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<fpsusername[m]> As if nobody touched that flash storage chip. I'm proud of my PCB working skills
<aiyion_> fpsusername[m]: looks nice. Pin for is connected, right? Looks a little more matted than the other pins? But likely just in the picture.
<aiyion_> *four
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<rmilecki> jow: hi, it was few months ago we discussed handling devices with 2 WAN ports ( https://pastebin.com/raw/hL1E0MGh )
<rmilecki> jow: problem: /etc/config/firewall hardcodes "wan" and "wan6"
<rmilecki> jow: solution: use uci-defaults scripts to add "option zone wan" to /etc/config/network interfaces
<rmilecki> back then I even wrote you it works but now I think it actually doesn't
<rmilecki> i tried master (fw4), 22.03 (fw4) and 21.02 (fw3)
<rmilecki> "fw3 zone wan" doesn't list my "wan1" and "wan2" interfaces
<rmilecki> back then you wrote "[it] is already implemented and used by virtual dynamic interfaces to join themselves into firewall zones"
<rmilecki> jow: could you check if there is actually any code checking for "zone" in /etc/config/network? I couldn't find it
<rmilecki> what I do is simply:
<rmilecki> uci delete firewall.$section.network
<rmilecki> uci set network.wan1.zone="wan"
<rmilecki> uci set network.wan2.zone="wan"
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<jow> rmilecki: no there is no such code. The zone name is taken from the data: { ... } sections of interface info
<jow> which (afair) is only set for some protocols, mainly those which spawn virtual interfaces
<jow> there is no way to set that through uci for static/none/dhcp interfaces as those are handled by netifd itself
<rmilecki> ok...
<rmilecki> jow: should I even attempt to solve that?
<rmilecki> or should I wait / focus on the other solution you suggested back then ("add support for ifgroups in netifd, then fw4 and use that")
<jow> rmilecki: I think making "option zone" a general interface property makes a lot of sense
<jow> would also allow reusing it as interface role hint for other services
<jow> e.g. miniupnpd, to decide internal vs. external interfaces
<rmilecki> jow: ok, so should I look into netifd, see where does it generate its "data" JSON?
<jow> for shell script proto handlers it is straight forward
<jow> they simply do proto_add_data; json_add_string zone "$zone"; proto_close_data
<jow> many (most?) already implement it (check grep -r zone packages/)
<jow> for the builtin ones (none, static, dhcp) it probably needs some minor additions to the C code
<jow> ah correction, dhcp is also a shell proto, so it should be solvable with some scripting there
<rmilecki> ack (/lib/netifd/proto/dhcp.sh)
<rmilecki> oh, there already is proto_config_add_string zone
<jow> yeah, but didn't check if it affects normal dhcp operation or if it is related to virtual 6rd ifaces
<rmilecki> ahh, for my testing I use static ip!
<jow> if a 6rd dhcp option is received, the dhcp script handler will spawn a virtual ipv6-rd interface
<jow> it's probably enough to add a call to interface_add_data() somewhere to proto-static.c
<jow> (and register "zone" as new string config option)
<rmilecki> ah, i recall that piece of code now
<rmilecki> jow: thanks alot, i'll give ie a try later today (leaving now for ~2 hours)
<jow> then initialize (call interface_add_data() 1st time) here: https://lxr.openwrt.org/source/netifd/interface.c#L932
<jow> and update after config changes somewhere here: https://lxr.openwrt.org/source/netifd/interface.c#L1342
<jow> if you do that it should become a global generic facility and we can likely remove "option zone" handling from all shell protos
<jow> it won't have any impact on the actual interface configuration, just on the stuff presented in the "ifstatus xxx" data: {...} object
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<neggles> i have acquired a quartzpro64 and have a mainline* kernel running on it :D RK3588 is nice! even without proper DVFS/OPP
<neggles> *mainline in this case would be 'linux-next plus 20 patches or so from a few collabora devs'
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<philipp64> Which is preferred? "DEPENDS:=@(TARGET_x86||TARGET_x86_64)" or "DEPENDS:=@(i386||x86_64)"? Re: PR #19055
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<rmilecki> jow: should I make /generic/ zone go into top-level blobmsg of ubus call network.interface status? or into "data" array?
<rmilecki> s/array/object/
<fpsusername[m]> Harm_: By the way, I just flashed my openwrt build on mtd6 as you showed on the openwrt forum. I flashed it with the IC on the PCB, but this time I forced the reset pin high (3.3V). Flashing + verifying works, so maybe that was the thing.
<fpsusername[m]> I'll now boot it for the first time. Exciting
<rmilecki> afaiu adding that into top-level will require fw4 change to look for it there
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<jow> rmilecki: at least for the initial rfc patch into the data array I'd say
<jow> rmilecki: should be easy enough to move it to toplevel
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<fpsusername[m]> Hey, I'm trying to boot/flash my build openwrt image and I get this error:... (full message at https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/nXpSaKAstlamymSoCxtNhhSd)
<fpsusername[m]> What am I doing incorrectly?
