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<runxiyu> uboot-images-armv8.noarch includes a bunch of images that I don't need and takes a lot of disk space... any way I could remove the part I don't need without breaking everything?
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<flokli> Hmmm, is it expected for "Startup Security Utility" to not allow configuring the security policy for MacOS anymore after having installed Asahi? I'm trying to follow to enable kernel extensions for macfuse (on the MacOS partition), but it only lists the asahi system there.
<flokli> ...while I can boot into MacOS or asahi just fine
<chadmed> you need to set your default boot install to macos first, it won't do it for you in this case
<chadmed> you can set it back after youve disabled SIP etc on macos
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<flokli> Woah
<flokli> Indeed, that did the trick. Thanks!
<chadmed> no problem :)
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<j`ey> runxiyu: presumably you can just delete the files
<j`ey> dunno if dnf will complain
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<vveapon> PaulFertser: that was a good idea. it doesn't behave as though it's loaded and just isn't rendering, it just straight up doesn't load the file! software GL also makes no difference, which makes me think this isn't a graphics issue
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<PaulFertser> vveapon: yes, it kind of sounds like probably some aarch64-specific bug. Probably the easiest is to get the source from which the package is built, load it in GDB, set some breakpoints.
<PaulFertser> vveapon: another thing that might be quick and easy to try is to create an amd64 chroot, put qemu-user-static there , enable the appropriate binfmt support and run amd64 version of cura from that chroot.
<vveapon> oh yes
<vveapon> I will do some more digging
<j`ey> vveapon: I assume youve tried various models?
<PaulFertser> Foreign chroot is surprisingly easy to get going thanks to qemu and binfmt.
<PaulFertser> vveapon: I assume you are using properly packaged Cura, not some flatpack filth or similar?
<vveapon> hah, correct. I'm running the Fedora packaged one installed from dnf
<vveapon> j`ey: yes, multiple STLs
<vveapon> I've done qemu binfmt chroots in Debian before, I should have a go at that here
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<PaulFertser> vveapon: have you checked if it probably prints anything something if you give it full path as a command line argument? Another quick thing to try might be strace when it's starting like that, filtering for open() calls.
<leio> fwiw, I installed Cura via flatpak and it "just works" (up to the point I could get with the wizard it pops up when not having a printer); software rendering though, as I don't have
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<jannau> vveapon: cura from fedora works on a m1 with 8gb and a 4k display. loading the first model takes a very long time (maybe 1-2 minutes, not sure what's going on) but works after that as expected
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<leio> likely compiling some shaders and then ends up in cache until next driver or other relevant component update. GTK4 is having that fun where on something like rpi it can take a minute at first, but then flatpaks don't share the shader cache and every flatpak GTK app gets to go through it
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<vveapon> hmm, let me try open a model and just leave it
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<vveapon> jannau: holy crap, it loaded! it just took like 4 entire minutes
<vveapon> funnily enough cura thinks it did the job much quicker
<vveapon> 2024-06-17 10:18:44,012 - DEBUG - [JobQueueWorker [3]] [83]: Loading file took 0.0 seconds
<vveapon> I'm going to have to dig in to the source code and see what is going on
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* vveapon dreams of an Asahi Linux iPad port
<j`ey> vveapon: what about loading a second time?
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<vveapon> loading models is instant after that
<vveapon> either the same model or a not previously loaded one
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<vveapon> interim solution: leave cura running forever
<luvirini> Has anyone gotten the signal desktop app working on Fedora Asashi remix?
<vveapon> yep, I'm using the RPMs from Suse
<luvirini> ok, I am trying to use them too, but get weird problems.. :)
<luvirini> so what magic did you use?
<vveapon> ^ this one specifically, I didn't have to do any magic I'm aware of, just installed it and it's been working
<luvirini> oh
<luvirini> yeah
<luvirini> I used that one, but getting crashes
<vveapon> I've had very occasional crashes but in general it's fine
<vveapon> maybe crashed once or twice in total and I use it every day
<vveapon> sorry that's not very helpful for you I guess :/
<luvirini> I get "Render process is gone" every time
<luvirini> but good to know it works for someone at least :)
<vveapon> initially video playback didn't work, but that was fixed at some point in a recent update
<luvirini> I get error on start every time
<luvirini> thus my question.
<vveapon> let me fire up my install in a terminal and I'll see if it outputs anything interesting
<luvirini> I get:
<luvirini> Render process is gone
<luvirini> Error: Reason: crashed, Exit Code: 139
<luvirini> at App.emit (node:events:514:28)
<luvirini> at App.<anonymous> ([REDACTED]/app/global_errors.js:3:459)
<luvirini> at WebContents.<anonymous> (node:electron/js2c/browser_init:2:79410)
<luvirini> at WebContents.emit (node:events:514:28)
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<luvirini> as a popup after the signal ball jumps a few seconds
<vveapon> interesting
<vveapon> only error output here is "[307757:0617/] GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 1 times!
<vveapon> "
<vveapon> running 7.11.1-1.1 from the above repos
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<luvirini> ok, I am running a bit newer: signal-desktop-7.12.0-1.1.
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<vveapon> I will upgrade :)
<vveapon> ok luvirini, same issue here too
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<luvirini_weby> hmm.. and hexchat crashes when that happens
<luvirini_weby> ah ok, so the new version does not work
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<luvirini_weby> hmm.. the repository only seems to have new version. Will have to search for the older
<luvirini_weby> but thank you vveapon
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<vveapon> luvirini: I noted that nodejs-electron is currently rebuilding for aarch64 F40 on the opensuse build tracker
<vveapon> x86_64 is shipping 6.4 of the package already, aarch64 is still on 6.3
<vveapon> I will install this when it finishes building and see if it helps
<luvirini> the snap version seems to work
<luvirini> so my acute problem is solved.. but yes, it would be nice if it worked more directly
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<vveapon> ok installing the freshly built 6.4 nodejs-electron package didn't help either :(
<luvirini> ok
<luvirini> well, I guess the snap version it is then currently
<luvirini> but thanks again vveapon