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<jsnapoli1[m]> Hi guys, new here. I have an m1 MBA with 16g ram. Any way I can get involved?
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<mofux[m]> j`ey: thx!
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<zv> Glanzmann: I've been occupied since about two weeks ago, last I remember you were preparing to publish a new (debian?) installer of sorts. has this happened yet?
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<kit_ty_kate> mofux[m]: I have some post-install tips just in case you need some:
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<Glanzmann> zv: uses the asahi installer which was updated yesterday evening to support chainloading which was implemented by marcan yesterday.
<Glanzmann> marcan: Will you support a user supplied partition size for the root volume in the asahi installer, everyone tested the asahi installer tripped about this? Because most people only want to install one Linux distribution and use the total available size.
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<Glanzmann> mofux[m]: /clear
<Glanzmann> mofux[m]:
<Glanzmann> mofux[m]: That is how you can try the current installer. I tried it yesterday evening and it worked for me. You only execute the first two commands, the one for resizing space and kicking off the installer.
<Glanzmann> Than you select (1) for the alarm reference distribution.
<Glanzmann> There are currenly known issues with the wifi and the rootfs will only be 5 GB.
<Glanzmann> So either wait until this is fixed or have an ethernet dongle or another usb network card (cable or wifi) available.
<Glanzmann> /clear
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<landscape15[m]> Glanzmann: From what I see I need both an esp partition and an EFI folder inside the Linux file system. Does this mean that I need to install grub inside the rootFS?
<kettenis> you're probably confused
<kettenis> you need an esp partition
<kettenis> some/many/all linux distros then mount that partition and for that you need a directory as a mount point
<kettenis> not all linux distros use the same mountpoint, which leads to confused users on this channel ;)
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<Glanzmann> landscape15[m]: So, you have three partitions.
<Glanzmann> extra partitions: stub (m1n1); efi (grub binary; m1n1+dtb+u-boot to be chainloaded; wifi firmware); root (os, grub configuration)
<Glanzmann> The esp partition is mounted to /boot/efi on Debian.
<Glanzmann> This is the official asahi boot chain of course in theory you can do whatever you want including having no efi partition and using extlinux instead of grub to load the kernel. :-)
<Glanzmann> The benefit of the official asahi boot chain is that you can since yesterday update the m1n1, u-boot and device trees without needing to enter 1tr.
<Glanzmann> landscape15[m]: I'll now redo the asahi installer video.
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<joske> is there any guidance on how to switch to the new chainload mechanism when you already have asahi linux? (i.e. without having to re-install)
<Glanzmann> sven: I'm afraid to ask, but I yesterday build a distribution kernel, than I merged the sound patches from povik. And now I don't have usb3. Any ideas what could be wrong? config:
<Glanzmann> joske: But probably it is easier, if you just boot to 1tr and kmutil the m1n1 with chainload support.
<Glanzmann> And before that create a directory on the esp.
<joske> Glanzmann: thx, where should the new m1n1 be on the ESP partition?
<joske> ah: /boot/efi/m1n1/boot.bin ?
<Glanzmann> Also the guide above does not mention that you need to reinstall grub. But now it does.
<Glanzmann> joske: Yep.
<joske> ok, seems easy enough :-)
<_jannau_> joske: install m1n1-uboot in asahilinux and then update the the boot m1n1 in 1tr
<Glanzmann> joske: But I did not watch the stream yesterday so I don't know how to tell the rust m1n1 to tell which file it should chainload or if it is hardcoded.
<Glanzmann> jannau: Yes, I think the guide is shit, but I wanted to see the new installer in action. :-)
<joske> m1n1p-uboot should be the .bin and it should be in /boot/efi/m1n1?
<joske> and in 1TR you install the macho?
<Glanzmann> joske: I think, but not verified that contains a m1n1.bin which needs to be in 1tr.
<_jannau_> /boot/efi/m1n1/boot.bin but that should be done by the m1n1-uboot package
<_jannau_> for the 1tr one you have to grab it from the installer or build yourself
<Glanzmann> joske: And for the u-boot you take the mkdir /boot/efi/m1n1; curl -sLo /boot/efi/m1n1/boot.bin
<joske> _jannau_: m1n1-uboot package?
<_jannau_> no, take the one from tha asailinux package
<Glanzmann> joske: I extracted it from the installer and put it here:
<_jannau_> joske: when you say asahilinux ina distro context I assume you have the asahilinux reference distro installed
<joske> no, I have manually installed manjaro linux long time ago
<joske> but that is arch based, so I can use the PKGBUILD
<joske> ok, was able to install that package
<joske> off to 1TR I go
<Glanzmann> joske: Let us know if it worked. :-)
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<joske> seems to have worked :-)
<Glanzmann> joske: Perfect, lets ship it.
<joske> well, I think, it went very fast, how can I know it chainloaded anything?
<joske> I don't think it chainloaded anything, maybe because the m1n1 in 1TR is newer or something?
