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<Malaph> hey everyone .. i have a dumb question
<Malaph> asahi on ipad
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<Malaph> i did make an attempt to find the answer wthout bothering anyone.
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<runxiyu_> Hi, my system is stuck at "Downloading Packages" after "sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot"
<runxiyu_> Its been stuck for at least two minutes according to dmesg's timestamps
<runxiyu_> Is it supposed to be silent?
<runxiyu_> Alright... it finally started transaction checks
<runxiyu_> Nevermind, thanks
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<chadmed> Malaph: not possible, the ipad bootloader is locked
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<Malaph> @chadmed thank you
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<agsv> umm crucial step on the way to upgrade to fedora:
<agsv> how do I boot to macos again?
<j`ey> long hold the power button
<agsv> on boot?
<j`ey> yeah
<j`ey> it'll then say 'keep holding to load startup options', or something like that
<agsv> got it
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<agsv> umm ran into a situation
<agsv> i deleted the volumes like said
<agsv> tried to restart the machine
<agsv> even mac won't boot now. getting boot recovery assistant
<agsv> what now rofl
<j`ey> did you run diskutil list to get the disk numbers, or just copy the commands?
<agsv> lol i double checked
<agsv> it just happened to be the same numbers
* j`ey gotta afk, hopefully someone can help
<agsv> I think boot was also broken in the original guide too. just I had to upgrade macos to 13.5 on the way there as well tha seemed to broke it.
<jannau> agsv: is that offering selecting a new startup disk?
<agsv> it's offering to reinstall mac
<agsv> which I kinda needed anyway
<agsv> ill keep yall posted
<jannau> this seems strange. can you try to boot into system recovery? press power shortly, release it and immediately after that hold it
<jannau> until recovery starts
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<agsv> imean i'm in recovery
<agsv> oh i got it maybe
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<jannau> that should display the boot picker and options and not offer to reinstall macos
<agsv> yeahh it's that pop up you only get when you boot
<agsv> booted to mac and upgrading it rn
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<agsv> ok finally booted on my minimal fedora
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<agsv> how do I configure wifi on fedora?
<agsv> I can't even remember how I did it on arch and I only backed up home ;)
<PaulFertser> agsv: same "nmtui" probably?
<PaulFertser> agsv: as on any system you can first check "iw list" to see the adapter and drivers and firmware all loaded and ready, also "iw dev wlan0 scan" for manual scan and a smoke test of functionality.
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<agsv> yeah that works
<PaulFertser> agsv: so if NetworkManager is installed you should be able to use nmtui to connect to a wifi network right away
<PaulFertser> Is it?
<PaulFertser> If not there're other quick ways to get Internet access.
<agsv> got it with nmcli
<agsv> guess I should fire nmtui when going online outside my house from now on
<agsv> can it remember passwords?
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<PaulFertser> agsv: sure, both nmtui and nmcli are front ends to NetworkManager, they work the same as that GUI applet in a panel.
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<agsv> demmit is it too late to pick gnome lol
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<PaulFertser> agsv: never too late, if you have enough disk space you can have as many DEs and other environments as you want, and choose between them dynamically in DM while logging in.
<PaulFertser> agsv: also GNOME experience is much less polished on Asahi, keep that in mind. E.g. there're no tricks to deal with "fractional scaling" in certain cases, also only KDE includes shader-based ICC (colour management) etc.
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<agsv> thanks
<agsv> well I installed lightdm and dwm but I never used lightdm before. I understand it doesn't simply run ~/.xinitrc
<chadmed> x11 is a less than good experience on this hardware. if you must have dwm then use dwl instead so youre on wayland
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<agsv> ugh ofc. never ran wayland before though
<chadmed> things are mature enough that it doesnt really matter anymore
<chadmed> x11 is fundamentally broken on this hardware though and will never be fixed
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<tramtrist> 👍
<PaulFertser> full gear all the time every time
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