robclark changed the topic of #aarch64-laptops to: Linux support for AArch64 Laptops (Chrome OS Trogdor Devices - Asus NovaGo TP370QL - HP Envy x2 - Lenovo Mixx 630 - Lenovo Yoga C630 - Lenovo ThinkPad X13s - and various other snapdragon laptops) -
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<DanaG> "GSC Debug Board (aka "Chromebook Debug Cable" / "SuzyQ", for Cr50 / Ti50)"
<DanaG> eBay says the item was updated (no idea if anything changed) since when I purchased it a couple of days ago.
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<DanaG> Weirdly, their search engine is useless at finding any combination of the keywords in that item title, so I don't remember how I initially found it.
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<steev> bamse: wtf does ecsh even stand for in the c630 dts? since i'm doing wakeup-source, i figured i'd send a follow up that changes the tsel/tsc1/tsc2/ecsh to touchscreen/touchpad/keyboard but not sure if those have special meanings; mostly because every time i go in there i think to myself... wtf do those mean again
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<jhovold> jbowen: thanks, hope you'll be happy with your new x13s
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<gwolf> ohai! o/
<gwolf> steev: I'm happy to inform that I managed to run 6.6.y in my C630 successfully... It needed just a bit of attention from my brain cells
<gwolf> mostly: I had not noticed you had moved the firmware paths (, so my woes starting up Wayland were just a symlink
<gwolf> (still, no audio support whatsoever --- I'll check with my external audio adapter later today!)
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<jbowen> gwolf: \o/
<jbowen> Are folks dual-booting with Windows to still be able to use the Windows-based firmware upgrade tools?
<Jasper[m]> jbowen: What are you looking for in particular?
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<jbowen> Sorry, I'm specifically talking about the X13s
<Jasper[m]> Okay, well I know fingerprint firmware can be upgraded using fwupd
<jbowen> Sure, and I hope oneday all of the firmware can be upgraded that way
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<Jasper[m]> And UEFI can be done by extracting the installer from lenovo's website, using these instructions
<Jasper[m]> jbowen: Me too, but that^ works too for now
<jbowen> Typically with a new laptop I might boot with the Windows OS it shipped with just to make sure no components are DOA, then I install Linux over the top of it and never look back
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<gwolf> jbowen++
<gwolf> I don't think I've ever booted to Windows since Linux started working
<_[m]1> > # yes, the directory name contains "$" ...
<_[m]1> lol
<_[m]1> I have a secondary hdd where I have windows alongside ubuntu installed, but lol funnily there's a critical boot update in broken state in lenovo update soft 👌
<_[m]1> it fails every time, such useful
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<clover[m]> is there a way to fine tune the trackpoint in gnome wayland? gnome settings have options for mouse and touchpad, but not trackpoint, and my trackpoint feels way too sensitive
<jbowen> X13s order placed; now the sad waiting period
<clover[m]> what distro you gonna run jbowen?
<steev> the one true distro
<steev> lenovolinux
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> steev: Give pls link? :)
<steev> lol
<steev> it was a joke :)
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> \0/
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> I know))))
<steev> gwolf: glad to hear, and sadly, audio is a known issue with 6.6 but hopefully someone can figure out where it's going wrong
<steev> gwolf: on mine, it seems to check the correct paths and config but calebccff said his isn't
<gwolf> oh... well, I got an external USB audio "thingy"...
<gwolf> I'll just enable USB_AUDIO and cross fingers...?
<gwolf> The good thing is that I can boot a recent linux again
<steev> that should work, yeah
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> Maybe we can try passing sound through a proton? :)
<gwolf> (the bad thing is that... I need to keep my 5.19 for presenting)
<steev> yeah, that part...
<gwolf> (and every reboot with a different kernel requires informing it about the correct devicetree bits)
<steev> the c630's battery life still is breathtaking so many years later
<steev> gwolf: if you're using grub... and don't often update the kernel, you can just add the devicetree bits to your /boot/grub/grub.cfg or whatever
<gwolf> Umh, right, _might_ make sense
<steev> but know that since the ubuntu patch to do that was nacked upstream, debian doesn't have the ability to do that automagically
<steev> so any time grub config updates, they go away
<gwolf> steev: with "that" being ... oh, _that_
<gwolf> has there been any movement you know of with the displayport-over-USB-c?
<steev> bamse tested it out and saw it was still broken
<steev> well, it breaks suspend/resume; though he says he can't suspend/resume
<steev> even without that
<gwolf> suspend/resume work perfectly for me!
<gwolf> I mean, battery drains... over ~36h
<gwolf> but suspend suspends, resume resumes.. no glitches whatsoever
<steev> okay good, it's just bamse that has the issue :D
<gwolf> (-:
* gwolf → outside for a bit o/
<steev> enjoy!
<jbowen> clover[m]: I'm going to try Fedora first, then probably Debian next
<Jasper[m]> <jbowen> "clover: I'm going to try..." <- Please let me know if and when you get anything working
<jbowen> lol, will do
<enyalios> steev: what is the battery life like on the c630?
<steev> enyalios: last time i measured (admittedly a while ago), i can get 56 or so hours suspended
<enyalios> wow, what about during use?