<_jannau_> if you updated the m1n1 in 1tr with one that chainloads a booting system is proof enough
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<Glanzmann> zv: Here is a new recording of the debian installer:
<Glanzmann> there were two trip wires in it.
<Glanzmann> The first one I solved, the second one I did not.
<Glanzmann> zv: The second hickup is fixed as well. So now the debian asahi installer works out of the box.
<j`ey> wait, when running the installer from 1tr it doesnt need a reboot to set the startup disk?
<j`ey> oh it happens at a later stage
<Glanzmann> Yep.
<Glanzmann> Also my voice is garbled at the end. I was recording using obs on the air.
<Glanzmann> I'll now cut out the stuff that went wrong because it is fixed.
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<bluetail[m]> Glanzmann: did u use a video capture card ?
<bluetail[m]> if it is just OBS, how does interfacing work, esp in between boot
<Glanzmann> bluetail[m]: In the mini I have plugged in power, usb-c keyboard using an adapter, hdmi cable. On the macbook air I have plugged in hdmi grabber, mouse, usb headset. On the air I have obs for the recoding.
<Glanzmann> zv: I also updated the wiki with the current steps for the Debian installer:
<mps> Glanzmann: does hdmi adapter on your image above work with asahi kernel
<Glanzmann> mps: Yes.
<Glanzmann> The air gets very hot whenever I run obs, also when I'm not recording.
<Glanzmann> But other than that I did most of my recordings on the air.
<Glanzmann> This time my voice got garbled at the end, never got that before.
<mps> Glanzmann: I have two with usb hub but none is detected by my kernel build
<Glanzmann> Here are the kernel modules that it seems to use.
<mps> Glanzmann: just curious, are you a teacher/professor
<mps> Glanzmann: what 'xrandr -q' says on asahi when this adapter is plugged
<Glanzmann> mps: I'm not professor, my father is. I'm giving a lot of it infrastructure trainings mostly VMware, Linux, Networking, AWS, Azure, Aliyun, NetApp, 3PAR, Storage, FibreChannel, OpenStack, Backup and other it infrastructure topics.
<Glanzmann> mps: You mean on the mini?
<mps> Glanzmann: whichever
<Glanzmann> mps: This is on the mini:
<mps> Glanzmann: I tried with kernel configs for this usb-c <-> hdmi which works fine on my two chromebooks, but can't get it to work on mbp
<mps> Glanzmann: I see just Screen 0
<Glanzmann> mps: So I have cheap 3xusb-a + ethernet to usb-c dongle as switch on the macbook air. You can see it the picture. It also works with a usb-a to usb-c adapter you can also see in the picture (but here I use it for the keyboard).
<mps> Glanzmann: yes, I see it
<Glanzmann> xrandr -q will now show you additional screens. If you want to watch the video from the usb grabber you need to look for /dev/video0 and so on.
<Glanzmann> not*
<Glanzmann> mps: You can use mpv /dev/video0 or obs or ffplay (I think that is what m a r c a n is using).
<mps> I have two similar devices, 3 usb-a, ethernet, hdmi, mmc and sdcard on them
<mps> but none shows hdmi
<mps> one of them can't be even plugged in mbp, usb-c connector is somewhat wrongly dimensioned. only mallet could help :)
<mps> also my son have one usb hub with hdmi but also doesn't work for me
<mps> though one usb-c audio device works fine
<Glanzmann> mps: I think you try it the other way around.
<Glanzmann> So you want to have a second monitor on the macbook?
<mps> Glanzmann: right
<Glanzmann> That does not work until some has fixed the dcp driver and everyone tells its a lot of work.
<Glanzmann> mps: I'm doing the opposite. I'm recording the screen hdmi output of the mini on the macbook air.
<mps> aha, understand
<Glanzmann> mps: Sven was trying to get it to work because it might be easier than he tought but than he suspended that work once he found out that there is also some sort of usb device.
<mps> anyway, I don't use external screen often, just wanted to check if it works
<Glanzmann> mps: Neither do I.
<sven> i “suspended” the work because I have a full time job that’s more important. I’m actually just still in the “understand how atcphy works” phase
<mps> sven: no hurries
<sven> the usb device was just a curiosity. i wanted to know if it’s possible to have a DP-only mode configured
<mps> sven: my two (actually three if count my son one) works with chromebooks
<sven> no usb-c to Display port thingy will work on any M1 running Linux for now
<mps> sven: ok, np
<sven> That requires at least both atcphy and DCP
<_jannau_> sven: I believe my usb-c displayport adapter which doesn't show up as usb device is just dead
<sven> I’ll have to read this usb spec again, won’t I? ;)
<mps> my two works fine with mtk-drm and with rockchip-drm drivers on these chromebooks
<mps> didn't tried with panfrost
<sven> yeah, cause those already have drivers ;)
<mps> btw, what DCP means
<sven> the display controller. There’s one for the hdmi Port / the MacBook screen
<sven> and at least another one for the usb c ports
<sven> (and one per usb c port for the max/pro/ultra)
<mps> so something like Display Controller Port'
<_jannau_> are the alternate modes part of the usb spec? I thought those there part of vesa displayport specs
<sven> possibly, but USB4 (which this thing is) changes everything again
<sven> and this thing also supports USB3 for backwards-compatibility ofc.
