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<_[m]1> need to pin it down?
<steev> what in tarnation
<steev> i'm just kidding, is that the SN770M?
<steev> which is now only 20 dollars off instead of 70 :(
<_[m]1> I won't post my ducktaped version I guess HAHA
<_[m]1> nah it's something in europe available
<_[m]1> Corsair MP600 CORE Mini 2TB M.2 NVMe PCIe x4 Gen4 2 SSD - M.2 2230
<_[m]1> wait you mean the extender, dunno bought on alixp
<steev> yeah the extender... i actually thought it was something 3d printed at first
<Jasper[m]> <_[m]1> "nah it's something in europe..." <- WD sold them on their site :|
<_[m]1> is it the same?
<_[m]1> anyway lol I'm too dumb today to get the extender properly attached 🙂
<Jasper[m]> <_[m]1> "is it the same?..." <- > <> is it the same?
<Jasper[m]> > anyway lol I'm too dumb today to get the extender properly attached 🙂
<Jasper[m]> Oh I thought you meant the SSD instead of the extender
<steev> the corsair is just a WD?
<exeat> Looks like the Corsair is QLC (450 TBW endurance) while the WD is TLC (1200 TBW), so I'd prefer the WD for that reason
<exeat> (Also damn those extenders and Lenovo for not adding a 2230 post)
<craftyguy> I 3D printed an extender, seems to work fine so far :P
<clover[m]> username checks out! haha
<clover[m]> 6.6.2-1 pushed for arch users
<clover[m]> includes johan's new audio fixes
<clover[m]> not sure what they are though
<steev> supposed to address pops and clicks, users might need to re-do their asound.state
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<clover[m]> not sure whats going on but i am getting a ton of artifacting on my external monitors now
<_[m]1> hmm it's not owkring
<_[m]1> s/owkring/working, the extender -_- prolly doing it wrong lol/
<_[m]1> <craftyguy> "I 3D printed an extender..." <- you don't need ground?
<jhovold> Here's an updated wip branch for the X13s:
<jhovold> Changes include:
<jhovold> - fix usb dwc3 resource leaks on probe deferral
<jhovold> - fix usb dwc3 broken wakeup after probe deferral
<jhovold> - fix a690 gpu register values
<jhovold> - fix bad asoc merge
<jhovold> Note that the pops and clicks artefacts are completely gone with 6.7-rc1 (and soon also with 6.5.3 and 6.5.13) after a seemingly unrelated fix made the remaining pops go away.
<Jasper[m]> Sounds good
<craftyguy> _[m]1: there are ground pins on the m.2 connector, what do you mean?
<jhovold> That was supposed to say *6.6.3* and 6.5.13
<jhovold> clover[m]: was that after resume from suspend? Is there anything in the logs?
<jhovold> I've seen the phy timing out during resume twice this last week while doing a lot of suspend (-110)
<clover[m]> jhovold: Nope, right after a fresh boot. Downgraded to 6.6.2-0 and issue went away. I have to do some work now but can check dmesg logs later
<jhovold> steev: no need to remove asound.state for the pops and clicks fixes, only needed after updating the ucm files to address the speaker volume/distortion issues
<jhovold> clover[m]: probably something different then, looks different, my screen becomes completly garbled
<jhovold> oh, and you said external monitor, i see it on the eDP, sorry for the noise
<jhovold> clover[m]: did it happen on every boot or just once? if so it should be straight forward to track down the change in 6.6.3 that caused it
<clover[m]> jhovold: every boot. for clarity, i was running 6.6.2-1 (whatever is currently in steev's 6.6.y branch). and things are working again after downgrading to 6.6.2-0
<steev> clover[m]: i probably screwed up the backport of the a690 regs
<steev> you can drop that patch and see if it fixes it
<jhovold> oh, ok, shouldn't blame stable then
<robclark> clover[m]: cat /sys/kernel/debug/drm/0/state ? That kinda looks like display thinks the buffer is linear but gpu thinks it is UBWC .. which would probably be a compositor bug.. if you could run the compositor with FD_MESA_DEBUG=noubwc and that "fixes" it, that would confirm
<robclark> hmm, or it could be messed up ubwc setting
<jhovold> fwiw, external display still works with 6.7-rc3 and the v2 of the a690 fixes here, only using 1920x1200 though
<steev> definitely not on 6.6, but i probably screwed it up, either way, i'll drop it
<steev> just tested here and i just get... gnome crashing
<steev> actually unplugging and plugging my adapter back in and it works fine
<steev> Oddly though, the gnome crashes seemed to have reset my font settings, and my alacritty is *very* readable from a distance
<steev> clover[m]: pushed again, dropping the patches
<_[m]1> can I conclud the corsair one is not working for x13s?!