<steev> that's harder to measure as my usage isn't "typical end user usage"
<enyalios> ah, thats fair
<steev> mine is doing things like compiling kernels and rebooting a lot :D
<clover[m]> c630 is the laptop you would want on a deserted island
<enyalios> that makes sense
<enyalios> gotta get a crank powered laptop for that
<steev> or.. .just be like me and take both
<steev> when i go to blackhat/defcon i used to take 6-10 laptops with me (one of which being the god awful m4600 which breaks my back carrying around) so the m1 air, thinkpad and c630 are now enough to replace all those
<steev> OTOH, the m4600 does have pretty much every port known to man on it
<gwolf> enyalios: I quite enjoy that kind of battery life (since forever) in the C630!
<gwolf> I just love the C630. Nobody will ever call it a powerhorse (unless comparing to cheap Chromebooks), but it's light and sturdy.
<enyalios> im really loving the battery life on my x13s, is the c630 even more?
<gwolf> enyalios: I cannot say. If you sponsor a X1S for me, I promise to do a detailed comparison of both 😉
<gwolf> But I'm very happy with my C630
<steev> yeah, the c630 battery lasts longer, but the processor isn't as powerful
<steev> the c630 doesn't have pcie? i think
<enyalios> wow bonkers, the 16 hours my x13s gets is already insane compared to my previous laptop (thinkpad x220)
<gwolf> enyalios: That was also one of the things that brought me to ARM laptops. I had a X230 (so ~2.5h battery most)
<rfs613> it is surprising just how different the battery life between x86 and ARM laptops, even of the same generation (say x13s versus an x1 carbon)
<rfs613> you'd think the display would be the main power use, but evidently that's not the case
<rfs613> the battery capacity is almost identical on both, but one gets 6-8 hours, the other easil double that, perhaps more.
<enyalios> yeah its crazy
<enyalios> the battery life is even better with the lid closed on it
<enyalios> when i ssh in and its closed it estimaten ~30h of battery life
<enyalios> but its not really useful as a loptop then ;-)
<enyalios> i do really miss the amazing keyboard on the x220
<enyalios> it was just so damn good for a laptop kb
<gwolf> wow!
<gwolf> enyalios:Yes, I love that kbd. That's why at home I have...
<enyalios> gwolf: the anticipation is killing me
<enyalios> nice! thats awesome
<gwolf> I love it. I have one at home and one at my office.
<enyalios> i have a ibm model m at work and a keychron v6 on my windows gaming machine, they both feel amazing to type on
<enyalios> so the x13s kb is a little dissappointing, but its functional
<enyalios> at least it still had a trackpoint, thats a hard requirment for me, i just cant stand touchpads
<steev> model m at work... why do you hate your coworkers?
<clover[m]> lol
<clover[m]> i am on a model m ssk right now. i work from home though
<clover[m]> my fiancee is annoyed almost constantly though and we live in a pretty good sized apartment
<steev> i like em, but i type too fast
<gwolf> TBH some time ago I gave away my Model M to a friend... I never used it
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<ak-coram> I'm trying to track development on the x13s camera, I've found this repository so far:
<ak-coram> is there maybe another place to check?
<enyalios> steev: yeah i did have a coworker at a previous job that was not a fan of it
<ak-coram> how far is this along? does anyone have it working already?
<ak-coram> it's the last thing I need to use this machine for work. i'm not very keen on buying a usb-c webcam with only 2 ports being available :/
<bamse> steev: yeah, suspend on sdm845/sdm850 is broken...if it works that's pure luck with some peripheral driver not adequately releasing resources during suspend...
<steev> ak-coram: that is bryan's repo, and afaik the most complete one, but it also needs userland changes still afaik
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<bamse> steev: i will respin the ec driver, with the dp-support, so we can settle that part...but there's more work needed to get the system to suspend properly
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<steev> bamse: hm, my command line arguments aren't very extensive, so that's odd. i only have clk_ignore_unused quiet splash on top of root= and BOOT_IMAGE whatever that comes from
<bamse> steev: if i make sure to satisfy the requirements of ipa and venus, things are settling down to a good idle-state, and neither mtp nor db845c survives a trip to s2idle
<steev> it is kinda annoying that ipa firmware has to be in the initramfs but i'm not arsed enough to go make it do what msm does
<bamse> only if you put the ipa driver in the ramdisk, right?
<steev> yeah
<bamse> or is it builtin?
<steev> afaik, it happens by default in debian, i think
<bamse> but yes, both venus and ipa has that same problem
<bamse> at some point we need to come up with a solution
<steev> yeah
<steev> i don't see myself adding ipa anywhere in /usr/share/initramfs-tools or /etc/initramfs-tools but i see the module in my initramfs
<bamse> doesn't that go in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf ?
<bamse> or that's just on my machine?
<steev> debian doesn't use mkinitcpio, it uses (not sure what the upstream is)
<steev> with the (i believe default) setting of MODULES=most
<steev> which, the comment doesn't seem to match what it does, since it says Add most filesystem and all harddrive drivers
<_[m]1> s/hdd/sdd/
<steev> nope, the commend specifically says harddrive drivers
<steev> comment
<steev> the manpage mentions not just hdd
<steev> but i still think it controlls more than just pata/sata/usb
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<jbowen> pardon my ignorance, but what's the function of the "ipa" firmware in this discussion?
<steev> it's unrelated to the x13s, it's the modem on the c630
<jbowen> ah, thank you, steev
<gwolf> bamse: I have *never* had issues with suspend/comeback
<gwolf> in the C630
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<bamse> gwolf: me neither, until steev told me it's 100%