<sven> it's still all a bit fuzzy in my head but we'll get there
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<sven> USB4 tunnels the protocols instead of just mapping them to some lane afaict
<johey> Glanzmann: Hi! I just stumbled upon this channel just to find your video of a working Debian installation on the M1. Very cool! I read about Asahi Linux just a few weeks ago, and the current status back then was a bootloader able to start loading the kernel until there was a panic. I was thrilled enough to buy a Mac Mini for this, and now I realise how much has happened since. :)
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<marcan> er, I'm pretty sure we've been able to boot kernels to a working shell for a year+ now ;)
<maz> yeah, I was able to boot an initramfs at about that time a year ago.
<johey> That's cool! Then I have no idea what I saw. :D
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<mps> I'm sure I can make kernel crash on boot now ;)
<johey> That's a skill by its own.
<johey> Is there anywhere an up-to-date current status description of the project? What is working and not?
<mps> johey: yes, on wiki
<mps> though it is not updated to latest things I think
<Glanzmann> mps: Backlight is missing.
<mps> and dpms?
<johey> Oh, there it is! Wow... It looks to be pretty useful already.
<misteraftermath[m]> Way more is supported than I was expecting, that’s for sure
<mps> I'm using MBP as primary workstation for nearly four months
<misteraftermath[m]> Using asahi?
<johey> My Mac Mini has currently got the status of being my main work machine, so I'll keep myself from messing with it too much at the moment. Waiting for a 16" MBP though to render my MM redundant.
<mps> misteraftermath[m]: yes, asahi kernel with alpine userspace
<johey> That's very cool, mps!
<misteraftermath[m]> Yeah no kidding
<misteraftermath[m]> Anything worth mentioning?
<mps> misteraftermath[m]: no, no kidding, though first month and a half I use usb wifi and audio dongles
<johey> Wiki says GPU is unsupported, but in Glanzmanns video he's running X. Is that some software rendering going on?
<mps> s/use/used/
<mps> johey: simpledrm is used for graphic
<mps> and it is pretty fast
<johey> Ok. Quick googling. Seems like a software DRM layer over a framebuffer device. Good to hear it's fast enough to be usable.
<johey> How far is Alyssa Rosenzweigs GPU discoveries from being usable?
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<Glanzmann> johey: Alyssa is working on the userland and she has over 90% coverage. m a r c a n will probably soon write a gpu driver once the first release is done.
<johey> That's awesome!
<misteraftermath[m]> Wow!
<chadmed> note that that's 90% compliance in GLES2 dEQP
<chadmed> not vulkan, not even desktop opengl
<chadmed> its still pretty darn amazing though
<misteraftermath[m]> Still a very very big step in the right direction
<chadmed> but just like dont expect to fire up box64 or fex and start playing pubg or something
<chadmed> oh yeah for sure
<axboe> hi folks - I added the audio drivers yesterday, but seems it's not detected. probably something trival, what am I missing: pulled poviks, options look fine, and I did update the boot image with the new dtbs as well
<axboe> j314
<mps> axboe: how did you pulled it? (I want to learn this trick)
<mps> git remote add in asahi kernel repo?
<axboe> you don't need to add the repo, just git pull <url> into a branch forked off asahi
<axboe> git pull asahi-sound-wip
<mps> ah
<mps> so simple, thanks
<axboe> (I do often add a remote though, if I pull more than a few times)
<chadmed> axboe: modprobe apple-admac
<chadmed> it doesnt get loaded automatically. povik's got a fix for it but he hasnt pushed afaik
<axboe> chadmed: I have it built-in
<chadmed> oh that didnt work for me
<axboe> aha
<chadmed> i built as a module and then added it to modules.load.d and it works on every boot now
<axboe> well that's try that then :)
<mps> chadmed: do we need some new kernel config options for speakers
<chadmed> just a fair warning though, do not play any sound through the speakers until youve turned them down in alsamixer. they start at 100% but theyre overdriven and playing sound at that volume will blow them up
<chadmed> mps: depends on if you had the stuff built before. its all the same drivers
<mps> chadmed: yes, I have working audio on jack
<chadmed> you might just need the tas2764 codec driver then
<mps> but I have it built in kernel and from your msg above looks like it should be module
<chadmed> yeah i couldnt get it to work
<axboe> chadmed: didn't seem to make a difference here :/
<mps> I have already tas2764
<chadmed> youve swapped out your device trees, yeah?
