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aardvark: as the channel topic says, this channel is for the freedesktop hosting service, not all the individual projects hosted there - you'll need to reach out to that project's maintainers to request changes from them
mupuf: just told me about the same thing, he pushed commits but gitlab is not updating the MR
daniels, bentiss: Are there workers that may need to be kicked a little?
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It seems that everybody is running Ci::DestroyOldPipelinesWorker and the background jobs are piling up (3856 enqueued)
I flushed them this morning, but looks like I need to spin up more sidekiq
alright, the queue is draining
bentiss: sweet, thanks
FWIW, as soon as we start putting the ezpiration rule for the pipline, it starts, but this is *really* slow, but it does the job
bentiss: there probably have been more important things happening, but did you have any time to benchmark the new servers GitLab will be migrating to, how fast storage, git ops are on the new hosts etc?
DragoonAethis: still in the process of evaluating the deployment (like being able to deploy)
I just ordered (and received) 2 temp servers for the db, so I'll be able to try deploying the db on 3 bare metal servers, connected to the rest of the cluster (in the cloud part of hetzner)
bentiss: alright, gl hf!
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bentiss: et al: btw, thank you for your tireless (or tired?) work with the gitlab migration :)
thanks :)
i have scheduled a holiday during the planned migration time so i am in an excellent position to say, take all the time it takes to get it right and make sure you take breaks ;P
will gitlab be gone or read-only during downtime ?
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I'll have to go search for some grass to touch. But srsly, thank you bentiss and everyone else doing this hard labour <3
So as to not pile on load, should we clean up artifacts via API instead of waiting for the automatic jobs, or just let it be for now?
I think it'll be fine to set up the settings in the UI, once the current ones are done
I'll keep monitoring them
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already down 20G on artifacts here
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