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<ZeeFlea[m]> Excuse me. I have monitor but menu button is broken. How to decrease brightness in asahi?
<tpw_rules> that's not supported yet
<tpw_rules> if you mean on a laptop, you can change the brightness in macOS and that will be the brightness in asahi
<ZeeFlea[m]> Oh ok. In mac mini. I cannot change brightness in macos too.
<ZeeFlea[m]> Thanks
<IcaroDextris[m]> <ZeeFlea[m]> "Oh ok. In mac mini. I cannot..." <- Does you monitor support dcc?
<IcaroDextris[m]> To change brighteness from os
<ZeeFlea[m]> My monitor is old lcd monitor, I think it doesn't support dcc
<IcaroDextris[m]> Try to check through dcc control (with gui version is easier for me) if you want
<IcaroDextris[m]> Or write here the model so I can search it
<ZeeFlea[m]> The model is StormX F215W1.
<IcaroDextris[m]> Can’t find anything useful about this monitor 🫤 I suggest you to try if ddc control let’s you to change brightness
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<maz> amarioguy: the vgic relies on a full SW emulation of the distributor, the redistributors, and to feed the virtual interrupts into a very thin pipe that is (badly) implemented in HW.
<maz> amarioguy: that's about 60% of the whole KVM code.
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<nsklaus> i was wondering if a live session thing would be possible for asahi ? i mean to "burn" an image on a bootable media, boot from it, and test everything before installing it
<dianshi> 5
<j`ey> nsklaus: not possible without making at least a 3gb stub
<j`ey> (on the nvme)
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<nsklaus> j`ey: i was afk for a bit, thanks for the reply. i'd like to understand a bit more about what you said,
<nsklaus> macos can be booted off an external drive
<nsklaus> either an installed macos (on the external drive) or a kind of live session too, in order to start install process
<nsklaus> what exactly would be difficult or troublesome about linux to do something similar ?
<nsklaus> i mean in the context of mac m1 systems
<mps> nsklaus: on m1 macos cannot be booted from external drive afaik
<nsklaus> mps: i did it
<nsklaus> without even trying to overcome any particular hurdle
<mps> nsklaus: oh so good news. how did you do that
<nsklaus> i just plugged and external drive, and launched macos installer and did choose the external drive as destination, iirc
<jannau> try to boot that installation with another mac or after wiping the nvme
<mps> nsklaus: on M1?
<jannau> the "external" installation still depends on state on the nvme
<jannau> mps: yes
<nsklaus> jannau: you mean that if my internal drive is blank, that macos installed on external drive wouldn't boot at all ? if so, that's new to me .. interesting..
<nsklaus> mps: yes i'm using a macbookpro , the base model from end 2020
<jannau> I believe so, macos revocery might be able to recover it but it shouldn't be able to boot from it directly
<mps> jannau: aha, that makes sense
<mps> but boot macos from external drive is another story
<jannau> I haven't managed to use an custom boot-object with an external macos installation though (iirc last tried with macos 12.1)
<nsklaus> today's wwdc, i'm sure apple will announce they found a new way to cripple their systems and become even more a daily annoyance to users
<nsklaus> wouldn't surprise me if they annouced they used the webcam to enable mouse/trackpad movements only if the user is having one eye closed, and if both eyes opened pointer movement would stops ;)
<jannau> that's for #asahi-offtopic if at all
<nsklaus> anyways.. i was wondering what was the latest news about sound/speaker support lately, for base m1, macbookpro models ?
<povik> not much yet
<nsklaus> darn ..
<nsklaus> any progress report planned soon ? it's been 3months since the previous one ...
<j`ey> maybe once the GPU support is a bit further along
<nsklaus> i'm looking at github's commits, but not all commits have comments, and a progress report tells better the situation too ..
<nsklaus> from what i've seen there's been the first triangle rendered completely on linux side ?
<j`ey> not from linux, from m1n1
<nsklaus> ah, i didn't catch that precision when reading about on twitter, thanks for telling
<nsklaus> *about it
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<amarioguy> maz: thanks, that makes it clearer!