<chadmed> it doesnt just work magically, there were dt changes
<axboe> oh I'm an idiot, some dependency made it =y again - lemme check
<axboe> chadmed: yeah I know, I did mention that I did
<chadmed> right yeah hm
<chadmed> only thing i can think of is building everything as modules, which is what i have and it works
<mps> lets see will it work in-kernel, building now
<axboe> it's the SND_SOC_APPLE* dependencies
<axboe> now fixed, let's try again
<axboe> nope, all I see is:
<axboe> [ 15.810811] apple-admac 39b400000.dma-controller: Adding to iommu group 5
<axboe> when I modprobe it
<axboe> oh well, not a big deal right now, was just curious
<Glanzmann> axboe: Btw. I don't know if you heard, but marcan yesterday implement chainloading for m1n1. So you can now put a m1n1 in 1tr and it will chainload m1n1+dtb+u-boot object from the esp partion from m1n1/boot.bin so no more need to go 1tr on dtb updates.
<Glanzmann> axboe: povik has a similiar model you have, so probably it will be fixed soon and merged to asahi branch.
<axboe> Glanzmann: yep did see that, and it's very cool! haven't played with it yet, but will surely make it more handy
<axboe> Glanzmann: that's what I figured, since it's not THAT important for me, I'll just wait
<chadmed> all thats loaded for me is snd-soc-apple-mca, snd-soc-apple-silicon snd-soc-simple-card and snd-soc-tas2764
<chadmed> those modules and their dependencies should be enough to bring the speakers up
<axboe> chadmed: might help if I actually load all the modules...
<chadmed> :D
<chadmed> everything except apple-admac loads automatically for me
<mps> marcan: I have this warning when building latest m1n1
<Glanzmann> mps: This warning is there for a while. It is because the asahi logo is on the stack.
<Glanzmann> At least I assumed so.
<Glanzmann> mps: Where you able to build this rust m1n1? I was lazy and just used the one from the asahi installer.
<mps> Glanzmann: yes, I remember it but now reported
<mps> Glanzmann: no, I didn't
<mps> will left this to someone who understand rust on alpine
<Glanzmann> j`ey: What am I doing wrong?
<chadmed> god i just cant wait for gamma LUTs so night colour will work
<j`ey> Glanzmann: did you use rustup to install rust?
<j`ey> if so just: rustup target add aarch64-unknown-none-softfloat
<Glanzmann> j`ey: Nope, I tried the debian package.
<j`ey> I only know how to do it via rustup
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<mps> hmm, no sound with asahi-sound-wip
<Glanzmann> j`ey: Okay, I now switched to rustup, but it got worse:
<Glanzmann> mps: You need to update the device trees.
<mps> Glanzmann: I did
<Glanzmann> mps: Also by default only the speakers work.
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<mps> Glanzmann: did you build driver as module
<Glanzmann> mps: I don't know. This is my config:
<mps> Glanzmann: thanks
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<kov> Glanzmann, I think I saw marcan have a similar issue
<kov> fwiw on my fedora with rust installed with rustup everything just worked
<kov> Glanzmann, did you do this one? <j`ey> if so just: rustup target add aarch64-unknown-none-softfloat
<kov> (it's really weird it's using softfloat)
<Glanzmann> Yes, I did.
<Glanzmann> kov: On which architecture are you building arm64 or amd64?
<Glanzmann> I tried on arm64.
<mps> so, when build audio driver as modules they works
<mps> out-of-the-box
<Glanzmann> I think the softfloat is just there so you don't need to use ieee floating point because the exception handling is possible very complicated.
<mps> but now jack doesn't work
<Glanzmann> mps: I think we have somewhere a big timing problem.
<Glanzmann> mps: With wifi and also with audio.
<kov> Glanzmann, arm64
<Glanzmann> kov: I tried to the same but on Debian testing.
<_jannau_> softfloat is used so that we don't need to deal with fp registers in m1n1, applies mostly to the hypervisor
<mps> Glanzmann: wifi works quite fine for me
<kov> Glanzmann, any chance there are some remnants of the packaged rust being picked up?
<mps> audio over jack is quite fine for someone with damaged hearing, i.e. me :)
<Glanzmann> mps: For me, too. But others have issues.
<Glanzmann> kov: I think I know the problem, I just looked into the m1n1 repository and marcan uses nightly.
<Glanzmann> I of course choose stable.
<Glanzmann> Yep, that's it.
<Glanzmann> - I assume that is normal.
<Glanzmann> j`ey / kov: This works for me
<Glanzmann> mps: ^
<mps> Glanzmann: afaik this will not work on alpine
<Glanzmann> Maybe it does, give it a shot. :-)
<mps> Glanzmann: trust me, I was first who ported rust to alpine :)
<mps> on aarch64 and armv7 I mean
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<mixi> mps: why not? the rust project provides aarch64-unknown-linux-musl binaries at least, so for a m1-hosted alpine you should be able to install rustup
<mixi> and from there the aarch64-unknown-none-softfp target libraries are only one command away
<mps> mixi: I did that, but didn't run rustup properly
<mps> mixi: no, I didn't this but install rust apk and then run rustup
<kov> Glanzmann, the makefile specifies nightly though no?
