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<fpsusername[m]> Harm_: Habbie: 1 meter from the extender (channel 120), 4 meter from the RAX20 router (channel 104)
<fpsusername[m]> At least nobody else is in this channel range. Every neighbor is on the lower channels
<fpsusername[m]> Still doesn't build
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<fpsusername[m]> Redid the stuff. Download repo, rebase with main line, building now
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<fpsusername[m]> seems to compile toolchain/gdb fine now :)
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<fpsusername[m]> YEEE, it compileeed
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<aparcar[m]> hauke: what's the status of wolfssl? I see now snapshots failing, too?
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<hauke> aparcar[m]: wolfssl is now build by the package feed again
<hauke> you haev to wait till it is build
<aparcar[m]> But on on snapshots right? We should backport it
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<fpsusername[m]> I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but for whatever reason, openwrt compiles witin 10 minutes, but I don't see things such as LuCi compile (and thus when I boot the system, I can't access the web interface)
<fpsusername[m]> It's enabled in my config
<fpsusername[m]> oh ffs, there's something stupid going on. I load a config, then save and start building. For whatever reason it then builds an almost blank image
<Habbie> did you use scripts/install ?
<Harm_> fpsusername[m]: if you want more range you can also lower the channel width, e.g. 40 or 20MHz
<fpsusername[m]> Habbie: That's before running make menuconfig
<Habbie> ack
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<fpsusername[m]> Harm_: Hm, didn't know that would increase range. I only know that a higher bandwidth increases crossovers, but if nobody else has a network in the range of mine, then nothing is happening
<fpsusername[m]> But now the config does run well
<fpsusername[m]> I saved the default config as .config instead of config.buildinfo. IYes I loaded it as config.buildinfo before. Not sure why it doesn't work well
<fpsusername[m]> Now the question is, I'm not sure if I can reflash/update my extender without using uart. lan doesn't really want to connect. Trying things out on my test unit first now
<xdarklight> hauke: I have yet another question about GSWIP (related to the recent discussion I started on the ML): how does the switch know when to forward a frame/packet to the CPU? is this only possibly through flooding or is there another way?
<Harm_> fpsusername[m]: fwiw, this is my .config:
<fpsusername[m]> Harm_: What extras did you enable?
<Harm_> fpsusername[m]: not much
<Harm_> fpsusername[m]: you can diff it with yours
<fpsusername[m]> I'm going to try sqm, but other than that, just the basics
<Harm_> fpsusername[m]: you want to use it as your main router/firewall?
<fpsusername[m]> As an access point
<fpsusername[m]> I did get it working already, then I tried updating it with the mainline commits (and rebuild an image)
<fpsusername[m]> That went horribly wrong, so now I'm rebuilding
<fpsusername[m]> 69 new commits from openwrt. The kernel version seems bumped as well iirc
<Harm_> I wonder how much SQM will help on just an access point
<fpsusername[m]> Especially the fact that 2-3 devices will be connected at most that probably won't even drain the network
<fpsusername[m]> Just playing around with it
<fpsusername[m]> Not going for actual micromanagement stuff
<fpsusername[m]> Then I'd first start looking at increasing range. Not sure if changing antennas would actually allow for more range if the power stays the same.
<fpsusername[m]> * the same. (unless I use directional antennas)
<Harm_> The currently installed antennas are just a simple board with a trace on it, I have no idea how much worse/better it is than having external antennas.
<hauke> xdarklight: it is controlled with the GSWIP_PCE_PMAP1, GSWIP_PCE_PMAP2 and GSWIP_PCE_PMAP3 registers
<hauke> we also put the CPU port into the bridge with the LAN ports
<hauke> the CPU port is a normal port it can also learn its mac address
<fpsusername[m]> Harm_: I've never done research on PCB antennas, but it's not just a simple trace. Antennas are finetuned for their frequencies and optimal radiation (in quite some directions).
<fpsusername[m]> The way the experia extender has two of the same ones makes me think the field is donut shaped, meaning that you have almost everywhere the same range.