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<ComradeMisato[m]> how do i switch my control and command (meta) keys back to how macOS has them set as
<nsklaus> ComradeMisato[m]: i usualy edit sudo vim /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/pc
<nsklaus> and swap:
<nsklaus> key <LCTL> { [ Super_L ] };
<nsklaus> and
<nsklaus> key <LWIN> { [ Control_L ] };
<nsklaus> for:
<nsklaus> key <RCTL> { [ Super_R ] };
<nsklaus> and
<nsklaus> key <RWIN> { [ Control_R ] };
<nsklaus> respectively
<ComradeMisato[m]> nsklaus: just enter that command then? is it p straight forward ?
<nsklaus> then either log out/in back again or use: setxkbmap -layout fr -variant mac
<nsklaus> (adapt that last point depending your usual layout, for me it's french)
<nsklaus> note you'll also need to edit your terminal shortcuts to match "ctrl-c" and "ctrl-v" instead of the usual "shift-ctrl-c" and "shift-ctrl-v"
<nsklaus> otherwise this will work globaly
<nsklaus> cmd-c and cmd-v will now be used to copy/paste
<jannau> for the macbooks the keyboard driver has an option to switch both keys
<nsklaus> my explanation is broken
<nsklaus> but the paste is correct
<nsklaus> key <LCTL> { [ Super_L ] }; <-- this is already the modified line
<ComradeMisato[m]> jannau: point me in the right direction?
<jannau> /sys/bus/hid/drivers/apple/module/parameters/swap_opt_cmd
<jannau> write 1 into it as root with `echo 1 > /sys/bus/hid/drivers/apple/module/parameters/swap_opt_cmd`
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<nsklaus> jannau: i think he asked to swap ctrl with cmd keys
<nsklaus> not opt (alt) and cmd keys
<nsklaus> my paste does works for that, at least it works for me since a long while and effectively switch ctrl key with cmd
<ComradeMisato[m]> nsklaus: what do i do now
<nsklaus> i mean pressing cmd key would be then equivalent to press ctrl
<nsklaus> ComradeMisato[m]: my paste shows it as it should become
<nsklaus> if you read the line it says:
<jannau> nsklaus: has applu such a keyboard layout? I was going after "... back to how macOS has them set as"
<nsklaus> key <LCTL> { [ Super_L ] }; <-- meaning: take lctl (left control key) and map it to super left (meaning cmd left)
<nsklaus> jannau: that paste i linked above i use it since a few years
<nsklaus> i always do it
<ComradeMisato[m]> im guess youre assuming that i know what are the controls to navigate and edit this through command line? nsklaus
<nsklaus> so i can use cmd-c and cmd-v to copy / paste everywhere
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<ComradeMisato[m]> backspace doesnt delete the text
<ComradeMisato[m]> what key do i use to edit this
<nsklaus> ComradeMisato[m]: key <LCTL> { [ Super_L ] }; <-- this is the modified line. the original shows: key <LCTL> { [ Control_L ] };
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<nsklaus> notice how the the string in the { } changed from Control_L to Super_L
<nsklaus> this is the actual instruction that tell it to map ctrl key to the cmd key
<FranciscoFernandes[m]> Anybody can simples explain how to swap ctrl to command window
<nsklaus> FranciscoFernandes[m]:
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<nsklaus> open your file /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/pc and compare it to what i made in that paste
<nsklaus> you need to change 4 lines
<nsklaus> ignore the paragraph under "swap ctrl and alt"
<nsklaus> just do what's above that
<nsklaus> this trick worked for me on all linux distro i tested
<nsklaus> so i could always have cmd-c/cmd-v for copy/paste functionality
<nsklaus> note that once that file got edited you either need to log out and log back in again to make it effective, or if you don't want to log out then just reload keyboard layout , from your term just do a setxkbmap ...
<ComradeMisato[m]> saved the text file to what u said but didnt worked?
<nsklaus> (like: "setxkbmap -layout fr -variant mac" in case your macbook has a french keyboardr layout like mine
<nsklaus> ComradeMisato[m]: watchout you made a typo:
<ComradeMisato[m]> where
<nsklaus> you spelled COntrol_L instead of Control_L
<ComradeMisato[m]> still doesnt work tho
<ComradeMisato[m]> the command key is just giving me the start menu
<nsklaus> that is normal,
<nsklaus> just editing the file and saving it, isn't enough,
<ComradeMisato[m]> ok what else
<nsklaus> you need to reload your keyboard layout
<nsklaus> either log out/ and re- login
<nsklaus> or
<nsklaus> use command setxkbmap to avoid the log out / log in
<nsklaus> what's your keyboard layout ?
