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<mort_> every now and then, I can't complete kernel upgrades because /boot is full. Can I configure fedora to keep fewer kernel versions and delete them automatically?
<chadmed> mort_: should be fixed in a forthcoming release. dracut was building enormous initramfses.
<jannau> mort_: early adaptor woes: `dnf remove dracut-config-generic dracut-config-rescue` and you can delete the rescue kernel and initramfs
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<mort_> I did notice that the initramfs was pretty big (140M)
<mort_> so after uninstalling dracut-config-generic and dracut-config-rescue, do I manually delete the initramfs, dtb, symvers,, vmlinuz and config associated with the old versions?
<mort_> there's no tool which put them there which will be annoyed that I deleted files it existed to be there or anything?
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<mort_> oh and the rescue vmlinuz
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<chadmed> you can delete any old/unused kernel versions if youre game
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<jannau> mort_: after deleting the rescue kernel/initramfs you should have enough space, new initramfs will be smaller for new kernels
<jannau> if you feel strongly you can re-generate the old ones with `dracut --regenerate-all --force` but I wouldn't bother
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<mort_> aaaa I updated the kernel and now the cursor lags hard when viewing a somewhat graphically heavy page in firefox
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<mort_> hm I don't know if it's about graphically heavy or if maybe it's because there's a bunch of heavy javascript running on mouse move or what... regardless, the cursor shouldn't lag
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<mort_> oh, sorry, it wasn't after the kernel update. I just happened to accidentally change a setting in the web application (by accidentally hitting a hotkey) right before or after rebooting for the upgrade. Still, a website should never be able to cause the cursor to lag, but at least it's not the update's fault
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<Calandracas_> how can i right click on a macbook (air m2) touchpad?
<PaulFertser> Calandracas_: try clicking with two fingers at the same time.
<Calandracas_> thanks that worked
<Calandracas_> i swear I tried that after reading it online, but now it works :P
<PaulFertser> Three might give you middle-click.
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<PaulFertser> In general you should be able to configure all that to your liking, it's regular "libinput", nothing Mac-specific.
<Calandracas_> Okay thanks, I'll look into that further
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* PaulFertser wonders why so many people come here NOT expecting Asahi Linux to behave exactly like any other modern distro on common x86 hardware...
<Calandracas_> yeah I should know better :P
<Calandracas_> oh shit you're the guy who helped me with my pinebookpro audio a couple of months ago :)
<PaulFertser> Probably :) I see you made the right hardware choice now :)
<Calandracas_> yeah, I ended up giving away the pbp to hopefully delay it becoming e-waste
<Calandracas_> its pretty nice going from native kernel builds taking > 6 hours to < 15 minutes
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<PaulFertser> And not having the charger IC stopping charging when you need it most :)
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<Calandracas_> yeah, less worrying about the battery burning my house down
<Calandracas_> And I'm now working on the void-linux asahi port, so I might have a couple of other stupid questions :P
<PaulFertser> PBP is kind of on the safe side there, stopping the charging (and powering the system because they're in parallel) altogether when the battery is just at 45 C :)
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<Calandracas_> Whats the status of the GPU drivers in upstream mesa? When building upstream mesa with asahi as a gallium3d driver, I still get llvmpipe rendering
<j`ey> Calandracas_: you cant use upstream
<j`ey> thats the status ;P
<j`ey> the userspace ABI isnt in upstream
<Calandracas_> fair enough lol
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