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<rmilecki> fpsusername[m]: your image doesn't seem compatible with what firmware/bootloader expects
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<rmilecki> fpsusername[m]: try to compare your image with vendor image on binary level
<rmilecki> (header, tail)
<fpsusername[m]> That is odd. I used the following settings:... (full message at https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/ixwmxvjAbiDkdGMxbWOdkqrw)
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<fpsusername[m]> I'd like to copy the release config recommended by harm_ https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.0-rc5/targets/ramips/mt7621/config.buildinfo but how do I do that?
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<fpsusername[m]> Actually Harm already wrote this down
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<fpsusername[m]> I got it to boot through tftpd using the command interface. No idea how to use ckermit, but I just did what the script would do
<fpsusername[m]> But now, no idea how to get access to LuCi web interface
<Harm_> fpsusername[m]: hey! I'm reading your messages now
<fpsusername[m]> Harm_: I got it to boot openwrt yay
<Harm_> :D
<fpsusername[m]> Except that it doesn't boot the image if I flash it directly to it
<fpsusername[m]> Is there a way to flash the image through the command line interface?
<Harm_> are you in initramfs now?
<fpsusername[m]> fpsusername[m]: It fails on verification
<Harm_> fpsusername[m]: you can use `mtd write` to flash it
<Harm_> do you have network connectivity?
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<fpsusername[m]> so after transferring the image, I should write `mtd write 85001000` ?
<fpsusername[m]> * the image with tftpboot, I
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<Harm_> fpsusername[m]: it is easier to flash it from OpenWRT initramfs
<Harm_> fpsusername[m]: so if you have luci running, you can just upload it on the webinterface
<fpsusername[m]> How do I do that (first time using openwrt)
<fpsusername[m]> I don't know how to access the web interfance haha
<Harm_> Ah ok
<Harm_> connect a lan cable to your pc and it should get an IP from the device
<fpsusername[m]> I've set the ipv4 of my pc to
<Harm_> Then, should give you the interface
<Harm_> ah, so take
<fpsusername[m]> But that's my router's interface
<Harm_> ok, you can use `ip a add dev br-lan` in the serial console to add that IP temporarily to the router
<Harm_> then should give you the webinterface
<fpsusername[m]> amazing that works
<Harm_> great! now you can go system-> flash in the menu
<Harm_> note that this will flash it to /dev/mtd4 instead of 6 which you mentioned earlier
<Harm_> so no dualbooting
<fpsusername[m]> Eh, if it makes life easier
<Harm_> do you have proper backups?
<fpsusername[m]> The goal is to make it an access point which I can add to my own router
<fpsusername[m]> Harm_: Yes, I made a full backup of the flash like you showed
<Harm_> nice, you can also make that backup through openwrt in the system->backup menu
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<fpsusername[m]> And otherwise, I have a 2nd extender in case I need to pull i
<fpsusername[m]> s/i/it/
<fpsusername[m]> Harm_: `Save mtdblock contents` right?
<Harm_> yes
<Harm_> 0 should be everything at once
<fpsusername[m]> Doing that as I have a modified bootloader now
<fpsusername[m]> So I guess I have to force the flash now?
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<Harm_> hmm
<Harm_> I now doubt whether this will work as there is no ubifs filesystem yet
<Harm_> I think it's better to flash it through the console
<Harm_> can you upload the .trx file to /tmp?
<Harm_> (once OpenWRT is installed, this method works without warnings but since there is nothing yet I suppose it will fail given those warnings)
<fpsusername[m]> Okay. How do I do the upload?
<Harm_> are you on Linux?
<fpsusername[m]> yes
<Harm_> on your machine: nc -l -p 1337 image.trx
<Harm_> on OpenWRT: nc 1337 | mtd write - /dev/mtd4
<fpsusername[m]> what is nc for a program?
<fpsusername[m]> I don't have it (arch)
<Harm_> netcat
<Harm_> it is basically a TCP client/server which connects to standard input and output
<Harm_> so very easy to transfer a file
<fpsusername[m]> and why the ip addr 11.2? Not 11.150 sicne that's the desktop?
<Harm_> oh, right, use that one :P
<fpsusername[m]> is there a verbose flag?
<fpsusername[m]> * verbose flag? I want to see that something is happening
<Harm_> i used pv for some activity, i.e `pv squashfs-factory.trx | ncat -l -p 1337`
<Harm_> it shows a progress bar on your desktop. And I'm on Arch as well and use ncat, which is an improved version of nc
<fpsusername[m]> is port 1337 udp or tcp? Need to open it in the firewall lol
<Harm_> TCP
<Harm_> (ncat is part of the nmap package)
<fpsusername[m]> `Could not get image magic`
<fpsusername[m]> Hmm, not doing something right here
<fpsusername[m]> * `nc: can't connect to remote host ( Connection refused`
<Harm_> you should start ncat on your desktop first
<fpsusername[m]> Is it possible with aftpd?