<nsklaus> US ?
<nsklaus> UK ?
<ComradeMisato[m]> and when u say "use command" u literally mean copy/paste ```setxkbmap```
<nsklaus> DE ?
<nsklaus> no
<nsklaus> typing "setxkbmap" alone won't do it, it needs arguments
<nsklaus> what's your keyboard type ? uk, us, de or something else ?
<nsklaus> ok so for you it's probably: setxkbmap -layout us -variant mac
<ComradeMisato[m]> is that good?
<nsklaus> that note of mine is a bit old now it date a few years back, it still works but sometimes the argument order for the command got changed and need small tweak to adapt it
<nsklaus> no
<ComradeMisato[m]> sorry pasted it wrong
<nsklaus> obviously your terminal tells you
<nsklaus> you made a bad paste
<ComradeMisato[m]> yes
<nsklaus> in the beginning you got unnecessary part mixed in
<ComradeMisato[m]> yea it works now
<ComradeMisato[m]> thank you
<nsklaus> after this is done, the ctrl key should give you your start menu
<nsklaus> you may want to edit your terminal shortcut too, from your screenshot it seems to be kde's konsole
<nsklaus> test it without modifying anything first: try to highlight some text in your term, with your mouse, press cmd-c
<nsklaus> then cmd-v
<nsklaus> (trying select/highlighting just one word or something small)
<nsklaus> if cmd-c / cmd-v worked in your term then you have nothing to do
<nsklaus> all fine
<nsklaus> if not then it must mean that in konsole, copy/paste is mapped to hotkey combo "shift-ctrl-c" and "shift-ctrl-v" and you want to change that to just : "ctrl-c" and "ctrl-v"
<nsklaus> (since your cmd key is now really the ctrl key
<nsklaus> )
<Ry_Darcy> Hello all, running debian 5.18.0-asahi on an M1 Mini. Is qemu-system-aarch64 sufficiently stable to run a Win 10 guest from either Virt Manager or the CLI at this stage? Thanks.
<j`ey> Ry_Darcy: I dont know about the win10 part, but qemu/kvm is stable yes
<maz> j`ey: last time I checked, win10 really didn't like the M1 at all. I suspect they try to use SMC...
<Ry_Darcy> Running this "qemu-system-aarch64 -bios /usr/share/qemu-efi-aarch64/QEMU_EFI.fd -machine virt -m 8G -cpu host -smp cores=4 -accel kvm -nographic -cdrom /Transit/c2c0a9-Windows-10-64-Bit-English-21H1.iso" from the command line produces PXE boot loops ad nauseum.
<Ry_Darcy> Any ideas?
<j`ey> m1 has SMC.. just not the instruction :P
<maz> j`ey: well, funnily enough, it knows about the instruction if you flip a bit in some IMPDEF register. but it then convey the trap with an UNKNOWN EC.
<ComradeMisato[m]> Headphone jack is suppose to work on regular M1 macbook pro right?
<maz> Ry_Darcy: the PXE loop is because you didn't specify a block device that EFI understands for your CD image. it thus fallback to PXE.
<Ry_Darcy> I specified the .iso boot image - -cdrom /Transit/c2c0a9-Windows-10-64-Bit-English-21H1.iso. I also need the target block device aka. qcow disk device I presume..
<maz> Ry_Darcy: no. oyu need to specify a *device*, most likely a cdrom over virtio-scsi.
<ComradeMisato[m]> oof my mac is getting hot 🥵
<Ry_Darcy> I lifted the qemu-system-aarch64 command syntax and parameters from a post to this forum in April. I will have to dig further then.
