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<chadmed> joske: i cant seem to reproduce the bad reg sync here with my patches. fwiw i also didnt have any problem applying them to the latest asahi branch whatsoever, so the fact that you did might suggest youve left some cruft in your branch and things have fallen out of sync
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<austen> which browser can I use for DRM support in Asahi?
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<austen> I just want to watch videos from Udemy, can anyone help me, please?
<nicolas17> Retr0id: did you get widevine to work on arm64 linux?
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<chadmed> google dont publish an arm64 cdm afaik
<nicolas17> they might for chromebooks, and Retr0id would be the kind of crazy person to try it
<chadmed> chromeos userspace is 32 bit aiui
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<nicolas17> ah crap
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<austen> widevine don't support for arm64 :D
<chadmed> yeah
<chadmed> theres no widevine blob at all for arm64 linux
<chadmed> the only one that exists is for macos which is very funny
<nicolas17> not Android either?
<chadmed> android does the same thing as chromeos i think
<austen> Is there any way to enable for asahi? Nothing?
<chadmed> austen: no, its a proprietary blob provided by google and they do not provide one for the linux abi
<austen> how can I watch Udemy videos, is there any ways?
<chadmed> not if it relies on widevine
<nicolas17> you should be glad that kind of DRM is available on x86 Linux nowadays :P
<nicolas17> a decade ago a website like udemy would tell you to install a Windows-only browser plugin!
<nicolas17> austen: reboot back into macOS
<chadmed> windows media player drm popups when trying to play CDs were always fun
<psykose> i hope we never go back to that
<refi64> you can definitely get the binaries from Chrome OS, it's just a PITA to extract & involves pulling it from the recovery issue
<refi64> I've long debating automating this somehow for a widevine extension for the flatpak, but it's just...tricky
<nicolas17> refi64: yes but if it's arm32 it's not useful here
<refi64> I'm quite sure it was arm64
<refi64> okay no I lied it was arm32, rip
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<aurelian> hey all, thanks for all the hard work on asahi.
<aurelian> I was curious if anyone is running Gnome, I can't get the dark mode to work
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<corion> Is there any way to feasibly figure out just how apple manages to get the touchpad so smooth in macos? Linux feels like a decade or two behind.
<corion> Specifically the acceleration where you can scroll a page with high precision.
<corion> I know about the project, but was mostly wondering if there is anything asahi can/will add to the field of research.
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<kallisti> hey does anyone know how I can easily reset my password as I don't want to have to reinstall
<nicolas17> the Linux login password?
<kallisti> I tried setting kernel parameters via archlinux instructions, but wasn't able to access tty9 and the shell setting method I couldn't use my keyboard
<kallisti> nicolas17: yeah
<nicolas17> were you able to modify the kernel parameters in grub?
<kallisti> yes
<kallisti> For 2) I couldn't use the shell it booted to
<kallisti> For 3) I couldn't seem to find a key combo to bring me to tty9
<nicolas17> hm did you get those numbers backwards?
<kallisti> So they were both fruitless unfortunatly
<kallisti> Yeah I got them backwards. My bad
<nicolas17> (option 2 mentions tty9)
<nicolas17> okay
<nicolas17> does your Mac have a touchbar?
<kallisti> No
<nicolas17> (F9 gets more complicated in that case :P)
<nicolas17> I suspect with the init=/bin/bash method you were hitting the "Some keyboards may not be loaded properly by the init system" issue
<kallisti> Someone mentioned chrooting from a container or vm. But I don't have a guide handy for that
<kallisti> That's probably it.
<mps_> kallisti: fn+9
<nicolas17> you need someone with more of a clue than me :p about how the keyboard is initialized, and/or how to enter tty9, and/or how to boot via USB...
<mps_> also, it is possible with usb keyboard
<kallisti> mps_: I think I got to the ttys with more keys that that. But only able to get tty5 & 6
<kallisti> hmm I don't have a usb keyboard or a regular usb port
<kallisti> seems like i'm up shits creek and reinstalling will be the easiest way :/
<mps_> internal keyboard fn+NumberKeys are mapped to F keys
<nicolas17> yeah but if they can get to tty5 and tty6 then they figured out the right key combo already
<kallisti> yeah but I could only get to those ttys
<mps_> then maybe nothing is running on tty5 and tty6
<kallisti> So I think tty9 might be disabled
<kallisti> No, I got login screens on tty5&6
<mps_> aha, so nothing on tty9 is running?
