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<Calandracas> any asahi specific security advice? I know there's no secure boot yet
<Calandracas> specifically secureing the bootprocess. stuff like avoiding/detecting tampering of the ESP
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<nicolas17> Calandracas: I think none of that is implemented yet
<nicolas17> the Apple bootrom verifies the signature of iBoot (signed by Apple), iBoot verifies the signature of m1n1 stage1 (signed by your machine's secure enclave when you installed Asahi), then m1n1 stage1 loads m1n1 stage2 -> uboot -> grub -> linux, and none of those have any security or integrity checks yet
<Calandracas> thanks for the info
<nicolas17> it's planned(tm)
<Calandracas> I took a look at this and gathered that the initial macos sets up some sort of MOK, is this tied to the macos user i created?
<Calandracas> I picked a really shitty password, do you know if changing the password is sufficient, or would a clean install be better :P
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<Calandracas_> Is this the best place to report general issues: ?
<j`ey> probably the linux repo is better, but upstream is the best
<Calandracas_> Thanks
<j`ey> what's the issue?
<Calandracas_> Unable to mount an F2FS filesystem
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<j`ey> that's just an issue with F2FS and page sizes
<Calandracas_> "Invalid log_blocksize(12), supports only 14
<Calandracas_> ah so that just a general 16kb pagesize issue?
<j`ey> yeah
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<j`ey> F2FS only supports PAGE_SIZE, which is fixed at compile time
<Calandracas_> hum so rebuilding f2fs-tools might help?
<j`ey> or check if it has an option for tha?
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<jannau> to my knowledge is still true, i.e. no 4K <> 16K page size interoperability in f2fs
<Calandracas_> looking at the diff in here
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<jcool> Hi any update on the microphone support? It has been WIP for a very long time now. Anything I could help out with to accelerate the development?
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<bheung> On my M2 Mini, I have ~30% packet loss on the built-in 1GB Broadcom ethernet. It isn't happening when I use a USB ethernet adapter. This is on a default Fedora Asahi Remix. Where should I start investigating? Thanks!
<bheung> ifconfig is showing "RX errors 1 dropped 344 overruns 0 frame 5", netstat -s is showing drops, socket buffer overrun, etc but I don't know if that is relevant
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