmm that wants load_layer_id, random crapshoot at the cmdbuf that appears to be something related to AGX_PBE?
<i509vcb> On that topic what is PBE?
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<alyssa> yes for blit
<alyssa> Pixel BackEnd, the hardware used to write to colour attachments & images
<alyssa> and also the name of the descriptor passed to PBE instructions
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