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<tawnyfrogmouth> Hi, I have an M3 pro from work, and I know asahi doesn't support it yet. My question is do I have any way to install linux outside the Apple OS? I don't mind having a basic setup for now, missing features and drivers, etc. if it's possible at all.
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<tawnyfrogmouth> I also don't mind trying to help in development or testing, although I might not be too much help.
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<tawnyfrogmouth> looking at the feature support I need to wait for / help with "Main Display" or "HDMI out" and "WiFi" or some kind of usb-C ethernet to have a minimal setup.
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<alicejustplaying> I've installed Asahi (fresh) with KDE; did a dnf upgrade; applied an ICC profile; rebooted; now all panels are black and unusable the screen blinks at times; removing the ICC profile setting or rebooting doesn't fix it. Am I missing something here
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<alicejustplaying> i had this set up like a month ago and all was fine, i just had to reinstall my entire computer
<j`ey> jannau mentioned some black panel issues, but with 6.1 beta, not 6.0
<chadmed> black panels are related to the blur effect. disable it
<chadmed> when you first apply an ICC profile though the screen will go black. locking the session (super+l) or switching tty and switching back will fix it
<chadmed> the icc profile requires a full screen repaint
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<lillianb> hi, i seem to have accidentally formatted my asahi boot partition from macOS. how can i restore it?
<chadmed> reinstall and use the backups of your files you should be keeping to restore your important data
<lillianb> that's silly, with a linux machine i would be able to reinstall the bootloader or otherwise regenerate just that partition
<lillianb> err with a machine where i know how to boot from usb.
<chaos_princess> install a second copy of linux, use it to copy the boot partition into the old place, and fix uuids in fstab&co
<lillianb> that might work but i'm worried about breaking more stuff while cleaning the new linux install up
<chaos_princess> don't worry, as long as you do not format macos by accident, you have infinite attempts to get it right :P
<chadmed> oh sorry you meant just the actual boot partition
<chadmed> yeah in that case what chaos_princess suggested. its ~impossible to _totally_ screw up
<chaos_princess> Famous last words
<chadmed> i totally didnt just spend the last 25 hours undoing an accidental rm -rf /* :)
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<alicejustplaying> chadmed: thanks i'll try that!
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<lillianb> i got distracted but managed to boot into asahi without setting up a new install, and now i'm not quite sure how to set up the bootloader...
<lillianb> it looks like there's a valid systemd-boot config, but this booted into grub (from where i manually told it how to boot)
<chaos_princess> which partition did you format, boot or ESP?
<lillianb> ESP
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<chaos_princess> try using EXPERT=1 and installing the "u-boot only"
<lillianb> i have u-boot, i'm not sure what u-boot is supposed to load afterwards
<j`ey> GRUB, on Fedora
<lillianb> ok, that's correct then
<lillianb> how do i get grub a config? it just boots into the shell right now
<j`ey> but if you erased the ESP, thats where uboot was..
<lillianb> yes i put it back
<lillianb> it just seems like grub isn't finding the config, i'm not too familiar with grub
<lillianb> `cp -r /boot/grub2 /boot/efi` and now it boots by itself, not sure it's the right place for that to be but progress
<lillianb> now it's not automounting stuff or loading the wifi driver (i assume, since there's no wifi interface)
<chaos_princess> automounting is probably failing because you have wrong ids in fstab.
<chaos_princess> wifi driver - make a separate linux install, copy `asahi` and `vendorfw` from it's ESP to yours
<chaos_princess> `vendorfw` contains the wifi firmware
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<js6pak> what's the plan for making gamepads work in krun? implementing virtio-input in libkrun?
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