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<vveapon> I am again seeking any ideas for why Ultimaker Cura (installed from the repo) just fails to load models on my Asahi Linux iMac, running Fedora 40
<vveapon> someone else said on their Asahi Linux machine it's fine, which is extra weird
<vveapon> could it somehow be due to the huge panel on the iMac? I tried with a smaller Cura window and had no luck
<vveapon> it doesn't seem to log anything or write anyting to stderr the model just ... doesn't load
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<PaulFertser> vveapon: I wonder if it means that it doesn't show the model but otherwise behaves as it's loaded or is it just going through file chooser etc and then silently drops to a state as if no models were loaded?
<PaulFertser> vveapon: have you yoou tried to run it with LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=true ?
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<dottedmag> Hello folks. Is there a technical documentation on what M* display controllers actually support (numbers of outputs, what could be routed where, bandwidths), not in marketing speech on Apple site?
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<jannau> dottedmag: not that I know of. on M1 dcp (primary display controller) is statically rooted to the internal display/hdmi output (via DP to HDMI converter)
<jannau> dcpext(s) can be freely routed to any usb-c port. Either for DP altmode (just a single one) or DP tunneled over USB4 (2 display controllers per port)
<jannau> dcp is limited to 5k, dcpext to 6k resolution. bandwidth is limited to DP 1.4 (4 lanes), they support DSC
<dottedmag> and the number of dcpext's is in the device tree, right?
<dottedmag> *dcpexts
<jannau> on m2 later dcp can be routed to the usb-c ports (in principle, FW might restrict it on laptops) and dcpext can be routed to the dp2hdmi converter
<jannau> yes, number of of dcpext is 1 for base M1/2/3, 2 for M1/2/3 Pro, 4 for M1/2/3 Max and 8 for M1/2 Ultra. M1 Ultra disables dcp on the second die, M2 Ultra on both dies
<jannau> M4 has 2 dcpext (from the ipad pro device tree)
<dottedmag> Thanks a lot, I'm going to write it down somewhere in wiki.
<dottedmag> Is internal display always served by dcp? What about M2 Ultra?
<jannau> yes, internal display is always served by dcp (probably can't be switched)
<jannau> there are no m2 ultra devices with internal display. if apple would release one (highly unlikely now) it would probably have/use dcp on one die
<dottedmag> got it
<dottedmag> I don't remember how the chips are laid out, is it only ultra that has two dies? then M1 Ultra has two dcp controllers?
<dottedmag> ah, sorry, misread. nevermind.
<j`ey> why does M1 Ultra disable only one die then?
<j`ey> I thought there was no m1 ultra devices with displays either
<maz> I guess dcp is connected to the HDMI output on M1-Ultra
<dottedmag> how easy it was when there was only M1 :)
<j`ey> maz: ah
<maz> j`ey: only a guess, I haven't actually checked.
<jannau> yes, the not disabled dcp is used to drive thye dp2hdmi converter. they could do that since 5k were enough for hdmi 2.0
<jannau> on m2* it makes sense to use dcpext since the dp2hdmi converter supports hdmi 2.1
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<dottedmag> what is 5k/6k limitation, does display controller have a maximum pixel width and height hardcoded, or is it total number of pixels, or something else?
<dottedmag> Also with USB4 tunnelling am I right that a USB4 hub with M* can only support 2 external displays, because one can't route output from more than two controllers to one port (even if bandwidth is not a problem)?
<jannau> not sure about 5k/6k, those come from apple. not sure what the actual limitation is but I suppose it is 6k, 60Hz, 10-bit RGB and not just the resolution
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<jannau> yes, just two display per port (I don't think single lane usb4 with dp altmode on 2 lanes is a thing). More displays would require DP MST support which apple silicon doesn't support
<dottedmag> Thanks. I hope this wiki page will be helpful to someone else in future.
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<j`ey> there's the thing where clamshell M3 can support two external displays, right?
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<dottedmag> Shouldn't M2 be able to too? Unless it's disabled in firmware, of course.
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<jannau> yes, but on macos so far only on the m3 macbook air. not sure where it's disabled for the m3 mbp
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<pounce> whenever i run ghcup binaries i get errors like `/lib64/ no version information available` (but they still run OK)
<pounce> anybody know if this is aarch64 related? fedora related?
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<LarstiQ> pounce: searching for that finds a number of hits, have you looked at those?
<pounce> yes
<pounce> nothing seems to be completely relevant :(
<pounce> hmm, so ghc is compiled with a different version of tinfo?
<pounce> i also saw a fedora issue that said tinfo was compiled without a version number
<pounce> which could cause this
<pounce> but i haven't been able to find it again
<pounce> indeed, /lib64/ has no VERDEF section
<pounce> .so.6*
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<dj-death> I somehow fucked my password
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<nicolas17> dottedmag: you're making a Better Version of
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<dottedmag> nicolas17: Yes. Apple's page enumerates some combinations and leaves one guessing what will or will not work if one's setup does not match one of their examples.
<nicolas17> btw the iPad Pro M4 devicetree shows dcp0 dcpext0 dcpext1
<dottedmag> Yes, jannau mentioned that
<nicolas17> x_x I missed that
* nicolas17 deletes all the bullshit he had to install to dump the devicetree as text
* nicolas17 crawls back under his rock
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