<fpsusername[m]> I do know the longer the antenna trace, the more sensitive it will be. On my desktop I upgraded from 14 to 20cm antennas, didn't do much on the dBs though. I think only 1 or 2 dB better.
<Harm_> fpsusername[m]: right. Maybe a hi-gain antenna (those 'flatten' the donut shape right?) or directional would improve the signal in your garden.
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<Harm_> fpsusername[m]: re: flashing without uart. When OpenWRT is booted, you can reset the config by holding the reset button on the back for 5 seconds, release when the power LED starts flashing red. maybe that allows you to regain access
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<fpsusername[m]> <Harm_> "fpsusername: re: flashing..." <- `ERROR: package/boot/uboot-mediatek failed to build (build variant: mt7621_nand_rfb).`
<fpsusername[m]> I'm going to cry now
<fpsusername[m]> I have no idea why it doesn't want to compile
<Harm_> me neither. I'm not on latest master yet though
<Harm_> what does the log say when you do `make -j1 V=s` ?
<fpsusername[m]> I see you updated it
<fpsusername[m]> 16 commits behind master now
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<Harm_> yeah, I've been testing that 2gbit patch (see forum)
<fpsusername[m]> Ah okay. Let me refresh and redo it
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<mrnuke_> aparcar: How did you find our hiding spot on the interwebs? (re realtek-poe)
<aparcar[m]> mrnuke_: I got my birds
* mrnuke_ pulls out peashooter, starts looking for birds
<aparcar[m]> so... why isn't this upstream?
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<aparcar[m]> oh i see community feed. However this should be pre-installed on the devices
<aparcar[m]> mrnuke_: looks wrong, isn't there a more generic way for this?
<mrnuke_> aparcar[m]: That's an example config. Currently, users are expected to write their own -- not ideal, true
<mrnuke_> One concern is mapping between lan port and port_id. Not all devices are "monotonically increasing", and the only way to know for sure is for someone to plug in a PoE sink into each port, one by one
<aparcar[m]> ethtool -p ethX
<mrnuke_> Gives me "Cannot identify NIC: Not supported" on my engenius,2910p. I assume that means "number of ports" ?
<mrnuke_> If so, you can't always assume the number of PoE ports is the same as the number of ports. You have devices with a mix of normal and PoE ports, and also have ports on SFP slots
<aparcar[m]> this seems to be a solved problem, it's encoded in upstreams 02_network
<mrnuke_> I'm going to look into that. I was under the impression it includes _all_ DSA ports, not just the PoE ones
<aparcar[m]> if possible please fix your script accordingly so it works automatically
<mrnuke_> 02_network predates me. He's not my son! :p
<xdarklight> hauke: thanks! according to the GSW140 datasheet the PCE_PCTRL_3 (per port) register has a LNDIS (learning disable) bit. I cannot find this in sources for the xRX200 GSWIP. is it missing in the sources or was this bit only added in later revisions of GSWIP?
<mrnuke_> aparcar[m]: The (edited) 02_network script gives lan1->lan10, but on my specific switch lan9, and lan10 are SFP cages
<mrnuke_> though I see a world where the ""poe' JSON node is generated correctly, and a different script converts that into an /etc/config/poe file automatically
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<fpsusername[m]> <Harm_> "me neither. I'm not on latest..." <- Doesn't build on the latest. uboot doesn't build. Will probably take an hour again to run it with V=s. Not sure if you can run the make command without remaking already made modules/parts
<aparcar[m]> mrnuke_: I created a patch to fix the SFP issue
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<mrnuke_> aparcar[m]: I saw it just now. :)
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<aparcar[m]> mrnuke_: please test it
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<aparcar[m]> hurricos: ping
<aparcar[m]> are you fine being the maintainer here?
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<aparcar[m]> mrnuke_: isn't it possible to make a direct mapping between the port name (lan) and the id?
<mrnuke_> aparcar[m]: a 1:1 mapping, such that port1 == lan1, port2 == lan2, et cetera?
