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<felixphew> hi! after upgrading to the latest KDE packages (6.1.3) on Fedora 40, my desktop is (almost unusably) laggy, with kwin_wayland using large amounts of CPU
<felixphew> anyone else seen this / know what causes it or what it might relate to?
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<chaos_princess> Update to latest kernel and mesa, and reboot.
<felixphew> oh yeah, I meant to mention that: the latest kernel was hanging or panicing for me yesterday
<felixphew> on boot*
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<felixphew> I only have a very blurry photo of the report, will post it in a sec
<felixphew> just tried it a few more times - no panic report, it just freezes 2-3s into boot
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<felixphew> ok, after repeatedly retrying, 6.9.12-400 (which usually panics) booted fine, and no performance issues once booted
<felixphew> any tips for troubleshooting the kernels hanging / panicing in early boot? I unfortunately don't have a good way to collect the boot logs (unless it maybe comes up far enough to output to a usb serial console? I didn't check)
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<felixphew> for the record, it's 6.9.12-400 (usually) panics with an SError interrupt, and 6.9.12-401 (usually) hangs after ~2s, both on an M1 Pro mbp 14"
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<felixphew> ok, I think I can arrange to get a console one way or another; won't do it today, though, as everything's booted and working and I have no idea how easy it'll be to get back to that
<chadmed> felixphew: you need to blacklist the sdhci driver, one sec
<chadmed> modprobe.blacklist=sdhci_pci
<chadmed> add that to your kernel command line
<felixphew> chadmed: thanks :)
<chadmed> no problem :)
<chadmed> assuming that this is the issue, the problem is that theres some race in the pcie power management stuff, so the sdhci driver tries to do something to the sd card reader while it's unpowered/gated which results in the serror
<chadmed> i _think_ theres a fix floating around somewhere, just hasnt been incorporated into the kernel yet
<felixphew> since it seems to be pretty reproducible for me on these particular kernels, if anyone looking into the bug wants me to collect any logs or anything, lmk
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<felixphew> chadmed: is the sequencing issue only in early boot - i.e. is manually loading sdhci later safe?
<chadmed> havent tested but it _might_ be? feel free to try if you want
<felixphew> ok, I'll file that under "don't test with unsaved work open" :-P
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<jannau> felixphew: sounds like the sdcard reader autosuspend issue. Does `systemd-hwdb query pci:v000017A0d00009755` report "ID_AUTOSUSPEND=0"? looks like we might have some issue getting that info into the initramfs
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<felixphew> jannau: on my currently booted system it prints ID_AUTOSUSPEND=1
<felixphew> (this was booted without the module blacklisted; was just a lucky boot that didn't panic)
<felixphew> and 6.9.12-400, not -401, in case that's relevant
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<jannau> felixphew: does /usr/lib/udev/hwdb.d/65-autosuspend-override-asahi.hwdb exists?
<jannau> what does `rpm -q fedora-asahi-remix-scripts` report?
<felixphew> ah. doesn't exist, and package isn't installed
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<felixphew> that'd do it, quite possibly
<felixphew> this is an old manual install from before fedora was the official asahi distro; I thought I brought it in line with the standard setup, but it's very possible I missed something
<felixphew> oh, now I remember looking at this package when I switched the install over
<felixphew> and at the time it was entirely stuff I didn't need and/or that wouldn't work on my install (e.g. I'm not on btrfs)
<jannau> I think the only part which assumes btrfs is the swap creation script (should fail gracefully). please install fedora-asahi-remix-scripts, asahi-platform-metapackage. the rest should be already installed. you will have to regenerate the initramfs after installing fedora-asahi-remix-scripts
<felixphew> asahi-platform-metapackage is already installed
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