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<mort_> Does anyone else have issues with bluetooth audio reliability?
<mort_> My earbuds keep cutting out, like audio plays for a second then it's silent for half a second etc
<PaulFertser> mort_: is that that 2.4 GHz WiFi used at the same time?
<mort_> PaulFertser: I haven't checked, but I wouldn't think so, the WiFi I'm connected to does support 5GHz
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<mort_> though it's one SSID with two frequencies, not a separate 5GHz SSID, so I can't say for sure
<PaulFertser> mort_: please check with "iw dev wlan0 link" to say for sure (substitute wlan0 with actual interface).
<mort_> ah there it is, I tried iwconfig but that was missing and was looking for how to do it without iwconfig
<mort_> freq: 5220.0 -- though note that bluetooth audio is currently working fine, I don't know for sure that I wasn't on 2.4GHz when there were issues
<mort_> I would however be very surprised if I'm ever on 2.4GHz when 5GHz is available and has excellent signal strength (-36 dBm)
<PaulFertser> mort_: iwconfig is using deprecated wireless extensions with ioctls, so it's not suitable for modern drivers. Yes, please check the frequency next time, as wifi interference is the usual problem.
<mort_> why is this never an issue in macOS or with any other system?
<mort_> I'll check next time regardless though
<PaulFertser> mort_: macOS knows more magic about the broadcom wireless hardware and enables "bluetooth coexistence" somehow. But Asahi has to count on a bunch of silly android drivers and reverse engineering to support it.
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<PaulFertser> mort_: btw even though SSID is the same for your 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz AP the BSSID (MAC address) is different, so you can force your wireless config to connect only to specific 5 GHz BSSID with that SSID.
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