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eric_engestrom: Now, with !34120 merged and the farms with nginx-proxy/cache problem disabled, we can address that calm but committed. None of my experiments to understand the problem gave me any useful information. How can we sync to find a root cause affecting those proxies?
daniels: eric_engestrom: I had the old snippet indeed, applied the the fix now
heya, so I've patched my linux branch to upload artifacts via curl now, and it seems to upload fine, but for some reason I cannot consume any of the new artifacts under -- the files are just 404. There used to be a better folder for these artifacts, right?
blu: Hey, I checked your branch, and the problem is that your S3 URL contains the filename again
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with the recent changes, the upload URL should simply be "https://${S3_PATH}/"
blu: please please rebase your kernel so it goes to mesa-rootfs and not mesa-lava
mesa-lava expires after a month; mesa-rootfs does not
so if you do this, we don't have to worry about the vmware jobs all failing because someone needs to regenerate the kernel again
daniels: ah, that's the folder I was looking for. thank for that too!
(using the kernel from gfx-ci/linux would also be really great)
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eric_engestrom: that is a change I need to make locally to the farm?
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do we need to bump the ci-templates commit in our ci pipelines for the image jobs to work again or will that fix itself once the remaining registry stuff is sorted?
(current fails with 'operation not permitted' doing 'podman login', but mesa pipelines seem to be working)
I'm seriously considering how to solve that "placeholder" problem
it used to be "let's keep some long standing jobs around without limitting our capacity", but now it's used as "fast forward the queue and have the job running now"
it was handy imho that these image jobs which 99.999% of the times do nothing and finish within seconds had priority, because they block the rest of the pipeline
it's a valid use case, but probably the implementation is wrong
__tim: FWIW, slapping kvm should give you a fast forward too ATM, but not in the long run
would you recommend we do that for now, or should we just wait until some other solution is found later?
we don't want to game/abuse the system either of course
yeah, that should be fine. I don't have a full solution for this. We briefly talked about this at plumbers with daniels, but right now I'm not sure I'll have the bandwidth wo draw a new solution :/
alright, I'll add 'kvm' for now then, and please shout if it causes problems
pq: rescaling the runners with my ssh key so I can log into them :(
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damn. I tried restarting the runners fleet, and "we are unable to provision servers for this location, try with a different location or try later (resource_unavailable)" -> switched location, but still, this is not great :(
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sorry, one more annoying question if I may: so going to (pre-migration job), I seem to be able to browse the artifacts in the gitlab user interface, but trying to download them gives a 404 from hetzner S3 - is that expected (my reading from the ticket was that you had synced
over the last 1 month of artifacts, but perhaps I misunderstood)
we can just make a new job/artefact, was just wondering if that's expected seeing that the browsing works fine
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__tim: yeah, I've managed so far to sync only job logs and metadata. The artifacts data themself (the downloadable part in the UI) is a random chance for you to have it: it can be there... or not :)
__tim: if required, I can more easily pull the data from specific projects, as there is not a 48h scanning of all files at the source