<ComradeMisato[m]> nsklaus: the only thing wrong is that while cmd-c and cmd-v work and all, just pressing cmd gives me the start menu, which i want it swapped with ctrl
<nsklaus> ComradeMisato[m]: you need to edit your desktop general hotkey
<nsklaus> ComradeMisato[m]: somewhere in kde settings it is said pressing cmd should bring up your start menu
<nsklaus> i'd advise to do a logout/login again, or even a full restart first
<nsklaus> just to be on the clean side for sure
<nsklaus> but what you describe seems to be simply a case of changing a kde shortcut that just happen to be there, defined by default
<nsklaus> the weird thing is that, since you changed the mapping, that behavior should now happen but when pressing the physical ctrl key (since the mapping told the physical control key should now behave as if it was the cmd/super/media key)
<nsklaus> so try to reboot.. then once rebooted confirm that your changes survived the reboot (they should have) and confirm that behavior of bringing up the start menu do happen but when pressing ctrl key
<nsklaus> then proceed to edit your kde shortcut
<nsklaus> and note, that when doing system full updates, from time to time that file you modified will get overwritten
<nsklaus> so when that happen you'll need to redo it all.. thankfully that file is not eften updated so that seldomly happen. from my experience once or twice in a year tops.. with bad luck..
<nsklaus> you'll almost never have to do it again, but just know i may happen at some point, so keep the paste i linked above for later use
<nsklaus> *i --> it .. iT may happen ..
<ComradeMisato[m]> reboot worked, thanks
<nsklaus> you're welcome.. enjoy cmd-c / cmd-v everywhere .. i know it bugged me like hell until i got it working correctly that way too
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<nsklaus> ComradeMisato[m]| replied to: "oof my mac is getting hot" --> that, and the lack of speaker support is why i'm waiting for asahi to mature a bit more before installing it
<nsklaus> *replying to
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<ComradeMisato[m]> <nsklaus> "ComradeMisato[m]| replied to..." <- like i heard headphone jacks should work on m1 macbooks right?
<nsklaus> that's what i heard too, but headphone jack isn't enough for me
<nsklaus> i need proper sound support
<ComradeMisato[m]> audio thru headphone jack dont work for me
<ComradeMisato[m]> any clue where i can start troubleshooting that?
<j`ey> ComradeMisato[m]: "<povik> yes, get into alsamixer, switch to 'Macbook Air integrated audio' with F6 and look for 'Jack Mixer Volume' or something similar, see if turning that knob up is what you need"
<nsklaus> i'll be waiting patiently for bluetooth support to come along, but minimum i'll want headphone and speaker both to at least work, that and proper power management too, i hate it when the laptop gets hot for no reasons
<ComradeMisato[m]> actually i have two volume "buttons" not sure why
<IcaroDextris[m]> does anyone tried to install pycharm? i don't remember the nick of the guy who helped me with idea and rider
<nsklaus> edit your panel's active "plasmoids" things, and disable the one you don't need
<nsklaus> ( ComradeMisato[m] )
<IcaroDextris[m]> because trying to build the aur package gives me an error
<nsklaus> not sure if plasmoïd refers to panel element, but you understood what i meant most probably)
<nsklaus> IcaroDextris[m]: you're using trizen or some other helper to build your aur packages ?
<nsklaus> if you search them (aur packages) there may be a few propositions available to satisfy pycharm, maybe try another one ?
<IcaroDextris[m]> i don't even know trizen
<nsklaus> also, looking at actual error you're provided with might help to see what seems to be going on
<IcaroDextris[m]> > if you search them (aur packages) there may be a few propositions available to satisfy pycharm, maybe try another one ?
<IcaroDextris[m]> sure but the "reference " is the first
<IcaroDextris[m]> > also, looking at actual error you're provided with might help to see what seems to be going on
<IcaroDextris[m]> fair point
<nsklaus> there are a few available helpers that offer to assist you in installing aur packages, trizen is just one of those
<IcaroDextris[m]> i use yay if i understood correctly
<nsklaus> yay works too most probably
<nsklaus> have you tried to list all the aur packages that provide pycharm ? there may be a few of them
<ComradeMisato[m]> <j`ey> "Comrade Misato: "<povik> yes..." <- what i have installed is something called kmix
<IcaroDextris[m]> g++: error: unrecognized command-line option ‘-m64’
<nsklaus> if you're lucky the problem might just be that you happen to have picked up the wrong one
<IcaroDextris[m]> this is the error
<nsklaus> i see 8 potential candidates
<nsklaus> which one did you pick ?
