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<fl0_id> hey, was looking for advice on what could help to get M3 support. (apart from monetary support) I have done low level debugging etc on linux and mac before, f.e. grub-efi debugging on the first macbook air, but not rly any kernel level development
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<fl0_id> like, I know that some exploration etc was/is done with m1n1, so does that work already or are there also fixes needed for that?
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<j`ey> fl0_id: there's some PRs for m3 support, and some was merged
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<fl0_id> j`ey do you know in which repo? m1n1 repo?
<fl0_id> j`ey and thx
<j`ey> yeah the m1n1 repo
<j`ey> ja_nnau: had linux running, but afaik didnt put the patches anywhere
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<fl0_id> j`ey thx. at least in the main repo, I didn't see anything that would fit with that
<fl0_id> ah tx
<fl0_id> do you know if it would be helpful to test this on my machine, or would it just be too much work/a hindrance?
<j`ey> it woulldnt help much to test, but its a start if you want to try dev
<fl0_id> ok thx
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