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<hurricos> Grr. I'm struggling to get u-boot off the ground without NOR.
<hurricos> I'm running into the same sort of issues that Leonid Sun was running into on their AMCC board:
<hurricos> Of course, I haven't gotten as far as they have because U-boot has gotten substantially more configurable since the days of yore
<hurricos> I do now understand how SPL / TPL / main u-boot are working now, though.
<hurricos> SPL gets loaded in the first 4 or 64K by the bootrom; it's meant to be enough to bootstrap the TPL.
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<hurricos> TPL will be initializing RAM.
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<hurricos> Anyways, the problem I share in common with Leonid Sun was that I don't have NOR
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<hurricos> There's nothing I can flash without booting :\
<hurricos> I have been able to initialize RAM, it's amazing how easy that was.
<hurricos> But now, I'd like to be able to use JTAG to do the SPL / TPL steps, and I can't quite figure out where in my u-boot image the SPL and TPL stop and the real u-boot begins.
<hurricos> In fact, I can't even find the separate spl / tpl.o files
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<hurricos> Which confuses me, the documentation is really specific about creating these files!
<hurricos> doc/README.tpl reads: "The object files are built separately for SPL/TPL and placed in the directory spl/tpl. The final binaries which are generated are u-boot-{spl|tpl}, u-boot-{spl|tpl}.bin and u-boot-{spl|tpl}.map."
<hurricos> Oh.
<hurricos> I just had to make them directly: make -j $(nproc) ARCH=powerpc CROSS_COMPILE=powerpc-openwrt-linux-musl- spl/u-boot-spl.bin
<hurricos> nice! OK, so the u-boot I have ****is**** the real u-boot. It's not the SPL or TPL. I'm surprised those don't get compiled. How am I supposed to build u-boot.bin if I don't have the SPL and TPL compiled-in?
<hurricos> s/build/boot/
<hurricos> OK, so I think all that's left is, I just need to actually have my JTAG load u-boot where it expects to be loaded by the TPL
<hurricos> I have no idea where that should be though X)
<mrnuke> hurricos: When you get a chance, can you please look at (merge) and ?
<hurricos> mrnuke: Thanks for the reminder. Never got around to plugging my GS1900-24hpv1 back in last week; just fired 'er up and rigged up the serial :^)
<mrnuke> hurricos: Hehe no worries. I'm trying to get walterav a good CI build to test. I love his enthusiasm, but don't want to waste his time testing every CI build.
<mrnuke> I managed to brick another rtl8380 based switch (not my engenius). The bootloader firmware on the switch that shall remain nameless decided it saw a checksum error, and erased the firmware partition. Then it switched to the backup, decided it also was invalid, and erased that one too!
<mrnuke> I do have a working switch, so I am good to go
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<mrkiko> Habbie: Harm_: thanks!! Sorry, with this keyboard at least, I tend to miss white spaces
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* Tapper waves at ldir
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<nick[m]1234> hauke: I think this is finally ready to be merged:
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* ldir_ waves back at Tapper
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<Tapper> Any one know a way to speed up the building of tools/llvm/bpf?
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<Ansuel> nimk what was the blocker?
<Tapper> Or any one know how to use the host llvm from ubuntu?
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<Ansuel> will mzvd manage to join irc someday?
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<Ansuel> NOPE
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<Grommish> So, I've been gone for a month or more. Iconv broken?
<Grommish> Tapper: what you need?
<Tapper> I think I fixt it now I think the path is /usr/bin/llvm)
<Tapper> Thanks mate anyway. How are things?
<Grommish> Tapper: I build LLVM as part of Rust. The issue you'll run into is the cross compiling
<Tapper> Fucking takes a age to build
<Grommish> Tapper: yep
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<Grommish> Iconv seems to be broken, so that's new
<Tapper> It's so hot here that my computer is on a go slow. CPU can't cope.
<Tapper> lol
* ldir_ had a perfectly working znc bouncer vps running under the openwrt domain, was persuaded to drop it - worst decision ever.
<Grommish> And I'm using nano/bash on my Note 10+ ssh
<Tapper> It's 30 degrees
<Grommish> Because I don't have a laptop right now
<Tapper> with now AC
<Grommish> Yeah, the UK is getting smacked right now with the heat
<ldir_> Grommish: try removing openwrt/tmp
<Grommish> Be safe Tapper
<Tapper> Grommish will do my best mate.
<Grommish> ldir_: good call. That was the next step. Let's do it
<Tapper> ldir how hot is it there were you are mate?
<Tapper> Are you one of the lucky ones that has AC?
<ldir_> ha! No AC here matey, other than in the car of course. No idea on temp - it's warm that's for sure.
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<ldir_> I'm off to an open air screening of "Rocky Horror Show" later, after sun goes down. Suspect shorts & T-shirt still in order :-)
<Tapper> I was going to go to argos and by A AC unit then take it back in 3 or 4 days. They are sold out.
<Tapper> lol
<Tapper> O sounds nice mate.
<Tapper> Have a cold one for me.
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* ldir_ fires up the ice bath
<Ansuel> Tapper had to clean mine... i reached a point where the cpu was stuck at 1.2 ghz due to overheat... compiling everything took ages
<Ansuel> anyway fun story the external-toolchain script was fozen at uclibc times
<Tapper> Ansuel It's not dust mate.
<Tapper> tis the weather
<Ansuel> no support for glibc and no support for muls
<Ansuel> thank god we have a target that use libc and i discovered that
<Tapper> The build just failed again.