<IcaroDextris[m]> the first
<IcaroDextris[m]> because is the "correct"
<j`ey> ComradeMisato[m]: try alsamixer
<ComradeMisato[m]> j`ey: figured out what u meant
<ComradeMisato[m]> but before i continue, whats the bind for function keys
<j`ey> IcaroDextris[m]: that PKGBUILD wont work, -m64 is not an option for aarch64 gcc
<nsklaus> IcaroDextris[m]: it's a bit out of my league, but it seems to me that aur package needs updates in case of arm64 arch
<j`ey> ComradeMisato[m]: shift+fn+num i think
<nsklaus> IcaroDextris[m]: what j`ey said ^ :)
<IcaroDextris[m]> Oh thanks you both :)
<nsklaus> though, looking at the actual patch, it seems fairly small:
<nsklaus> g++ -m64 -shared -o ../ -fPIC -nostartfiles attach.cpp
<ComradeMisato[m]> j`ey: does not work
<nsklaus> maybe it could work without that line, or with tweaks to it, at this point though it's just hacking and guesswork , trial and error, with little chance of success
<j`ey> ComradeMisato[m]: which bit?
<ComradeMisato[m]> j`ey: im pretty sure its not registering the fn key
<ComradeMisato[m]> i think thats the culprit but im not sure
<nsklaus> he says: "Hint: inspect pycharm-${pkgver}/plugins/python/helpers/pydev/pydevd_attach_to_process/linux_and_mac/ You can skip 32bit compilation step with this patch"
<nsklaus> so maybe look in that file: pycharm-${pkgver}/plugins/python/helpers/pydev/pydevd_attach_to_process/linux_and_mac/
<j`ey> ComradeMisato[m]: maybe it's just fn+num
<nsklaus> and comment out the 3 added lines (+), and bring back the one with the minus (-)
<nsklaus> you have also: - makedepends = lib32-gcc-libs
<nsklaus> but since that would be 32bit x86 stuff, you'd need fex, i guess
<ComradeMisato[m]> <j`ey> "Comrade Misato: maybe it's..." <- you are correct
<IcaroDextris[m]> I’ve solved just downloading the archive binary from JetBrains site, then link fsnotifier like I already did with other IDE, then run
<ComradeMisato[m]> what now
<nsklaus> IcaroDextris[m]: well done :)
<j`ey> ComradeMisato[m]: turn the mixer up
<ComradeMisato[m]> j`ey: please assume im 5 years old
<nsklaus> ComradeMisato[m]: use arrow keys left , right, up down,
<ComradeMisato[m]> (please dont actually dont that)
<nsklaus> to move the levels
<psykose> press up key not down key
<nsklaus> 'm' key mutes
<ComradeMisato[m]> cool
<j`ey> ComradeMisato[m]: press the up key until green
<ComradeMisato[m]> j`ey: still no sound
<j`ey> povik: ^ is that what it should look like>
<povik> i guess so. you can check if there isn't anything further to the right hidden and muted
<povik> but i think for headphones there's only this one knob
<povik> looks good. how are you testing it?
<ComradeMisato[m]> well actually
<ComradeMisato[m]> video on youtube wont load at all
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<nsklaus> ComradeMisato[m]: you could search internet for a sample audio file to play with mpv
<nsklaus> try the wave file
<nsklaus> maybe it works with aplay too
<nsklaus> i'm interested too in all the audio talk, and the current status of it, necessary workarounds and such
<ComradeMisato[m]> ok headphones work
<ComradeMisato[m]> ok everythings good
<ComradeMisato[m]> phew
<ComradeMisato[m]> wow not great audio quality thats for sure
<povik> should be great
<ComradeMisato[m]> any info on whether the microphone is able to work?
<mps> ComradeMisato[m]: yes, it works
<ComradeMisato[m]> <mps> "Comrade Misato: yes, it works" <- im getting no feedback on my end :(
<mps> ComradeMisato[m]: pulseaudio or pipewire issue?
<mps> clayscode[m]: ADC control increase in alsamixer
<ComradeMisato[m]> anyone have had any experience downloading Paru?
<ComradeMisato[m]> <mps> "Comrade Misato: pulseaudio or..." <- let me take care of Paru first
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<nsklaus> i wonder if that's a 16k vs 4k kernel page size issue ?