<mps> my main issue with rust is that I have aversion to touch it after experience two or three years ago when ported it
<kov> you can use rustup override set nightly to make it the default for only that project
<kov> but I thought I saw nightly being selected in the m1n1 makefile
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<Glanzmann> kov: I saw in the yaml ci files.
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<j`ey> Glanzmann: good that it works now!
<Glanzmann> j`ey: Thanks, again. :-)
<mps> Glanzmann: did you built m1n1 for chainloading
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<marcan> you all know you can just use the prebuilt binary if this rust thing is too confusing, right? :p
<marcan> github gives you builds with chainloading enabled:
<marcan> or just extract it from installer.tar.gz
<Glanzmann> mps: Yes.
<Glanzmann> marcan: I'm running the prebuild but wanted to document how to compile it.
<Glanzmann> marcan: I took it from the installer.tar.gz
<mps> marcan: isn't installer source only
<mps> ah, I see
<Glanzmann> mps: You get can it from the fancy cdn.
<mps> Glanzmann: could you post url of installer tarball
<mps> Glanzmann: you are so fast
<Glanzmann> or from if you don't have forever. :-)
<mps> this will good for now for me
<Glanzmann> mps: I had it in my history because I adopted the debian image to the new chainloading installer.
<mps> Glanzmann: do I need to set specific UUID for ESP
<Glanzmann> mps: No, I think by default it will just use the the efi partition.
<Glanzmann> But I have not tested that yet, I just took it out of the installer.tar.gz that is what I'm running.
<joske> mps: must have the esp flag on the partition
<tpw_rules> marcan: can you have the installer print the UUID for the ESP it creates? it would be good to have a way to unambiguously identify it during os setup for the "just give me UEFI" option
<mps> Glanzmann: joske: thank you
<marcan> tpw_rules: that's what /chosen/efi-partition is for
<marcan> that gives you the PARTUUID of the correct EFI partition
<marcan> installers should be referencing that
<tpw_rules> ok, that should be available in proc, shouldn't it
<marcan> (as should u-boot, which isn't done yet)
<marcan> in sys
<j`ey> (it was suggested that efi-partition be renamed to something else)
<marcan> was it? I expected discussion on the name but I might've missed that
<marcan> was going to ask robher
<j`ey> marcan: 16:43:07 < kettenis> marcan: that probably needs to become u-boot,efi-partition or asahi,efi-partition
<marcan> oh, heh, didn't realize that
<marcan> j`ey: ah yeah, vendor prefix or not is one of my questions
<mps> and m1n1.bin from installer is not macho container?
<mps> kmutil configure-boot -c m1n1.bin -C -v /Volume/Linux will not work on 12.0 macos?
<matthewayers[m]> Glanzmann: How screwed will I be if I try running the installer from the CDN on a M1 Max MBP? I am a bit confused about if it's included (since I saw it was in the linux-asahi branch, I'm not sure if it's included yet..?) The only features I'm after right now are built-in keyboard/mouse and wifi support.
<kettenis> marcan: while we're bikeshedding about the property name, Linux uses a few linux,uefi-mmap-xxxx properties already
<kettenis> Documentation/arm/uefi.rst
<kettenis> so maybe we should prefer uefi over efi in the name
<marcan> sure
<j`ey> matthewayers[m]: m1 max works fine on the asahi branch
<matthewayers[m]> j`ey: Is that the branch used for the CDN installer?
<matthewayers[m]> s/j`ey://
<marcan> the installer build is kind of broken right now, at least on the mini
<robher> marcan: I thought ESP is supposed to have a well known UUID.
<marcan> robher: the partuuid, not the typeuuid
<marcan> we have more than one so we need to be able to tell them apart
<_jannau_> mps: macos 12.0 is not supported anymore. only macos 12.1 is supported, 12.3 to be added for mac studio
<matthewayers[m]> * j`ey: Is that the branch used for the CDN installer?
<kettenis> i'm still not completely sold on the idea to have more than one esp
<marcan> I am :p
<marcan> it's the only thing that makes sense on these systems
<marcan> since they have a very different concept of what an OS is from a real UEFI system
<j`ey> matthewayers[m]: if you use the curl | sh way, that's using markan's CDN (although CDN just means where it's hosted, so doesnt really matter?)
<marcan> funneling multiple stubs to a single EFI partition and back out to OSes is a very weird topology and then we need to start also having multiple vendor firmware copies in one partition, etc...
<marcan> we'd end up creating a monster of subdirectories and still have to have OSes figure out who they are
<marcan> doesn't make any sense, just use separate partitions
<matthewayers[m]> j`ey: Gotcha. I guess I'm trying to understand what branch is being used for the tarball
<matthewayers[m]> * j`ey: Gotcha. I guess I'm trying to understand what branch is being used for the tarball
<marcan> asahi, some recent commit thereof
<matthewayers[m]> s/guess I//
<matthewayers[m]> Got it, thanks marcan and j`ey for the info!