<kallisti> iirc yes
<kallisti> probably got a blank screen when I tried entering that
<ncl> are you the kallisti i knew
<kallisti> i dunno what kallisti you knew
<kallisti> from where idk
<mps_> I know that mappings works very fine, tested it extensively when I wrote that patch.
<kallisti> This will do a normal boot but start debug-shell.service which runs a root shell (/bin/sh) on tty9. Press Ctrl+Alt+F9 to access it.
<ncl> rizon 10y ago
<kallisti> Look from the archlinux docs they mention ctrl+alt+f9
<nicolas17> mps_: the key mapping works since they can get to tty5; but tty9 isn't working so something else is up
<kallisti> so what keys are you suggesting?
<mps_> but if no process runs on tty than pressing fn+alt+N keys is useless
<kallisti> I was sort of mashing keys but able to get to tty5&6
<kallisti> no alt key on macOS keyboard
<mps_> kallisti: alt is option or command
<ncl> cmd=win option=alt
<kallisti> Anyhow don't think it will work. But I will have to leave the chat to test as I'm in macOS now.
<mps_> ncl: keys could be remapped when keyboard driver is loaded
<kallisti> ncl: idk rizon
<mps_> boot from live usb stick, mount mvme root partition and reset password
<ncl> oh if this is all about resetting the pw i think there's a cmdline you can stick in to force systemd into a root shell with no login
<nicolas17> mps_: how do you boot from live usb stick? need to tell uboot or grub to load OS from there?
<kallisti> mps_: yeah hmm unfortunately don't have a usb stick
<mps_> nicolas17: yes, break u-boot and tell it to boot from usb
<kallisti> er, perhaps i do have a nvme flash drive with usb c
<kallisti> so what can i use to create a bootable image on an external flash drive?
<kallisti> does the ashai install script work for that?
<ncl> i forget the exact invocation but it's something with SYSTEMD_SULOGIN_FORCE
<mps_> nicolas17: here is short guide how to boot from usb I wrote for alpine and there are somewhere for debian and iirc for nixos somewhere
<kallisti> ncl: do we set environment like we do kernel parameters? I am really just an ignorant end user so idk these things
<ncl> yes but systemd can set envvar based on kernel cmdline if you eg. interrupt grub and append to it
<ncl> yeah
<kallisti> So is the concensus I should try entering kernel parameter SYSTEMD_SULOGIN_FORCE=1 and hope that I can login like that from tty5 or 6?
<mps_> does 'init=/bin/sh' works
<ncl> not usually anymore with systemd, if it does it's still a bit of a pain but uh
<ncl> 'rescue systemd.setenv=SYSTEMD_SULOGIN_FORCE=1'
<kallisti> Or that I should try to install to my usb c flash drive and chroot into the system and reset the password that way? Finally chrooting from docker or a vm on mac os would be nice because I wouldn't have to reboot (until testing if it worked)
<nicolas17> mps_: if I understand correctly, that gets them a shell but the keyboard doesn't work
<nicolas17> is there something in userspace loading keyboard firmware or something?
<mps_> nicolas17: ah, driver is module and it is initramfs I guess
<nicolas17> there you go
<ncl> i'll test
<kallisti> yeah so should I just try appending rescue systemd.setenv==SYSTEMD_SULOGIN_FORCE=1 now?
<kallisti> with a single = ...
<mps_> heh, that is why i built all basic drivers in-kernel and not as modules for alppine asahi kernel
<ncl> yeah it works
<kallisti> ok I will give it a shot. fingers crossed as I have already lost a couple hours tooling around :?
<kallisti> ;?
<kallisti> ;/
<ncl> when you see grub pop up just tap 'e', arrow down to the line beginning with "linux", add "rescue systemd.setenv=SYSTEMD_SULOGIN_FORCE=1" to the end, fn+f10 to boot, enter when you reach a prompt
<ncl> and you'll get a root shell
<kallisti> yeah nice. I get the kernel params part. Thanks I will give it a shot!