<j`ey> yes it is, the rust from aur is broken for 16k
<nsklaus> if i understand correctly most distro use 4k page size, and most software make 4k assumption, but asahi settled to using 16k for the moment while deciding to either try to solve the issue of having a 4k kernel on m1 arch (which seemed problematic at the time being) or stays 16k but then many software will need workaround, patches and quirks to be looked at
<nsklaus> i don't know if there was any more update on this case since the last thing i've read about it ealier (which i resumed to the best of my understanding just above ^)
<nsklaus> afaik asahi pre-release got out with 16k kernel page size
<nsklaus> and, it will need to be taken care for for proper FEX integration
<nsklaus> *taken care of
<ComradeMisato[m]> ah i see
<nsklaus> i'm quite looking forward to see proper FEX integration and working nicely on asahi, allowing us to use wine just like on x86_64
<nsklaus> i'm hopeful it can happen
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<ComradeMisato[m]> the mixer goes back to such a low setting automatically i cant hear anything, no matter how many times i try to increase it
<nsklaus> you're on "capture" settings
<nsklaus> maybe you wanted to be on "playback" instead ?
<ComradeMisato[m]> nsklaus: still the same issue
<nsklaus> there's little that can be done at this point i'm affraid the driver is a work in progress at the moment
<nsklaus> maybe others could come up with suggestions when they'll be around, personally i have no clue on that
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<Glanzmann> j`ey: New notebook or workstation in the the apple event? Just tuned in. Was on the playground.
<j`ey> Glanzmann: no(t yet?)
<Glanzmann> I see, thanks for the update.
<Glanzmann> ComradeMisato[m]: I had this issue as well, but i think it got away with the i2c patch of povik.
<Glanzmann> ComradeMisato[m]: I have not seen this isse for a long time on the macbook air.
<Glanzmann> ComradeMisato[m]: If you can't get rid of the issue, you can try with the debian live if you also have the issue with that.
<Glanzmann> Finally.
<j`ey> hm 24GB
<jannau> and starting config 12GB I suppose
<j`ey> 12G is weird
<Glanzmann> `o'
<jannau> not that much weirder than 24GB
<Glanzmann> a notch ...
<j`ey> notch :(((((
<amarioguy> j'ey: nested virt /s
<j`ey> amarioguy: notched virt? :P
<j`ey> looks like magsafe and 2 USBC
<amarioguy> imagine if the uart was over the magsafe port
<sven> I really don’t get the notch hate. Just make those pixels black and you have the m1 MacBook Air screen
<j`ey> sven: just looks ugly :P
<ChaosPrincess> i noticed a 'four-speaker sound system'
<ChaosPrincess> inb4 this one also needs a crossover in software and such
<amarioguy> MBP too
<j`ey> still touchbar?
<ChaosPrincess> yep
<jannau> and the ohmmeter headphone jack
<jannau> no mac pro
<jannau> for now at least
<j`ey> no mini :(
<mini> yeah, I was just thinking that :(
<sven> yeah :(
<amarioguy> unfortunate :(
<j`ey> mini: when will you have an m2?
<mini> j`ey: no comment :p
<sven> I was hoping for one because they make the perfect development target and are cheaper than the MacBooks
<mini> I'm also guessing no improvement on the limited display output count on m2
<amarioguy> this is the trend i think, the m series are what would be the x suffix chips in ipads
<sven> I’d be surprised if the m2 air doesn’t support two external displays fwiw
<j`ey> sven: although I guess there wont be a m2 mini with 10+ cores, thats basically a studio.. so maybe a studio is what i want
<sven> i definitely want a studio :D
<sven> just don’t really need one
<mini> I want one for work instead of another laptop...
<j`ey> would be better if m2 was 6p 2e, for cores
<amarioguy> sven: mine's on backorder until july rip
<Glanzmann> air users: Are you buying an m2? I'm undecided. 10% more price. 20% more performance and 8 GB more ram which I'm not going to use, better webcam, better sound system.
<Glanzmann> Stream stopped for me on German Telekom fibre connection.
<Glanzmann> Did I hear it correctly that they start selling the m2 devices in one month?