<Tapper> I think I have the path rong for llvm
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<Tapper> Any one know what it should be?
<Ansuel> Tapper i suggest to put the pc in the fridge ahahahah (and sorry can't help)
<Tapper> Lol
<Tapper> I wish I could get in the fridge!
<Tapper> Would need to slim down a bit.
<Tapper> Just a bit mind.
<Ansuel> if the fridge it's just an ac in a small box.... a room with ac is a big fridge?
<Tapper> ha
<Ansuel> :D
<ldir_> you could pretend you're re-enacting the apollo 13 mission - it got very cold on the return journey
<Ansuel> anyway i need to understand how to cache the tools dir in a github action
<Ansuel> create an hash based on the version of all the tools ?
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<Ansuel> cache based on the penultimate commit ?
<Grommish> Tapper: what are you trying to build?
<Grommish> With LLVM I mean
<Tapper> qosifi
<Grommish> The LLVM built into owrt right now only does bpf, no other arches
<Grommish> And I'm not sure what a "host" installation would have by default
<Grommish> I've got a LLVM package as part of Rust though
<Grommish> You bati want to try that down the line. I'll see if I can't get your the info later
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<Ansuel> yheee finally glibc external toolchain compiles correctly
<swalker> updated openwrt/upstream,
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<mrkiko> Ansuel: yeeeeh!!!!!!!!!!
<Tapper> elfutils is not building for me.
<Ansuel> Tapper mh?
<Tapper> Ansuel my build keeps crapping out and I am trying to work out why
<Ansuel> mrkiko now i need to check if aparcar wants to merge the kernel ci would be very useful for kernel bumps
<Tapper> it says that packages/libs/elfutils failed to build
<Ansuel> Tapper target and log? i'm curious
<Tapper> building for the r7800 and do you know how to pipe the out put of "make -j1 V=s" to a text file?
<Ansuel> well if it's a building for r7800 and can repro that easy
<mrkiko> Ansuel: :D
<Ansuel> any special config to apply?
<Tapper> now it's saying that is it irqbaelance
<Tapper> irqbalance
<Tapper> I did a make dirclean befor all this started.
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<Ansuel> i'm trying to compile irqbalance
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<aparcar[m]> Ansuel: sorry for the delay I’ll try to check that out tomorrow
<mangix> Ansuel: PR available:
<mangix> nobody likes the 45 line file unfortunately.
<swalker> wolfssl has issues too...
<Tapper> swalker I did check gcc12 yes but then switched back to gcc 11
<mangix> gcc12 is early, yes
<Ansuel> Tapper well rip i manage to compile both on my local buildroot and with external toolchain glibc
<mangix> Ansuel: why external toolchain?
<Ansuel> aparcar consider that the pr still has the old commits but all runs correctly for the kernel
<Ansuel> Mangix it was really to test if it worked honestly
<Ansuel> anyway 12.2.0 is coming hope they will fix some regression and false positive warning...
<Tapper> still will not build even with gcc11
<Tapper> Is there a way to pipe the log out put to one file?
<Tapper> I hate turning on logging because I end up with hundreds of text files and have to go looking for the one i want
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<Ansuel> i mean > out.txt doesn't work?
<Ansuel> think you have to redirect stderr
<Ansuel> make something 2>&1 > out.txt ?
<Tapper> Ansuel I don't know mate I am not a linux dude I just fucking with openwrt.
<Tapper> I am a noob lol
<Tapper> when It comes to the cli
<Tapper> "make -j1 V=s" is what I want to send to a text file
<Tapper> I want the txt fileb because I cant coppy and paste from the screen using a screen reader.
<Tapper> If I can get the txt file then I can just send that to pastebin
<Tapper> then some one can see what's going rong
<Ansuel> again just add to your command the redirect to a file
<Ansuel> > file.txt
<Ansuel> if it doesn contain the error then you also have to redirect stderr
<Ansuel> with 2>&1 appending this to the command
<Tapper> ERROR: package/feeds/packages/irqbalance failed to build.
<Tapper> ERROR: package/libs/elfutils failed to build.
<Ansuel> check the file if you have the related error
<Tapper> The build log for elfutils
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<Ansuel> mhhh isn't that the problem with gcc 12 and elfutils?
<Tapper> build log for irqbalnce
<Tapper> I changed back to using gcc11
<Ansuel> elfutils still use gcc12
<Ansuel> cannot find -liconv: No such file or directory
<Ansuel> about irqbalance it may be related to recent changes
<Tapper> Ansuel in make menuconfig it says to use gcc 11
<Tapper> should I do a dirclean again?
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<Ansuel> mhh i wonder if something is wrong with the tools
<Ansuel> anyway from the logs of elfutils it still using gcc12
<Ansuel> make tools/clean
<Ansuel> make tools/compile
<Ansuel> if you want extra barbeque append -j NUMBER_OF_THREAD - 1
<Ansuel> (number of thread is your cpu cores - 1) (just to make sure)
<Tapper> thanks
<Tapper> will try them out now.
<mangix> Ansuel: it is. again, I have a PR for it.
<Ansuel> Tapper want to test?
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<Tapper> Ansuel Hi was just getting a drink. My tools are still building. What is the test?
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<Ansuel> Tapper don't know mangix should have a pr for irqbalance
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<Tapper> Mangix Is the test for gcc 12 or gcc11? I swiched back to using gcc11.
<Tapper> Mangix It's getting late here I will take a crack at it in the morning.
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