<_[m]1> s/conclud/conclude/
<_[m]1> I was trying debian maybe I'll go for ye olde ironrobin arch iso 🙂
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<robclark> steev: I noticed that g-s crashing make things fall back to Xorg.. which might be what is happening to you.. `ps auxw | grep X` and see if you have Xorg vs Xwayland?
<steev> robclark: it was neither; it was crashing and falling back to "_" in the uppper left corner (and yes X is installed, and normally that's what happens) - either way, i'm not gonna back port the reg changes to stable, i'll leave that to the ~~professionals~~people better than me
<steev> there is definitely something odd going on though, because i don't always seem to get my other sessions
<steev> oh, i bet i'm in X only and we reinstalled something that disabled my damn wayland sessions
<steev> yup
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<clover[m]> steev: that fixed it
<steev> sorry :/
<steev> er
<steev> wtf? i can't get wayland on 6.7 only on 6.6?
<steev> oh, i bet its mutter
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<steev> that also explains the "font" changes... because alacritty uses different font sizing between xorg and wayland
<steev> jhovold: one thing i notice is, every so often, logging out and back in (gnome sessions testing xorg vs wayland), audio will just break; another logout cycle usually fixes it, but it's kinda weird
<steev> robclark: do you happen to know why Xorg does this? It *only* happens with Xorg, and it also happens on the c630.
<_[m]1> lol I don't understand nothing,when I put another m2 nvme the debian installer passes into installation after loading dtb, I can boot into archiso and I see the block device and can partition and write ext4 fs but somehow it won't continue debian installer grr
<robclark> steev: "because X" :-P ... actually I bet that is coming from the trick that xorg tries to do for "smooth" transition from gdm to X.. when it starts it grabs the current scanout buffer and memcpy's it into the buffer used for modeset. It probably ignores the modifier in the process (since that code pre-dates modifiers) so you end up with transient UBWC confusion until gnome-shell steps in and starts rendering
<robclark> I think the answer is "don't X" (but ofc someone needs to fix the g-s crash first)
<steev> it's not gs crash, it's mutter, but yeah :(
<steev> there's a workaround, but i hate having to carry it forward
<steev> _[m]1: which debian installer? i think you need testing/sid for the 6.5 kernel
<robclark> yeah, ok, I tend to use those names interchangeably ;-)
<robclark> I just wish fedora would carry the workaround
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<steev> weird they don't, i thought they wrote it
<robclark> no, I think it was someone from linaro
<steev> ah, for some reason i was thinking danielt was at fedora
<_[m]1> <steev> "(⊙_◎): which debian installer? i..." <- it's sid
<steev> okay, wanted to make sure :)
<steev> i haven't tried it myself, since i didn't buy the WD and now it's on less sale (they moved it from $70 off to $20 off for cyber monday??)
<clover[m]> i bought a WD, full price. its been flawless so far
<clover[m]> i agree with hdkr that the extender isnt really necessary. it fits SUPER snug
<steev> well, if you wanna buy me a christmas present, i'm fine with that :P
<_[m]1> <steev> "i haven't tried it myself, since..." <- wait for a 2tb disk? i thgouth the extender thing w t f
<clover[m]> wait wtf. i bought back in july for 250, and now its supposedly on "sale" for 250? wack
<_[m]1> yeah now I saw the wd is on alixpress grr for 120 something
<HdkR> clover[m]: I still recommend a little bit of capton tape if you don't use an extender, for that vibration resist
<HdkR> kapton even
<steev> 85.60 is the cheapest i'm seeing it on aliexpress.... that is tempting but still... i need to do adult things with my money (aka i need to move soon)
<steev> oh wait, that's only the 500gb
<steev> the 2tb is 232 on there
<clover[m]> <steev> "well, if you wanna buy me a..." <- maybe, but you'd have to dedicate at least 1 TB to arch linux
<_[m]1> at least !! 😄
<_[m]1> I honestly thought you needed some sort of ground point on the end screw point, honestly still unsure - or is kapton tape inductive?