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<kallisti> hmm yeah it said root account is locked or similar... didn't work :?
<kallisti> ;/
<kallisti> tempting to just reinstall since it's burning all my time
<ncl> weird, that's also the advice for getting past a locked root account but shrug i'd give up by now too
<kallisti> yeah i dunno. I could try to boot chroot. I would probably be better off cause I wouldn't lose my config that way.
<kallisti> But yeah, how should I build a bootable usb. And anyone have chroot instructions? I do these things once every 2-5 years ...
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<kallisti> Going to try to see if I can launch asahi from virtualbox on the mac. That would be pretty awesome and make this easier. Or if I could chroot from a virtual environment
<nicolas17> well virtualbox would emulate a standard ARM64 system without the Mac's peculiarities, I'm not sure if the asahi kernel is configured to run on generic ARM systems too, but maybe
<mps_> I tested with qemu on macos, and it is possible to mount linux partitions on it and do changes
<mps_> generic arm kernel, not asahi is needed in VM
<nicolas17> asahi kernel is not needed in VM, but does it *work* in VM?
<mps_> nicolas17: asahi kernel could be compiled to run in VM ofc, but it is not needed
<nicolas17> yeah I'm asking if the shipped .config supports running in a generic VM :P
<kallisti> It looks like there is a virtualbox beta for macOS. But I have no idea how I would boot ashai using it, or using qemu
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<kallisti> Hmm it looks like I'm going to have to reinstall unless I want to spend all weekend tooling around.
<nicolas17> kallisti: I'm not sure if the asahi kernel will work in the VM, but what you *can* do is boot a normal arm64 linux and then mount the asahi partition from there
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<kallisti> nicolas17: Ahh ok. Yeah I thought about that. I have vbox running now. Guess I could get one of these prebuilt orcas linux builds
<nicolas17> ah crap, sunrise >.>
<kallisti> looks like I'll give UTM a shot then...
<kallisti> ahh, much easier. Now I just need to launch and chroot into the asahi install
<kallisti> any hints on chrooting?
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<kallisti> Anyone know how to access the filesystem from UTM to chroot into ashai to fix my password problem?
<ChaosPrincess> If you have spare disk space, maybe install a second copy via installer, reset the password and then delete it?
<kallisti> ChaosPrincess: so not possible to chroot into it from UTM / qemu, since I have that running?
<ChaosPrincess> Probably possible, i just have no idea how to passthrough the disk to the vm :P
<kallisti> Yeah, that makes sense. Was going to say something like mac OS probably doesn't understand the filesystem, so not sure how the host would pass it on to the VM
<ChaosPrincess> The os does not matter
<ChaosPrincess> And qemu defo can do it, you just put /dev/disk$something where you normally put the qcow file
<kallisti> Have UTM installed, think it's a wrapper around qemu
<kallisti> Not sure about what a qcow file is
<kallisti> not sure what /dev/disk$something we're discussing here? The /dev/disk$something path to where asahi is installed?
<kallisti> Guess I can try to play with qemu for a minute. Don't see /dev/disk* partitions via UTM
<ChaosPrincess> Pmuch that. Format=raw is the important bit
<kallisti> I'm not even sure which partition to specify. I take a look in disk utility and it looks like I'm missing some details there, but I do see some small partitions for Asahi there.
<kallisti> Seems like I want to do something like `qemu-system-arm64 -kernel bzImage -hda rootdisk.img -append "root=/dev/disk2s1" or `qemu-system-arm64 -kernel bzImage -hda rootdisk.img -append "root=/dev/disk2s2"
<kallisti> ``` qemu-system-aarch64 -kernel bzImage -hda rootdisk.img -append "root=/dev/disk2s1" -machine virt-7.2 qemu-system-aarch64: -hda rootdisk.img: Could not open 'rootdisk.img': No such file or directory```
<mps_> something like '-drive if=virtio,id=hd1,format=raw,file=/dev/disk0s6`
<kallisti> mps_: have you tried that?