<fpsusername[m]> Because that's already running
<Harm_> err, then you 'd need an ftp client in your image
<Harm_> you can also run `python -m http.server` in your directory containing the .trx file. That starts a web server
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<Harm_> and then use wget on OpenWRT to download it
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<Harm_> maybe the built in wget can also download from ftp
<fpsusername[m]> Oh, address already in use
<fpsusername[m]> I think I should stop tftpd then
<fpsusername[m]> nvm, that isn't it
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<Harm_> `sudo netstat -tulpen` shows you which programs are listening on which port
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<fpsusername[m]> hmm, nothing on 1337
<Harm_> (by the way, once you have flashed, you need to set your pootpartition U-Boot variable to 0. Boot the device, choose boot option 4. Enter `setenv bootpartition 0` and `saveenv`)
<Harm_> ncat -l -p 1337 should be visible there. Note that it only accepts one connection and then exits
<fpsusername[m]> oh, it doesn't show up even though it's running
<fpsusername[m]> It runs like this
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<Harm_> you miss an < before the openwrt image name
<fpsusername[m]> aah, writes now
<Harm_> nice
<fpsusername[m]> In case I'd dualboot on another one, flashing updates through the web interface would overwrite the oem firmware then, right?
<Harm_> fpsusername[m]: flashing to /dev/mtd4 will overwrite the OEM and does not allow for dual-booting.
<Harm_> if you flash to /dev/mtd6 you can dual boot OEM firmware that is on /dev/mtd4 by switching the U-Boot bootpartition variable
<fpsusername[m]> You misunderstood my question. If I'd use dualboot and then update firmware through LuCi, would that overwrite mtd4?
<Harm_> yes
<fpsusername[m]> So dualboot is just more headache :)
<Harm_> the update scripts are hardcoded for that path
<fpsusername[m]> I think it stopped writing or something is stuck: `Writing from <stdin> to /dev/mtd4 ... [w]`
<Harm_> that should not be stuck. I flashed in less than a minute
<fpsusername[m]> the pv command doesn't show anything (well, I guess since it's already copied)
<fpsusername[m]> retrying
<Habbie> i see Harm_ is getting plenty of input for improving the documentation?
<fpsusername[m]> Quite so haha
<Habbie> :)
<Harm_> hehe, I discovered that the OpenWRT forum does not allow you to edit your post after a few days. I guess that documentation thing is on hold until we can make a wiki page :P
<fpsusername[m]> Harm_: Should it show anything at the end?
<Harm_> fpsusername[m]: don't remember
<Habbie> Harm_, what's keeping you/us from making a wiki page?
<fpsusername[m]> Doesn't do anything though
<Harm_> Habbie: when following the steps on the wiki I got the feeling that they really want a device to be supported/merged
<Habbie> ah, might be
<Habbie> in that case, keep improving your commit message i guess?
<Harm_> Habbie: I guess, still working on that
<fpsusername[m]> But hey, it's flashed and it boots now
<Harm_> fpsusername[m]: nice!
<fpsusername[m]> <Harm_> "ok, you can use `ip a add 192.16..." <- Very useful command for the wiki, because if you have it connected to your desktop, it's easier to configure/check things out like this
<Harm_> Yeah, I suppose we could technically change the default IP range but I don't expect the OpenWRT folks to like that kind of diversification
<Habbie> probably not :)
<fpsusername[m]> Just a mention in the wiki is enough for newcomers
<Harm_> yeah, though flashing externally is even easier than going through initramfs
<fpsusername[m]> So far this was quite a bit complicated without following a very detailed step by step tutorial
<Harm_> I should also add that for dual-booting the kernel cmdline should be changed, otherwise it won't find the rootfs
<fpsusername[m]> Did you check the last message on the forum post? Apparently we can get 2GBps speeds (1GB down, 1GB up)
<Harm_> Yeah, I was about to work on that and then saw your messages :P
<fpsusername[m]> Not that I'm going to attach two cables or have that speed (200/200 here), but it'd be nice to have that patch imeplemented as well
<Harm_> yup
<fpsusername[m]> By the way, I believe we can flash the bootloader without removing the IC. You most likely have to forcefully pull the reset pin high
<Harm_> Yeah I saw your message. So you first desoldered/flashed it and discovered that later :P?
