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<chadmed> depends on your use case. i wouldnt go smaller than 256gb but that's just me
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<runxiyu> depends too much on your workflow and habits
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<LarstiQ> I'm at 150gb and finding it a bit too small
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<vmk> does asahi support connecting to the monitor via usb typec (DP)? [asked this a while ago, wondering if there was any progress on this front] running asahi on M1 mac mini (6.8.10-400.asahi.fc39.aarch64+16k)
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<nicolas17> vmk: no, there's still no displayport support
<vmk> nicolas17: thank you, are there adapters that can turn usb-c into DP?
<vmk> (that will work with asahi)
<nicolas17> "getting a video signal out of a USB-C connector" *is* displayport
<vmk> nicolas17: sorry, not well versed in terminology. i have a monitor with HDMI, DVI, DP inputs, currently macmini feeds it with hdmi<>hdmi, but i'd like to use usb-c->DP cable that i have, that's impossible right now, right? what are my options, given that i'd like to use hdmi port on the monitor to work with hdmi only device (switch)
<opticron> I suppose displaylink might be an option (a USB-based solution unrelated to native displayport output)
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<PaulFertser> Yes, displaylink should work but people report that it affects latency of other processes (so e.g. sound playback starts to stutter).
<PaulFertser> Also it requires out of tree kernel drivers (unless we're talking about the old displaylink models the HighSpeed ones).
<opticron> yeah, displaylink just isn't great in general
<nicolas17> stare at sven until displayport works (:
<opticron> don't do it! they'll push the release date back another month!
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