<mps_> yes
<mps_> kallisti: here is my complete qemu start script
<mps_> ofc, you need to adapt it to your case
<mps_> though, my advice is to use my usb image and boot it from usb-c
<kallisti> sudo qemu-system-aarch64 -drive if=virtio,id=hd1,format=raw,file=/dev/disk0s6 -machine virt-7.2
<kallisti> seems like it's hanging so I assume I need to try a different /dev/disk0s* volume
<kallisti> Think it would give me an error if it didn't exist however
<mps_> I use plain qemu without any of these easy of use layers
<kallisti> mps_: the example looks handy. Any way to get the partition layout correct from macos so I[m not iterating?
<mps_> kallisti: I have not much experience with macos, but I think diskutil can give you hints what is what
<kallisti> yeah as above I mentioned i see 2s1 and 2s2 in du but I think these might not be right
<kallisti> your script returned qemu-system-aarch64: -soundhw: invalid option . guess my qemu don't have that option
<mps_> yes, iirc in last qemu this option is changed/removed
<mps_> for rescue I guess sound is not needed anyway ;)
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<kallisti> i'm getting no such file m1 and after setting the values to 2s1 and 2s2. about to try to write a for loop to iterate over the damn values...
<dgb> diskutil list
<ChaosPrincess> The correct one is disk0
<ChaosPrincess> but mac os may complain
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<kallisti> mps_: looks like it is having trouble with the `-device` parameter also ^^
<kallisti> iterating throught he damn disks
<kallisti> here's what my disks look like via diskutil -list:
<mps_> kallisti: I posted script just as example and not as recipe, you have to adapt it to your use case
<mps_> kallisti: so looks like your asahi install is on the disk0s6
<kallisti> we must have iterated through that then
<kallisti> gotta fix the device error and whatever else
<mps_> kallisti: in my script `-drive if=virtio,id=hd0,format=raw,file=m1` you have to replace with your VM disk
<mps_> and you don't need ' -drive if=virtio,id=hd3,format=raw,file=m1hfs'
<dgb> also... disk0s3 and disk0s5 are both efi?
<mps_> dgb: I think so
<dgb> just want to point it out in case it's not intentional
<kallisti> mps_: I think we're trying to load the ashai kernel in the vm, arent we
<kallisti> ?
<mps_> no
<mps_> you should boot VM image and adding your asahi partition
<kallisti> Ok....
<mps_> then when VM boot you can mount manually your asahi root partition and fix it
<mps_> I guess simply adding '-drive if=virtio,id=hd1,format=raw,file=/dev/disk0s6` to your UTM should be enough
<kallisti> If qemu can load utm images I could use ~/Library/Containers/com.utmapp.UTM/Data/Documents/
<mps_> btw, this should be run as root on macos, or sudo
<kallisti> ~/Library/Containers/com.utmapp.UTM/Data/Documents/ArchLinux.utm
<mps_> I have no experience with UTM, sorry can't help with it
<mps_> I only tested with alpine iso and I know it works
<mps_> but if it works with alpine iso I don't see any reason it will not work with other distros iso
<corion> I have a question regarding the kde plasma menu. It seems there is a slight lag (with gpu drivers), but I get almost no lag in something like supertuxkart. How is that? Do I need to adjust something in kde?
<ChaosPrincess> X or wayland?
<kallisti> qemu-system-aarch64: Could not find ROM image 'QEMU_EFI.fd'
<corion> ChaosPrincess: wayland
<mps_> hm, so UTM doesn't have EFI file
<ChaosPrincess> kallisti: Just install a second copy and then delete it, would be way faster than fucking with utm
<kallisti> ChaosPrincess: here I will just download a qcow and not use the UTM file
<corion> ChaosPrincess: Like the marked item in the menu will lag behind the mouse pointer. There is also a delay when opening the menu at all.
<mps_> kallisti: if you have usb-c stick just follow this and you will have it in few minutes
<mps_> and you will have ready usb rescue system in case you need it later
<kallisti> Since I have spent this much time trying to get qemu working, it seems that would be ideal. It looks like you're chrooting asahi from qemu. That would help me to have a bridge between the two.
