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<bentiss> eric_engestrom: yeah, saw that. I did not anticipated that the placeholder jobs would all have different images and would actually do stuff :(
<bentiss> I took bigger machines with a more aggressive turn over so they are wiped more regularly
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<bentiss> sigh... I'm hitting some rate limiting, so I can 't continue testing. It's going to be easier/cheaper to add a volume to the runner, so I'm trying this, but it's still a WIP, we might encounter no space left on device over the week end
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<valentine> Thanks for all your efforts!
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<slomo> bentiss: i think this is just gitlab being too fast now, but if you push to a new branch, click on the create-MR link, then it usually tells you the branch does not exist until you reload the page :)
<bentiss> slomo: well, having the prune of the mesa ci pipelines in the background does induces a bit of lag in the background tasks, we'll see once this settles
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<slomo> bentiss: also possible :) i was just amused that it showed the branch as not available faster than it was previously loading anything
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<voxel> "Comment could not be updated: your comment has been recognized as spam. please, change the content to proceed.." whats the deal with those errors?
<voxel> i cannot even add a single line to any of my existing comments cause i get that
<karolherbst> voxel: there is spam detection going on, and sometimes it's pretty aggressive
<karolherbst> I can approve you so it shouldn't happen..
<voxel> i see.. i assumed i was being rate limited at first
<karolherbst> voxel: try again
<voxel> oki works now
<voxel> thanks
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<karolherbst> cool
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<alanc> its especially amusing when the new MR form tells you that the branch you pushed doesn't yet exist, while showing you the commit you just pushed to the branch - gitlab clearly has some half-existing state in it
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