<kaprests> Slightly off-topic, but continuity camera looks cool! Would be nice if that worked with linux too, but I suppose the iPhone won
<kaprests> won't have an open interface/API for it :(
<jannau> Glanzmann: next month so somewhen in 4-8 weeks
<ChaosPrincess> open - 100% not happening, but there are reverse-engineered implementations of airplay and such, so could be possible
<Glanzmann> jannau: I see. Will you order a m2 right away?
<amarioguy> preorders likely open soon because supply chain memes
<ChaosPrincess> kaprests: actually i guess you dont even need a special api, you can just write an ios app that grabs the camera feed and outputs it over the cable or over wifi to a host app
<ChaosPrincess> continuity just integrates it into the os
<j`ey> Glanzmann: probably not much reason to upgrade to the m2 air then..
<opticron> kaprests, it might be nice if that type of functionality was expanded to more than just the camera, imagine if you could use a larger selection of hardware resources like that, CPU, ANE, GPU, camera, mics, speakers, etc. it's a lot easier with a nearly homogenous ecosystem
<steffen[m]> Glanzmann: currently have an air and was looking to upgrade to mini led/120hz in a small/light design. Guess I’ll wait
<kaprests> ChaosPrincess: Yeah good point :p I suppose one can in principle implement something similar for any phone with an ultra wide camera. The challenge would just be the image processing I guess
<kaprests> opticron: Yeah good points
<Glanzmann> j`ey: It think so, too. But maybe I'll do it anyway, we'll see. No impulse buys today possible. :-)
<Glanzmann> steffen[m]: I see.
<jannau> oh, 8, 16 and 24GB ram options on the m2 macbook air
<mini> still only one external display
<mini> > One external display with up to 6K resolution at 60Hz
<Glanzmann> The config, I would use on the m1 would be 2309 EUR.
<nicolas17> kaprests: there is no public API/protocol for anything in Continuity
<opticron> I'm surprised they're still using the touchbar on the 13" MBP
<nicolas17> for 3rd party OSs to use
<j`ey> Glanzmann: yeah i tried.. 1800gbp... thats expensive
<sven> only one display in the m2 is quite sad :/
<sven> *on
<j`ey> :<
<nicolas17> kaprests: there's APIs for like, third party iOS apps to integrate with Handoff, but the actual communication is all opaque... some day I'm gonna reverse it >:o
<nicolas17> but it's a pain, the magic where the devices are Bluetooth-paired by simply being logged in to the same iCloud account, involves pretty much sending iMessages back and forth
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<julianknewitz[m]> Hi Guys, I hope my question is not too amateur, but since I've not found any answers via google: Can we ever expect Touch ID to work in asahi or is it too proprietary?
<ChaosPrincess> we might
<sven> eventually yes
<sven> don’t think anyone is actively working on it right now though
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<WindowPain_> There's a WWDC session on running x86_64 Linux binaries with Rosetta 2
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<mps> Glanzmann: I remember that you were interested in perl script for charge control. I wrote quick one in C if you want to try it
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<mps> it is still hackish but could be easily changed and extended
<kaprests> nicolas17: I see, looking forward to it :)
<kaprests> nicolas17: yeah, I wouldn't really know what I'm talking about, but seems like it would take some effort
<milek7> huh? rosetta for linux?
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<IcaroDextris[m]> <nicolas17> "kaprests: there's APIs for like,..." <- There is a research about that, for reimplementing it as open source, from a German university if I recall correctly. The repo is on GitHub
<Cy8aer[m]> > huh? rosetta for linux?
<Cy8aer[m]> hm it is more emulating linux x86 in rosetta
<IcaroDextris[m]> * > <> kaprests: there's APIs for like, third party iOS apps to integrate with Handoff, but the actual communication is all opaque... some day I'm gonna reverse it >:o
<IcaroDextris[m]> There is a research about that, for reimplementing it as open source, from a German university if I recall correctly. The repo is on GitHub
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<Glanzmann> mps: I see, I liked the perl one better, less code. :-)
<mps> Glanzmann: yes, but C version runs as daemon
<mps> m1n1m4[m] asked me few days ago how to run as daemon on boot and I rewrote it in C
<ktz_[m]> they decided to announce the m2 at 6/6/2022(6) I'm sure it was just a coincidence
<nicolas17> IcaroDextris[m]: some stuff goes via AWDL so you'd need owl yes
<nicolas17> and reversing AWDL itself would have been way above my head so it's great that they did it lol
<IcaroDextris[m]> I think would be great to keep this project “pinned” when the hardware support is complete
<IcaroDextris[m]> Finger crossed 🤞🏻
<Glanzmann> Has someone found singlethread performance comparison between m1 and m2?
