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<runxiyu_> I probably need to use more macOS in the next semester and I want a relatively sane way to share files between Asahi and macOS
<runxiyu_> first instinct was to just have an exFAT partition, but exFAT causes a bunch of headaches with permissions and stuff
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<PaulFertser> runxiyu_: what do you think about ZFS then?
<runxiyu_> not familiar with zfs, though i've played with it on freebsd
<chaos_princess> this is probably a bad idea that may or may not result in data loss, but hfs?
<chaos_princess> or make a small linux vm under macos that mounts a passed-through partition and exports it via smb on localhost. Kinda slow, but should work.
<ar> or nfs instead of smb
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<chaos_princess> i had better experience with smb on macos
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<ar> either way, between apple's stance on 3rd-party kexts, and zfs port for macos still not being included in openzfs, i'd be more inclined to trust a linux VM, or an exfat partition
<jannau> we do not support out of tree modules like openzfs and keeping kernel/openzfs release in sync will be effort
<PaulFertser> Is ZFS that bad? Like there certainly exists solid support for it on GNU/Linux and people advertise thgoodit for macOS too, so wyh ihy is it not an option?
<chaos_princess> zfs lags kernel version support, and considering that you need latest kernels for good experience on asahi it just seems like a bad idea
<jannau> it might be an option but it doesn't look like an easy problem free one
<chaos_princess> and also i hope you like building frankenkernels if you want zfs with our patches
<flokli> we do this with NixOS :-) But for example native zfs encryption is quite slow. They cannot use the kernel crypto stuff, and their own codepaths don't have arm64 fast paths
<chaos_princess> tbh, apple should just hire the person that does macfuse, get them to write an objc/swift wrapper on top of it and include in stock macos :P
<ar> wasn't there another port of fuse to macos, that didn't require a kext, and instead exposed an nfs server?
<chaos_princess> it exists, but also filesystem drivers are basically the only remaining reason to run custom kexts on macos
<ar> oh, and macfuse is - apparently - no longer oss
<chaos_princess> yes, macfuse person got annoyed by the fact that most macfuse users were commercial software.
<ar> sad, but understandable
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<JamesB192> UDF or as I'd call it coaster fs 2 j/k
<JamesB192> IIRC there is an attempt to get APFS working on Linux
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<vmk> trying to upgrade from 39 to 40 - 'dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=40' finished with an error: "Problem: package kf5-baloo-file-5.116.0-1.fc39.aarch64 from @System requires kf5-baloo-libs(aarch-64) = 5.116.0-1.fc39, but none of the providers can be installed" (full transcript: what am i doing wrong?
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<jannau> vmk: try adding `--skiop-broken` there will be probably nothing in f40 which needs kf5-baloo*
<vmk> jannau: thanks
<jannau> once you've upgraded you can try to deinstall kf5-baloo-file
<vmk> jannau: same error (with --skip-borkenb not --skiop-broken which i assume was a typo)
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<vmk> jannau: dnf removing kf5-baloo-file worked and downloading works as we speak
<jannau> yes, typo, `--skip-broken`, try adding ``--allowerasing` and be watchful what it wants to deinstall
<jannau> I assumed kf5-baloo-file would have dependencies which would be removed as well. if it works now nop need to stop/do anything else
<vmk> jannau: i initially mistakenly tried to remove boloo-libs package, and that indeed was required by something, simply removing -file worked
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<allmazz> is I am the only one who experiencing troubles with battery thresholds after update?
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<jannau> allmazz: which kernel? what does /proc/device-tree/chosen/asahi,iboot1-version contain?
<allmazz> jannau: I've created an issue, please, put your suggestion in it.
<jannau> Isaw, I'll answer there
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