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<rsalvaterra> Ok, I think I got the 5.15.51 bump done correctly (thanks to John's tentative commit, I just had to fix a couple of patches).
<rsalvaterra> Still, a single patch adding a TON of device trees… Whisky Tango Foxtrot.
<rsalvaterra> In a related subject, I find commits like these conterproductive: https://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt/openwrt.git;a=commit;h=3c3367f03e3e45fb87698df9777eb0e3cf83f7b3
<rsalvaterra> *counterproductive
<rsalvaterra> They just make rebasing kernel bumps more difficult, and kernel patches are all refreshed no every bump, anyway.
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<aphorise> Is there a rc5 expected for 22.03.0 or is there a final GA release expected next?
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<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#15](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/3/builds/15) of `omap/generic` failed.
<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#16](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/1/builds/16) of `tegra/generic` failed.
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<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#15](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/11/builds/15) of `sunxi/cortexa53` failed.
<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#17](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/2/builds/17) of `kirkwood/generic` failed.
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<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#15](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/44/builds/15) of `realtek/generic` failed.
<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#15](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/59/builds/15) of `pistachio/generic` failed.
<owrt-2203-builds> Build [#76](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-22.03/images/#builders/31/builds/76) of `bcm27xx/bcm2710` completed successfully.
<hauke> OpenWrt 2102 build problem should be fixed
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<Habbie> was that the protobuf thing?
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<mrnuke_> hurricos: having fun here with the MCU protocol. I found it sends several "incomplete request" packets to a single command when we flood it with requests. Migh have to rewrite the Rx loop.
<hauke> Habbie: no, I missed a patch needed for wireguard after the kernel update
<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#15](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/50/builds/15) of `oxnas/ox820` failed.
<Habbie> hauke, ah
<Habbie> https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/faillogs-21.02/x86_64/ is almost empty so somebody else fixed the protobuf thing :)
<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#15](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/52/builds/15) of `octeontx/generic` failed.
<owrt-2203-builds> Build [#79](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-22.03/images/#builders/11/builds/79) of `at91/sama5` completed successfully.
<owrt-2203-builds> Build [#77](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-22.03/images/#builders/63/builds/77) of `at91/sama7` completed successfully.
<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#15](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/47/builds/15) of `ramips/mt7620` failed.
<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#15](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/23/builds/15) of `ramips/rt3883` failed.
<hurricos> mrnuke_: I see some of your [HACK] commits. Ping me if you think any are worth testing.
<mrnuke_> hurricos: too early to test. Generally, if you see a commit from me, and it has a positive SLOC count, be suspicious :p
<stintel> lol
<hurricos> mrnuke_: Testing out your fix for #5, and I find the compiler dislikes poe_cmd_global_port_enable being defined, now that it's not used.
<hurricos> Thinking about it, I went down a bit of a rabbit-hole ...
<hurricos> Most users don't really care to manually configure each of their ports (it's a huge PITA), yet our conf requires it
<hurricos> Maybe we should look at a slightly different model for realtek-poe, which would make interacting with it over a web UI much easier --
<hurricos> allow a default "whatever, turn 'em on" config, retrieving as much model-specific data from the devicetree as possible, and exposing more callbacks through ubus
<hurricos> I don't think this is an original thought. I haven't looked at poemgr or other poe solutions for long enough to know, though
<olmari> mm.. I'd say models should have sane defaults... "always has been" that way anyway... then if wanting something else then need to touch :)
<hurricos> olmari: in that case, I should definitely start rolling together a patch to add wattage conf to the device tree for all of these boards
<hurricos> so that the information is just immediately available
<olmari> How big of an job it is and so on is ofcourse wholly other thing
<hurricos> There's no standard bindings so probably "enormous work"
<hurricos> either that or I'm throwing the work of upstreaming onto someone else's back ;(
<olmari> I'd imagine something like that
<olmari> In broad general things just works at wild with PoE-switches too, while managed switches has often all sorts of settings that could be touched, including power-priorisations
<hurricos> realtek-poe gives us that but it can only be changed using the default OpenWrt model (modify conf, commit change, reload)
<olmari> At least such ought to be nice goal, if something :)
<hurricos> this is cumbersome if I want to restart an AP on a specific port :P
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<mrnuke_> hurricos: only downside of merging one of my commits that's not in a PR is I might have to write a "Fixes:" and write a snarky commit message about my own changes ;)
<mrnuke_> There was an attempt to get rid of the port_enable command without the compiler noticing: https://github.com/Hurricos/realtek-poe/commit/6e9eff3c11b428b1bca3fb81de58c8c48c5b1e04
<mrnuke_> The first thing I'd like to see as a user interface is a luci modyle that just tells you the status of each port. Kind of like "Network -> Switch"
<mrnuke_> I agree that most users just want "my poe device to turn on".
<olmari> if it is "poe as powering oneself", then it can have dedicated set port for that.. for PSE all the (capable) ports ought to deliver power per default... setup is then if budgeting or anything is actually wanted to configure... but indeed default should always be "just works"
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<hurricos> mrnuke_: Thank you for https://github.com/Hurricos/realtek-poe/commit/6e9eff3c11b428b1bca3fb81de58c8c48c5b1e04, I'll add it to my patchset
<mrnuke_> hurricos: you're welcome
<hurricos> snarky `fix:` commits are how I make my commit count very high
<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#15](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/38/builds/15) of `x86/64` failed.
<hurricos> when I suspect something is wrong but my brain isn't sufficiently online to determine what it is, I build the snark into the original commit usually
<mrnuke_> That's how I git blamed for everything in the repo!
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<hurricos> then the fix: is "I told you. Didn't I tell you? I told you, dammit."
<mrnuke_> Nope. I't's "realtek-poe: I told you. Didn't I tell you? I told you, dammit."
<hurricos> this is why I'll never be an official openwrt dev
<hurricos> maybe I have respect for the standards, yes, but I don't really know them.
<hurricos> I don't really know how to prefix my commits right without someone telling me ;')
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<mrnuke_> I wouldn't put URLs in commit messages. A couple of years down the line, when git blame stumbles across this commit, and someone's trying to figure out the _why_... What do you do when the URL is a dead link? Now your commit message is incompete. Same thing goes for github-spefici links. What does "#5" mean if the repo is mirrored soemwhere, forked, or you're reading the commit message from a local clone?
<mrnuke_> let me put that in a gihub comment
<hurricos> I could go ahead and describe the whole thing but it's really self-describing
<hurricos> as for the patchwork link, well, I can drop that, but if patchwork no longer has the original code, then nobody does, at which point it's moot
<hurricos> mrnuke_: Also, the '[1] "#5"' is not actually that -- github is just eating it in the web-view.
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<mrnuke_> hurricos: you did a ninja edit as I was typing my review
<hurricos> I edited just the cover letter
<hurricos> Commits are unchaged
<hurricos> oh well
<hurricos> no, sorry
<hurricos> I pushed your commit behind mine as well so that both commits compile
<hurricos> or, underneath.
<mrnuke_> I gotta do some AFK business for a few hours. I'm certain github will harras me over email :)
<hurricos> :thumbsup:
<hurricos> mrnuke_: Thank you for all your work today :D
<owrt-2203-builds> Build [#76](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-22.03/images/#builders/52/builds/76) of `bcm27xx/bcm2709` completed successfully.
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<mangix> Habbie: https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/faillogs-21.02/aarch64_generic/packages/ <-- transient host package failures looks like
<mangix> I should probably backport the glib2 iconv fix... or maybe not actually.
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* mrkiko reverts commit 6655d7065c296 (json-c update) due to build failure
<mangix> mrkiko: what build failure?
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