<Jasper[m]> I paid 200€/~219$ for my 2TB SN770M
<Jasper[m]> On WD's site
<_[m]1> oh yeah 260 here, was looking at wrong one
<_[m]1> cheaper huh ? but it ships from usa?
<craftyguy> _[m]1: ah, i thought the metal on the screw part was just so you don't grind/stress the pcb when tightening the screw. it would be weird if that was the only connection to ground...
<Jasper[m]> _[m]1: Ehhh, from The Hague so fairly local really
<HdkR> _[m]1: Screw is just there to hold it captive, the connector has other ways to provide a ground to the drive. Latest motherboards are using little plastic retention systems these days even
<_[m]1> HdkR but why the copper rhaaa
<_[m]1> myeah so mm fckd
<_[m]1> anywya I usually don't do all that much IO on my internal disk
<_[m]1> going to testdrive quartz64a now, anyone experience with setting up NAS n such?
<_[m]1> s/n/on/
<clover[m]> no but im sure you could follow instructions for e.g. a raspberry pi
<HdkR> _[m]1: Yea, as craftyguy, the plating there while also likely going to the ground plane, is also for screw relief :)
<_[m]1> daaamn (sorry for offtopic) but I love when my procrastination makes that someone made a blog post meanwhile of exactly what I'm trying 🙂
<_[m]1> except not SSD
<HdkR> Those SSDs look like 870 QVOs which are quite nice. The best $/GB of any SATA SSD
<Jasper[m]> QLC does have it's issues
<_[m]1> I took WD red disks out of the book product
<Jasper[m]> But otherwise yeah
<Jasper[m]> _[m]1: I did the same, paid like 169€ a pop at the time for 2x8TB drives
<_[m]1> so mm zfs or btrfs?
<Jasper[m]> Worked OOTB too, no weird 3.3V sense wire
<_[m]1> I prefer btrfs because it's in tree
<Jasper[m]> _[m]1: zfs, but I'm not on a stable kernel yet. gonna use kwizarts copr for that soon
<_[m]1> so you like updating huh not
<Jasper[m]> <_[m]1> "so you like updating huh not" <- Fedora is kinda quick
<Jasper[m]> Too quick for openzfs
<HdkR> ZFS is also battling a data corruption bug right now. Might be good to wait a month for that to smooth over :)
<steev> Jasper[m]: in the US, we can't buy it from WD site, it's Best Buy exclusive here, unfortunately (or we can buy on aliexpress for slightly more)
<craftyguy> I went with a QLC 2TB drive from team group. I've had the same one in my steam deck for a few months and it seems fine. I try to avoid WD :P
<HdkR> WD has proven on multiple occasions that it doesn't have the consumer's best interest in mind. Hopefully that changes at some point
<HdkR> But also Seagate has issues, so choices start getting harder and harder
<_[m]1> <Jasper[m]> "Too quick for openzfs" <- is disabled per default but I read lol nice timing also only in latest
<_[m]1> HdkR: just do raid 6 + 2 dunno
<HdkR> _[m]1: Yea, I do RAIDZ2, which is a bit overkill on SSDs but oh well :)
<_[m]1> why overkill on SSDs? it's more likely 2 will fail at same time than HDD?
<HdkR> Mostly because reconstructing an array of SSDs is significantly faster than platter drives, so the period of being vulnerable to data loss from a second driver failure is less of a concern. Especially since reading doesn't cause much wear on SSDs unlike platters
<_[m]1> hmyes makes sense
<HdkR> Sadly large capacity U.2/U.3 SSDs aren't quite as cheap as SATA SSDs yet, which would significantly improve that reconstructing performance.
<HdkR> Intel leaving this space is probably one of the most sad developments but maybe Kioxia will get us something comparable at some point.
<_[m]1> isn't btrfs still default fs in fedora but like it got ripped out of rhel?
<_[m]1> sometimes I seriously don't get redhat
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