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hey hey hey. I just got an m2 air and am planning on putting Asahi on soon. while I plan on using Asahi (almost) all the time, I do currently have steam installed on in macOS. can steam on Asahi use the same steam directory (or at least data files) if I mount the macOS drive/partition?
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I may get disconnected soon, but I'll check the logs
mounting each's filesystem on the other is annoying and difficult, i'd say not to bother
also you will be installing the windows version of the game under asahi and the mac one under macos
so they won't even share anything
not the binaries sure, but art/music/etc possibly
i don't think steam works like that
istr sharing a steam directory with windows/linux years and years ago, but am not 100% certain I'm remembering correctly (and even if I am, things could have changed since)
it's not a big deal, I don't have much installed in macOS steam, but I only have a 256gb drive and hoped to share if possible
speaking of, I've had great success running steam under linux on x86, how well does it work in Asahi on arm?
does protondb know about Asahi?
MasterDuke: hit and miss depending on the game
and when a game doesn't work I don't know how to tell when it's a problem with Proton (to run Windows games on Linux), or with FEX (to run x86 code on ARM), or with the GPU driver
ah. well I assume things will just keep getting better...
there's old games that work flawlessly in Asahi and don't work on macOS at all because there's only 32-bit x86 builds :D