<fpsusername[m]> Because I flashed the image when the IC was mounted on the PCB and it was verified
<fpsusername[m]> Well, I still have to open up the other extender so I can try the bootloader flashing
<fpsusername[m]> I don't want to "risk" corrupting the bootloader on the now converted extender, otherwise I'll have to resolder it again
<fpsusername[m]> * to resolder and reflash it again
<Harm_> yeah, though it should not matter which part you are flashing. i.e. you can safely try re-flashing openwrt on /dev/mtd4
<Harm_> So you had everything directly connected to a raspberry pi? No resistors/capacitors in between?
<fpsusername[m]> Yep
<fpsusername[m]> Just the programmer clip and jumper cables to the rpi
<Harm_> Nice! A friend of mine got 3 units for €15 on Marktplaats and I'll help him flash. That will make it much easier
<fpsusername[m]> The jumper wires add enough capacitance already (I know it's not the same as a decoupling capacitor, just making a joke)
<fpsusername[m]> Tomorrow I'll try to flash the 2nd extender I have
<fpsusername[m]> But I do have a question. Currently I soldered a male header so that I can get access through a serial connection
<fpsusername[m]> Is there a way to do this without serial? Just ethernet?
<Harm_> Yup, use `ssh root@`
<fpsusername[m]> That allows us to choose the boot mode?
<fpsusername[m]> * boot mode? (to install openwrt)
<Harm_> No, that is only accessible when OpenWRT has started
<fpsusername[m]> * boot mode? (to install openwrt after the bootloader patch)
<fpsusername[m]> Ah okay
<fpsusername[m]> Either way, this is as good as it gets
<Harm_> But technically there is no real need to solder that header when you flash everything from your pi to /dev/mtd4
<fpsusername[m]> Yeah, true. If you flash mtd4 and the bootloader directly, then you don't need serial
<fpsusername[m]> Unless it doesn't want to boot it for some reason
<Harm_> yup
<Harm_> and if you misconfigure network settings, the reset button on the back should work (but OpenWRT still needs to be able to start)
<fpsusername[m]> I'll try that tomorrow, see if I can get it to boot without the need of a serial connection, that'd be the easiest method then
<Harm_> Yup, that should work
<fpsusername[m]> You know what would be nice? If we could lower the brightness of the leds
<Harm_> At least you can turn them off completely
<fpsusername[m]> I want that on my RAX20 router, it's so damn bright. I disabled all leds, but the power led is always on
<fpsusername[m]> * I want that on my RAX20 router, it's so damn bright. I disabled all leds, but the power and internet leds is always on
<fpsusername[m]> * I want that on my RAX20 router, it's so damn bright. I disabled all leds, but the power and internet leds are always on
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<fpsusername[m]> Harm_: That for sure
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<Habbie> can't we PWM them?
<Harm_> Habbie: does the mt7621 have PWM? Kernel docs do not list it: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/pwm/pwm-mediatek.txt
<fpsusername[m]> Yes of course lol
<Habbie> Harm_, i have no idea
<fpsusername[m]> By the way, I have 18mb of free space
<fpsusername[m]> Isn't that little? I mean, we have a 256MB storage IC, of which 10 is used for the image?
<Harm_> fpsusername[m]: 256MiB (megabits)
<fpsusername[m]> Oh, 32megabytes then
<Harm_> ehh, sorry, MiB is MegaByte
<fpsusername[m]> so then it's correct
<Harm_> yeah
<fpsusername[m]> bits bytes, same thing, but 8x bigger/smaller
<Harm_> somehow the flash industry standardised on indicating in bits
<fpsusername[m]> By tthe way, I did not use the default config, no idea how I should import a config in the first place
<fpsusername[m]> So I went with the config I made, added some of the LuCi packages and what not
<Harm_> fpsusername[m]: that's how I started as well
<Harm_> `make menuconfig` has a load option
<Harm_> and I guess overwriting `.config` will work as well
<fpsusername[m]> hmm not sure if that worked
<fpsusername[m]> but I'll try the load config
<fpsusername[m]> Yep that works
<Harm_> nice :)
<Harm_> fpsusername[m]: I think your `mtd write` was stuck because some versions of `nc` do not close the connection when they deplete stdin (adding the -q0 works there)
<fpsusername[m]> Hmm okay
<Harm_> ncat does that by default, hence my confusion
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<fpsusername[m]> By the way, is there any use of updating to the newest oem firmware and then going to openwrt?
<fpsusername[m]> A bit kike android phones where you get the latest firmware and modem updates before going to a custom rom
<fpsusername[m]> s/kike/like/
<fpsusername[m]> * In a sense as android phones where you get the latest firmware and modem updates before going to a custom rom
<Harm_> fpsusername[m]: I don't think so. There is a partition on the mtd that contains the settings for the wifi chip but the actual firmware is loaded on boot when OpenWRT starts.
<Harm_> fpsusername[m]: so there could theoretically be a change in settings they made. Would be interesting to compare that partition across different devices
<Harm_> (it refers to the Factory partition, /dev/mtd3)
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