<j`ey> the only thing you need to do before running the installer is to create some free space by resizing your current macOS install
<matthewayers[m]> Right, that's what I'm doing right now
<mps> _jannau_: thanks for info
<_jannau_> not really a hard requirement for 12.1 but it simplifies m1n1 handling. if you build your own m1n1 you can continue with 12.0
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<zv> Glanzmann: thank you! this is fantastic.
<mps> _jannau_: yes, I built m1n1 about hour ago and it works with 12.0
<mps> but I don't know how to upgrade 1TR to 12.1 or up
<mps> I know very little about macos
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<matthewayers[m]> Is there something I'm doing incorrectly with resizing the container?
<tpw_rules> matthewayers[m]: try to run disk utility first aid. back up important data first
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<matthewayers[m]> Looks like I fixed a corrupted section of one of the disks. Thanks tpw_rules for the recommendation!
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<Glanzmann> matthewayers[m]: The Debian/Asahi installer works: if you run into any problem, let me know.
<Glanzmann> matthewayers[m]: Do you know how you corrupted the disk? I never had such an issue.
<Glanzmann> mps: Do you still have macos on your macbook?
<matthewayers[m]> Glanzmann: I have no clue how I corrupted my disk but I'm glad I fixed it! Probably Zoom or some sort of other invasive software trying to mine my data
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<mps> Glanzmann: yes, I didn't touched macos after upgrade to 12.0
<matthewayers[m]> <Glanzmann> "matthewayers: The Debian/Asahi..." <- Will do!
<Glanzmann> mps: I see, if you want to upgrade the stub to 12.1, you first need to upgrade the macos. Than you can just delete the stub partition in Linux or macos (diskutil apfs deleteContainer), use the asahi installer to install m1n1 and than you do the usual dance.
<Glanzmann> matthewayers[m]: If you run into trouble let me know. I tested it, but maybe I missed something.
<mps> Glanzmann: would this delete my linux FS
<Glanzmann> mps: Nope.
<mps> Glanzmann: aha, good. and ESP will be intact?
<jannau> be careful, the installer changed the stub partition size slightly
<jannau> so the existing stub partition might be too small
<mps> I planed to actually archive all things and recreate everything but can't find time for this
<Glanzmann> mps: Can you send me the output from 'parted /dev/nvme0n1 print'?
<mps> actually I think I could upgrade macos and then use it as stub partition to boot linux. I think this is posible
<mps> Glanzmann: here it is
<opticron> all the stuff I have on my install is trivial, so I'm happy enough to blow it away when I switch over to the release installer
<Glanzmann> jannau: In case of mps, the stub partition got a lot smaller. He currently has the legacy 80 GB stub partition. :-)
<Glanzmann> mps: So mps, you don't have the stub but the second complete macos install. So I would the following: nuke the 80 GB partition.
<Glanzmann> Use the asahi installer to install the stub.
<j`ey> jannau: since when? I thought it was always 2.5G
<Glanzmann> jannau: For me it is: 2501MB
<Glanzmann> mps: Than I would install u-boot and use the debian live system and than use gpart to move your root filesystem directly behind the stub and extend it.
<Glanzmann> And than the usual thing you do.
<Glanzmann> do*
<mps> Glanzmann: aha, I thought about something similar, though I don't need big partition for linux
<mps> will try to find some time over weekend for this
<zv> I can confirm that the installer (after ensuring only free-space was available with nothing else beyond stock layout) worked perfectly. I've put that mac mini in a data center and am confident in its ability to reboot reliably. nicely done all around.
<Glanzmann> zv: Thank you for the feedback.
<Glanzmann> zv: For me I also never had issues rebooting the mini remotely.
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<jannau> j`ey: diskutil probably aligned that anyway but who knows
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<Glanzmann> jannau: Thank, I missed that, too.
<j`ey> I suppose if the stub is just before EFI, its not so bad if you have to erase stub+efi to rejig the sizes
<Glanzmann> j`ey: You don't have, too there is also the old 'm1n1' stub version, but yes, of course you can do that. I did that yesterday.
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<Glanzmann> zv: Btw. the kernel on the debian is 4k. If you need a 16k kernel, let me know. In the future I'll build two flavors 4k and 16k. With 4k more software works, 16k is faster for compiling.
<matthewayers[m]> Glanzmann: I keep having some message `spi-hid-apple-of spi0.0: Read package crc mismatch` come up randomly in Debian
<matthewayers[m]> I’m hesitant to set the root password if this is randomly popping up when I try to type
<j`ey> it keeps happening?
<matthewayers[m]> Yeah… It’s been a hot minute since I’ve used a Debian-based distribution without a desktop environment. This is expected behavior, to just have stuff printing out while interacting with the shell, right?
