ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<akik> do you have an idea why i can't find X1 with find?
<akik> i start Xwayland like this: nohup Xwayland -br -ac -noreset :1 >/dev/null 2>&1 &
<akik> i might remove -noreset for this setup
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<emersion> zzag: i've heard kwin doesn't support presentation-time, any plans to address this?
<zzag> On the todo list
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<emersion> i contemplated requiring it for nested wlroots, but couldn't because of that :P
<emersion> i just realized surface-transaction is a subset of explicit-sync-v2
<emersion> one can submit the same sync point to multiple surfaces, and atomically signal it
<emersion> hm, but the sync point is a side-channel, so has no ordering guarantees with the rest of the wayland protocol messages, so maybe doesn't work for some use-cases
<emersion> regardless, it's good to have this functionality not depend on advanced linux DRM primitives
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<akik> now i'm starting Xwayland in wsl 2 like this "nohup Xwayland -br -ac :1 >/dev/null 2>&1 &". i can't still find X1 socket file anywhere
<akik> (lsof output)
<akik> it's not in /tmp/.X11-unix
<akik> x11 apps still work
<akik> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<akik> is it some special kind of socket living in the Xwayland process?
<pq> akik, have you tried without redirecting stdout and stderr to /dev/null? Maybe it complains there about something?
<akik> pq: no. i'll try that now. thanks
<emersion> oh, a wild pq appears
<MrCooper> maybe there's only an abstract socket? What does 'lsof | grep X1' say?
<pq> emersion, hi, holiday overran :-)
<emersion> wb!
<pq> ty
<pq> four weeks without ever looking at IRC at all
<JEEB> :)
<JEEB> I did something similar in May-June
<pq> akik, I think it might be saying that it cannot create the socket you are expecting.
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<pq> maybe it really wants the dir permissions to be 1777? I dunno.
<akik> pq: /tmp is 1777
<pq> this might get WSL-specific, I guess
<pq> not /tmp but /tmp/.X11-unix
<akik> MrCooper: lsof | grep X1 shows those same @/tmp/.X11-unix/X1
<akik> oh yea it's 0777
<MrCooper> does the @ denote an abstract socket? Not sure offhand
<akik> looks like it's some strange wsl 2 thing with /tmp. i can write there but i can't change /tmp/.X11-unix permissions
<akik> none on /tmp/.X11-unix type tmpfs (ro,relatime)
<akik> ro
<akik> # cat /run/tmpfiles.d/x11.conf
<akik> # Note: This file is generated by WSL to prevent systemd-tmpfiles from removing /tmp/.X11-unix during boot.
<akik> but that file is all there, just one commented out line
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<akik> To summarize, there are now three layers of protection for the X11 socket:
<akik> /tmp/.X11-unix is mounted ready-only
<akik> oh ok there's a comment that i can remount that rw
<akik> ok that works
<akik> ... and the X1 socket file appeared. thank you very much
<akik> more discussion about the issue:
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<bl4ckb0ne> zamundaaa[m]: didnt drakulix[m] already signed up for the meeting in the doodle?
<zamundaaa[m]> oh, I should've looked at that before
<drakulix[m]> I did to not block things, but technically I am still on holiday and very limited in availability. I wouldn’t mind another delay. 🙃
<bl4ckb0ne> looks like we're aiming for monday 9am est anyway
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<drakulix[m]> monday? didnt the poll start with thuesday?
<bl4ckb0ne> oh right it does, sorry
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<jadahl> emersion: you don't happen to be in osaka 17/18/19 september? :o
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<kennylevinsen> That was a random question
<psykose> context is status post
<jadahl> indeed
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1346 opened by Derek Foreman (derekf) desktop-shell: Fix shell fade animations [Desktop shell]
<emersion> jadahl: aha, not quite sure yet, but possible, my plans for end of sept are not quite laid out yet... i'll reach it if i am :)
<emersion> reach out*
<jadahl> emersion: make sure to do so! i'm going from kobe to osaka the 17th, and leaving the 19th
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<emersion> ack!
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