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Hi all! FWIW, on the new servers I'm putting a lifecycle expiration policy on the artifacts of one year. Right now we have ~300 GB of artifact data over 1 year, while we kept 25 TB in the bucket
If anyone complains, please redirect to me and we can find another solution (things like generic packages, or s3.fd.o)
CI artifacts, not release artifacts, right ?
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svuorela: well, anything that you have tagged as artifacts in the CI jobs. If you use those as "release", then please upload them to the package registry
svuorela: if you are in doubt, give me a release artifact url and I'll tell you if they will disappear or not
bentiss: that was kind of what I meant/hoped.
svuorela: worse case, check after the migration: if the release is older than a year and it has disappeared, then that's because it was on the wrong bucket
pq: uploads is simpler: just drag and drop. package is better because it's only used for packages (and is backed up), and you have some sort of trace of who uploaded what
"glab release upload" creates an "upload"
(so does "glab release create")
someone should open an issue to request to use the package registry then :)
uploads is not backed up?
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i don't really think the package registry is well suited for tarballs
though it's on s3 and heavily replicated. Now we have less chances of it disappearing because Hetzner handles the bucket, not my own little ceph
emersion: that's the whole point of the package registry. Maybe you mixed up with the container registry?
the package registry is for package managers imho
npm, pypi, go, etc
usually i just disable it for all my projects
is package registry the one that has a sha as part of the tarball url? it's a bit annoying to consume that one since the sha changes every time you want to update something since it's no longer just a version increment
psykose: there is a stable release endpoint, which redirects to the final URL
bentiss: i know, still don't think it's the right tool
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emersion: it's still better than the uploads bucket, because from an admin point of view, anyone can upload to the uploads bucket, and I can not differentiate a package from a tarboll containing a movie for instance
tarball :)
is infra move also bring down patchwork?
kxkamil: different servers, so no
btw do we have some script to bring down/clean gitlab artifacts? GitLab click is no good for mass removal...
I think about something like remove all older than a week
it should help with infra move
kxkamil: nah, I've already synced the last year of data, re-syncing it next week should not take that long
kxkamil: there is a settings to remove the old pipelines, but right now it's taking forever because the db is slow, and so it'll make more sense to enable it after the migration
kxkamil: also as long as you stay in the 1000s range for the number of pipelines and 100s of GB of artifacts data, this is fine (mesa/mesa is at 130000 old pipelines and 25 TB of artifacts)
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good to hear, one last q: will send/receive e-mails for/from mailinglists work?
kxkamil: yep, again, different servers
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