<j`ey> it often happens on boot,just once though
<matthewayers[m]> I noticed a ton of out put when I unplugged my iPad from my computer.. haha
<matthewayers[m]> s/out/output/, s/put//
<tpw_rules> it's not going to like type into your root password
<tpw_rules> but that message does happen to be from the keyboard driver
<matthewayers[m]> Interesting
<Glanzmann> matthewayers[m]: You can ignore this messages.
<Glanzmann> it works.
<Glanzmann> matthewayers[m]: If you can change your root password, that is good, that means the installer is working for you?
<landscape15[m]> Glanzmann: thanks for the information. I’m trying to run Debian instead of Arch, since it’s not my main distro. How does chainloading work? Since there are two boot.bin (one inside the APFS container which is set as the boot object, and the other inside the esp partition).
<Glanzmann> matthewayers[m]: I pick a patch from axboe to kill the messages in my tree.
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<Glanzmann> landscape15[m]: The installer puts the rust m1n1 to start up when you select the 'asahi' partition in the boot picker.
<landscape15[m]> <Glanzmann> "The benefit of the official..." <- well, you still need to update the main boot object (the one inside the APFS container)
<Glanzmann> This boot object searches for a esp partition and loads m1n1/boot.bin
<Glanzmann> This boot.bin contains m1n1+dtbs+u-boot in one binary object.
<Glanzmann> U-boot loads grub from the esp partition, grub loads the menu, kernel and initrd and starts Linux.
<Glanzmann> landscape15[m]: Watch this video:
<Glanzmann> That is everything what you need to do. You can watch that with mpv/iina or a browser and scroll around if you don't want to waste 17 minutes of your live. :-)
<mps> what happened with Quickstart guide on wiki, I can't find it
<landscape15[m]> Glanzmann: thanks now I get it. This means you don’t need to ever update the low level boot object. Unfortunately I don’t have much time due to day job ;) but I’ll take a look at the video
<landscape15[m]> mps: it changed name but the old one isn’t there
<mps> landscape15[m]: I see this
<mps> but it missing parts how to do all setup manually
<j`ey> what bit do you want to do manually?
<mps> j`ey: all, my preferred method to work with machines
<mps> but ok, I could read setup shell script
<j`ey> mps: doing the stub by hand is obviously a bit of a pain, but you can just install macOS fully as you did before the installer existed
<mps> landscape15[m]: ah thanks, I lost this url
<mps> j`ey: yes. but still like to have option to do things 'by hand'
<j`ey> by hand means dowloading the ipsw and extracing the various parts
<j`ey> if you want the 2.5G stub that is
<j`ey> if you dont care about losingg 70-80G you can do a full macOS install
<mps> j`ey: not sure, I forgot details, but feel that having 'by hand' option is safe one
<matthewayers[m]> Alright, new error when I try to resize the partition using parted. Following along in the video, I typed in `resizepart 5 91.9GB` (which is how much free space I have available) and I received the error below:
<matthewayers[m]> `Error: Can’t have the end before the start! (start sector=219296367 length=-196884257)`
<Glanzmann> matthewayers[m]: Please post the output of parted /dev/nvme0n1 print free
<j`ey> mps: i did everything else by hand, just not creating the stub, thats not worth doing by hand for me
<Glanzmann> j`ey: I agree.
<mps> j`ey: hmm, maybe you are right, I did this just once so not sure is worth to try again
<mps> I should watch again Glanzmann's installer video
<Glanzmann> mps: So in my installer video you would choose option 4 or whatever is the last options, than you get the old behaviour. But you will save 77.5 GB.
<Glanzmann> matthewayers[m]: You need to type resizepart 5 995GB
<Glanzmann> you confused 'end' with 'size'.
<Glanzmann> Or did I put it wrong in the wiki, let me check.
<matthewayers[m]> I’m pretty sure I confused ‘end’ with ‘size’
<Glanzmann> Yes, you did.
<Glanzmann> matthewayers[m]: But parted doesn't do anything stupid, at least it never did for me, so just do it right and it will be ok.
<matthewayers[m]> Success!
<matthewayers[m]> Thanks!
<Glanzmann> matthewayers[m]: I rebuild the kernel with patch I mentioned previously. So if you want this kernel, you can update it by executing the following command as root: curl -sL | bash
<landscape15[m]> Glanzmann: If I put my own boot object as m1n1/boot.bin, I don’t need to set it into 1TR right?
<Glanzmann> This deinstalls the old kernel and puts the new one and in addition to that put a new m1n1/dtbs/u-boot.
<Glanzmann> landscape15[m]: That is correct.
<landscape15[m]> Thanks, this is a lot more useful. Now we only need a fancy gui :)
<Glanzmann> landscape15[m]: So the only thing you need the installer, if marcan decides we update the firmware version, which will be in approx 2 weeks when his studio arives.
