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<Calandracas> I'm trying to decide how to partition my disk on an m2 air 256GB. What size is recommended for the macos partition (i never plan to use it)?
<Calandracas> what I want my setup to be is: macos, asahi fedora KDE (for bootstreapping and recovery), and my 3rd OS (in this case void-musl boostrapped from the asahi fedora)
<chadmed> Calandracas: you need ~100 GB for macos so that os updates can still successfully happen
<Calandracas> does this mean that at least 38 GB must be unpartitioned space?
<Calandracas> or free space on the macos partition?
<chadmed> space on the macos partition
<chadmed> macos doesnt know what to do with unpartitioned space
<chadmed> just make your macos partition ~100GB and you will have no issues
<chadmed> 80 GB and below is insufficient for recent macos versions
<Calandracas> i will need to remedy that, mine is under 70GB
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<Calandracas> what is a safe minimum size for the asahi fedora kde install?
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<nicolas17> chadmed: what in the world is macos doing that 80GB of free space isn't enough to install updates?
<jannau> nothing, that's inflated. I think we say 60-70 GB to be on the safe side but I believe for a fully unused macOS 45GB should be enough
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