<Glanzmann> mps: I see, but you could have also add three lines of code and run the perl script as daemon. :-)
<ktz_[m]> hehe
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<mps> Glanzmann: yes I know but wanted to play a little
<mps> actually I usually run perl and other scripts for long running things with runit
<Glanzmann> mps: I see.
<Glanzmann> Time to hit bed, see you guys around.
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<Dcow[m]> povik: congrats on v2! looks like we are closer! thank you very much!
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<milek7> how does this rosetta thing work with TSO? do they enable it for whole VM?
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<qeeg> what does everyone here think of the new macbooks?
<milek7> otherwise I can't see how it would safely work given they could be context-switched anytime by the guest kernel
<tpw_rules> presumably the binfmt-misc handler takes care of that
<tpw_rules> actually i see your point
<povik> Dcow[m]: thanks! we are indeed closer
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<kov> I wonder if this means we can also use rosetta under bare metal linux?
<kov> or maybe the guest runtime passes the calls through to the macos runtime somehow
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<user982492> Does this allow for Rosetta under Asahi Linux or just in a VM?
<j`ey> no, it's macOS software so cant run it under asahi
<j`ey> actually, as kov says, thats assuming that it's doing some paravirt stuff to the macOS host
<user982492> Did Apple say if there is a Linux Rosetta running in the VM or if it is just passing stuff to the macOS Rosetta?
<user982492> If there is a Linux Rosetta, it I think it would work under Asahi, if it is just using the macOS Rosetta I think it would not.
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<user982492> I guess we will find out when someone copies the Rosetta share and tries to run it under Asahi Linux.
<user982492> I wonder how Linux Rosetta handles the page size issue.
<nicolas17> "the rosetta share"?
<Dcow[m]> case VZErrorNotSupported:
<Dcow[m]> // Rosetta isn't supported on the host Mac or macOS version.
<Dcow[m]> That error code suggests that is still uses macOS for rosseta on Linux
<Dcow[m]> But that indeed have some Linux runtime
<user982492> Dcow[m]: All it means is that the share is provided by macOS Rosetta.
<user982492> nicolas17: The link I posted described what it is
<nicolas17> o.o
<user982492> But it isn't clear if it just provides the binaries to linux, or if the binaries communicate with macOS Rosetta.
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<user982492> Linux Rosetta would be better than FEX-Emu because it would be able to take advantage of additional optimizations specific to M1.
<nicolas17> user982492: looks like it's actually Rosetta recompiled to run on Linux
<nicolas17> there's measures to prevent it from working without macOS, or on a non-Apple ARM64 CPU
<nicolas17> and it would be illegal to patch those restrictions out of the binary >.>
<user982492> Where do you see the measures to prevent it from working without macOS?
<nicolas17> it runs an ioctl on the binary itself, so having the binary as a file somewhere in your Linux won't work, it has to be in the share provided by macOS
<user982492> Can the virtfs mount be faked?
<user982492> I don't think it would be illegal unless you used it on a non-Apple CPU. But I do not know.
<nicolas17> I mean, this seems like a DRM-like feature
<nicolas17> you probably don't have a license to use that binary outside macOS
<j`ey> just use fexemu :3
<user982492> From what I can see online Fex-Emu is not nearly as fast or complete as Rosetta. I don't have an Apple Silicon Mac yet so I haven't tested it myself.
<user982492> But who knows if Linux Rosetta is as fast as macOS Rosetta
<j`ey> more people using and contributing can help!
<user982492> Also is FEX-Emu AOT?
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<user982492> I'm hoping the Linux Rosetta license only says it must be run on an Apple Silicon CPU.
<user982492> The fact the there is a check makes it more likely that it would work under Asahi Linux with the check removed.