<Glanzmann> landscape15[m]: I dont' need a gui, I think it is pretty good. What I miss in the installer is two things: 'update the stub' and ask the user for the size of the root partition. But I assume marcan will implement that soon.
<landscape15[m]> Yeah i also think it’s good as it is. Is there already a firmware update tool?
<Glanzmann> landscape15[m]: Nope, at the moment, you update macos, than you delete the stub partition and use the installer to recreate it.
<landscape15[m]> Glanzmann: I mean only to update m1n1>dtb>uboot
<Glanzmann> landscape15[m]: And at least one guy in here told that he wiped in the process his mac in here, but I don't understood how he managed to do this, it happend multiple times to him. But if you delete the right 2.5GB partition, this is an easy operation.
<Glanzmann> landscape15[m]: I'm waiting for marcan on this one. I assume he will either package it with the kernel or as a seperate package. For me I currently don't maintain a debian repository for the kernel. Maybe I'll update it later, but for now it is up to the user to ugprade the kernel and the object.
<landscape15[m]> In order to update the stub I usually run the installer first, and then delete the previous container, but it’s not optimal
<jannau> Glanzmann: there's a PKGBUILD for m1n1+u-boot
<jannau> it takes the dtb from u-boot
<jannau> it installs updates to /boot/efi/m1n1/. it has to be updated in unison with the kernel for breaking dts changes. for non-breaking ones it of course updated too if kernel changes need dts updates
<Glanzmann> I see, so two packages, one for u-boot and one for the kernel.
<Glanzmann> jannau: Thanks for the clarification.
<mps> jannau: nice, I could add this to m1n1 in my alpine aports
<Glanzmann> jannau: The Debian guys I talked to, were against packaging yet another version of u-boot. But in the end it will not matter because by the time it is upstream the dtb changes come down a bit.
<Glanzmann> jannau: m a r c a n seems to take the dtb from u-boot. I take it from the kernel, is that still okay, or should I also switch to dtbs from u-boot?
<j`ey> mps: You could try this if you want rust/chainloading since alpine cant cross build I havent tried it properly yet
<j`ey> but it seems to at least get the right rustup
<mps> j`ey: I tried today with rustup but got same problem as with installing rust
<jannau> Glanzmann: I don't see a way around that if debian want to be able to update the dts/kernel
<jannau> Glanzmann: using the kernel dtb is fine. the dts should be identical to u-boot and m1n1 adds the u-boot specific bits
<Glanzmann> jannau: Okay, than I leave it like that.
<mps> j`ey: I applied patch and it builds, but didn't tried rust part
<j`ey> mps: just realised that you also have to add all the other submodules..
<mps> j`ey: yes
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<arnidg[m]> I'm watching the VODs for Hector's chainloading livestreams and I have a question. Is my understanding correct that the boot ordering will be iBoot -> m1n1 (old version) -> m1n1 (newer version from distro) -> uBoot -> GRUB -> Linux?
<arnidg[m]> If so, is the purpose of the old version booting the new version from the distro that the new version can "update" the old version?
<arnidg[m]> Otherwise, what is the purpose of chainloading more concretely?
<j`ey> yes it's so distros can update u-boot / device trees
<j`ey> (by replacing a file on the ESP partition(
<arnidg[m]> Would it not be possible to update u-boot / device trees by having only one m1n1?
<j`ey> yes but only going via 1TR
<j`ey> which means rebooting into a special mode and running commands etc
<jannau> updating the m1n1 binary booted by iboot requires updating it via 1TR
<arnidg[m]> ah, I see. But could the m1n1 binary booted by iBoot not know how to update u-boot as well?
<arnidg[m]> Or is the idea to make it more future proof (maybe the way you need to update u-boot changes)
<jannau> chainloading also allows updating m1n1
<arnidg[m]> ok that makes sense. thanks.
<jannau> which miht be required for transferring information from ADT to the devicetree
<henje[m]> janau: so the first m1n1 is not located on the esp?
<j`ey> nope
<jannau> yes, it is installed by kmutil so that iboot (apples bootloader) can read it
<j`ey> (sorry if I confused things, I meant nope it is not..)
<henje[m]> j`ey: Thx, I got that
<milek7> can macos be removed? (ie. only leave macos stub for m1n1)
<jannau> it can be removed but it's not adviseable at this point since it is required to to update the system firmware
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<snek> did y'all stop doing the blog posts?
<jn> there will be one along with the official (alpha? beta?) release of the installer
<jn> as far as i've heard
<kettenis> yes, we prefer to write code ;)
<opticron> it's intermittent and they usually come at good stopping points
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<snek> yeah fair enough, i just liked reading them :0
<snek> * :)
<snek> how is battery life and scheduling on apple silicon
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<opticron> on my 14" m1max mbp, the battery stats claim >6h at "idle" (CPU rendering under gnome3) and 92% battery
<opticron> so better than my current daily driver
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