<aparcar[m]> yes
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<hurricos> aparcar: pong: yes
<mrnuke_> There are two ways. One is to interpret each port ID in the PoE protocol as a specific LAN port. This is what realtek-poe currently does
<mrnuke_> aparcar[m]: the second is to send the mapping to the MCU, and have the port ID match the lan-number (-1)
<mrnuke_> aparcar[m]: in either case, realtek-poe needs to know which PoE output maps to which port
<aparcar[m]> for me it looks like lan1 = id1 etc
<aparcar[m]> so that could even be auto generated
<hurricos> I think there's a subtle fear here that the MCU will, in some implementations, not interpret '1' as 1
<hurricos> Since it's dependent on what the MCU firmware thinks, it's not *really* a hardware attribute, so it cannot go into a device tree
<hurricos> I don't think there's any example of this, is there mrnuke_?
<mrnuke_> not exactly. The realtek-poe already produces the correct mapping when expoerting poe info (see `ubus call poe info`)
<mrnuke_> glad you asked :)
<hurricos> Oh dear.
<hurricos> Well aparcar, I think answers your question
<mrnuke_> Here I was lollygagging and making a function named whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat_do_you_want() connected to SIGINT, and you guys are trigger-ready on the merge button :p
<mrnuke_> (That was a happy joke. I'd be glad to get this package upstreamed)
<aparcar[m]> mrnuke_: what device is that?
<aparcar[m]> looks like we need to add a mapping then to each poe device
<mrnuke_> it's in the hostname :)
<hurricos> aparcar: as is done with uboot-envtools, yes?
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<aparcar[m]> hurricos: i wouldn't know
<hurricos> is the preferred still to build a shell script?
<hurricos> (which has case statements for each of the board models?)
<aparcar[m]> from what I know, yes
<aparcar[m]> we could extend that too
<aparcar[m]> mrnuke_: could you add a PR for your engenius switch?
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<aparcar[m]> hurricos: you're okay to become the maintainer?
<hurricos> aparcar: pong, yes.
<aparcar[m]> so I'd go ahead an merge then?
<aparcar[m]> mrnuke_: if you add your device please manually specify the order of lan/poe ports, that should automatically work
<hurricos> 10357 is fine.
<mrnuke_> aparcar[m]: sure. sounds like a plan :)
<hurricos> /etc/board.d/* is going to be converted to ucode one day anyway, it doesn't have to look pretty, just make sense ;)
<hurricos> aparcar: but you're talking about 18763.
<aparcar[m]> merged. Now we should come up with a proper way to automatically create /etc/config/poe based on board.json
<hurricos> Sounds good.
<mrnuke_> aparcar[m]: Awesome. Then we can remove the config/poe from the realtek-poe package. Makes sense!
<mrnuke_> hurricos: speaking of "Why have this be a part of openwrt.git, and not the realtek-poe package". To me it makes sense that this be part of openwrt config scripts, since the info originates there.
<mrnuke_> someone adds a device, they don't need to also add a PR for realtek-poe. It's all in one place
<aparcar[m]> let's give the package a few days before moving it to openwrt.git
<aparcar[m]> do you two want to work on the poe config script or should I?
<mrnuke_> You want to move realtek-poe source code to openwrt.git?
<aparcar[m]> no, just the makefile
<aparcar[m]> this way it's possible to have it installed by default
<mrnuke_> okay. Makes sense.
<mrnuke_> aparcar[m]: regarding the config script, you can have that. I'm trying to fix an annoying bug in realtek-poe regarding error replies from the MCU
<hurricos> mrnuke_: refresh the page. I edited my comment :P
<hurricos> mrnuke_: I had not initially realized that this was an existing script
<hurricos> Other consideration is that there can be more than one PoE implementation out there; this unifies them all.
<mrnuke_> hurricos: And for some humour, I have a silly function name here:
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<aparcar[m]> mrnuke_: ideally you clean that up before merging into openwrt.git
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<aparcar[m]> hurricos: mrnuke_ can i power cycle poe with your tool? the ubus commands are not very verbose
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