<kallisti> Like we're 95% there, and all I need is a working image now
<mps_> yes, that will also helpful
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<kallisti> So what's the fastest way to a non-utm image that I can use against qemu?
<mps_> kallisti: how to get QEMU_EFI.fd,
<mps_> read few first lines
<mps_> replace 'v3.12` with 'v3.17'
<mps_> oh
<kallisti> mps_: let me look. That url is broken for me but I see it here
<kallisti> simple method: there is ready made bootable alpine image which can be used: download link
<kallisti> Can I just download that bootable image?
<mps_> yes, it is now broken, I see
<mps_> oh no
<mps_> answer to wrong question
<kallisti> ?
<mps_> I talked about QEMU_EFI
<mps_> about bootable usb image, yes it could be downloaded and decompressed and then dd-ed to usb stick
<kallisti> Can I download an image to use as a qcow to boot via qemu?
<mps_> no, it is intended for real machine
<kallisti> So I can't use qemu with an image?
<mps_> right, this image is intended to boot apple silicon hardware, not VM
<kallisti> Ok, so you think I should write that image to an external source or partition somewhere?
<dgb> you can grab a qcow from your favourite distro
<dgb> it's pretty much a standard cloud image
<kallisti> look I'm ok with that m1 alpine image
<kallisti> let's use that one
<kallisti> so you think i should download that one, and write it to a disk and then use qemu to read from the written partition?
<mps_> kallisti: you don't need to write this iso to disk, use it as file param for qemu
<kallisti> ok.
<kallisti> so do we change the format line of the qemu parameter now? It was raw before, or is that correct for the iso?
<mps_> yes, you have to use iso img
<kallisti> -cdrom /path/to/alpine.iso
<mps_> `-drive if=virtio,id=hd0,format=raw,file=alpine-virt-3.17.0-aarch64.iso'`
<mps_> and -cdrom is also ok
<mps_> but I think we should move to #asahi-alt if we speak about alpine
<kallisti> I can move there if that's what you think
<mps_> please do, this channel is for official asahi distro discussion
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<corion> ChaosPrincess: Nevermind. Seems to be a common problem in kde on wayland.
<corion> ChaosPrincess: So it's not asahi related.
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<DexterHaxxor> how is thunderbolt support? would a eGPU work?
<corion> no.
<corion> There is no thunderbolt support.
<corion> It's a work in progress.
<ChaosPrincess> thunderbolt support is coming eventually, but egpus are likely to never happen
<ChaosPrincess> there pci bus on this machines is a bit broken, in such a way that it will affect egpus but unlikely to a affect other devices
<DexterHaxxor> what? why is that?
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<DexterHaxxor> is that on purpose somehow?
<ChaosPrincess> gpu drivers map the gpu memory in a certain mode, and m1 does not support mapping pci bus in such a mode
<ChaosPrincess> unlikely, most likely its just the engineers thought that people will not need this mode
<DexterHaxxor> could you work around that if you had like an arc where the driver is open
<ChaosPrincess> and m1 is not the only device with pci-e broken in such a way to only affect gpus
<ChaosPrincess> yes, you can, but it will require a lot of work in the drivers and unlikely to be upstreamable
<DexterHaxxor> so it's not really worth it
<DexterHaxxor> got it, thanks
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<eileen> just made a terrible terrible partitioning mistake
<eileen> so i want to be extra careful now
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<eileen> i'm trying to mount a rootfs from nvme
<eileen> sofar i've made the linux fs partition "/dev/disk0s4" with
<eileen> diskutil addPartition disk0s3 %Linux% %noformat% 0
<eileen> using the root.img from
<eileen> would 'dd if=root.img of=/dev/disk0s4' be sufficient?
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<eileen> i feel like i'm missing to mkfs.ext4 but i'm not sure how/if diskutil supports that
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<ChaosPrincess> should be sufficient, but add bs=1m and do rdisk0s4 instead
<eileen> thank you :)
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<mamba> is fde something that is to be expected at some point?
<sven> sure
<sven> i think some people already set it up themselves
<sven> eventually I'd really like to use the secure enclave for fde. that's still quite a long time away though
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<eileen_> ChaosPrincess: sorry for the late reply, worked great! thank you :))
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