robclark changed the topic of #aarch64-laptops to: Linux support for AArch64 Laptops (Chrome OS Trogdor Devices - Asus NovaGo TP370QL - HP Envy x2 - Lenovo Mixx 630 - Lenovo Yoga C630 - Lenovo ThinkPad X13s - and various other snapdragon laptops) -
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<steev> bamse: do you happen to know/remember what fixed ? for the life of me, i cannot
<enyalios> gwolf: what problems were you running into, ive been really happy with xorg + i3 or my x13s so far
<bamse> steev: no :(
<steev> i want to say we were missing something with the mmu
<bamse> nah, just looks like the slimbam wasn't present...and we didn't do error handling very nicely
<Dylanger> bamse: Any idea what kernel config I would use for this HDK8350?
<Dylanger> Looks like pretty much everything is mainline'd
<bamse> Dylanger: defconfig
<bamse> Dylanger: should work, and if anything is missing, let's add it
<travmurav[m]> hm, craftyguy (or anyone else with x13s, or even other devices) what other options does uefi firmware on your devices have that affect "os usage"? I'm thinking stuff like fn row priority, like above, trackpad disable etc
<travmurav[m]> i.e. on aspire1 there is fn mode - which fn layer (fxx or media) is on top, and it's implemented by setting a property in acpi so obviously doesn't work for dt
<HdkR> fn row priority and fn and ctrl key swap
<travmurav[m]> and do those work?
<HdkR> yea
<HdkR> wifi disable also works
<travmurav[m]> mhm cool, I guess that firmware does it on boot time unlike my device
<HdkR> er wait, I tried wwan disable not wifi disable
<travmurav[m]> fun, apparently my device allows fn mode and also... numlock mode??? for the keys on the second layer of the tkl?
<HdkR> Gotta love when you have numlock in the middle of your qwerty keyboard
<travmurav[m]> but the reason I'm asking is because I was looking into the dtbloader and I'm thinking it would be nice for it to handle those settings with per-device code
<travmurav[m]> as in, to translate, where needed, acpi props into the dt props, put status=disabled in things etc
<jenneron[m]> travmurav: we may be able to do more with dtb overlays than efi settings..
<jenneron[m]> also how does ACPI changes can affect fn keys, since it's an i2c hid device
<jenneron[m]> i'm not saying it can't, i'm just curious
<travmurav[m]> provision mac addresses, either with a device specific code or just from the board id
<travmurav[m]> jenneron: well, this firmware is, of course, dumb. the EC has a "register" for the keyboard mode that has like 3 positions: "always fn", "fn", "media", and the 1 is boot time, then the acpi writes to it from an acpi prop in some touchpad init function
<jenneron[m]> i see
<travmurav[m]> so when you set the firmware to a different thing, that property gets changed and the acpi writes a different mode
<travmurav[m]> jenneron: but re: overlays, my goal is to make sure the firmware setup knobs work properly
<jenneron[m]> i have a keyboard with backlight support, but i2c hid driver in linux doesn't handle it
<jenneron[m]> also iirc on galaxy book s some f1-12 keys are just messed up
<Dylanger> bamse: Cheers
<travmurav[m]> I guess there are other things I'd like to be able to do on boot, depending on the device, like nuking some stupid uefi reserved memory bits
<travmurav[m]> and I guess I just don't completely like that the current dtbloader impl requres installing the dtb with a special chid name, I feel like there is not that many devices to just maintain a table of chid(s) -> dtb name (+ optional functions) and let the user/distro just install their dtbs dir into esp
<travmurav[m]> robclark: as someone who seems to have worked on dtbloader the most, maybe you have any thoughts?
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<Dylanger> I always assumed the defconfig wouldn't work for some reason, but I'll give it a go, I'm guessing it'll generate a massive kernel, I think QC allows for 49MB large kernels, I'll use dracut for initramfs so I can use LUKs + Tang
<Dylanger> There's an NVMe M.2 somewhere on the thing, looking forward for this to be my new Media Box
<robclark> travmurav[m]: tbh these days I'm just using kernel cmdline (via sysstemd-boot entries file) to load the dtb from esp... but the dtbloader idea was to present something to distro bootloader and beyond something that looked like EBBR.. the whole using CHID was based having something that could automagicallly figure out what dtb to load.. I guess if distro's want to become more dtb aware/friendly it is not needed and if
<robclark> dtb fails to become a stable abi it is counterproductive.. I guess it depends on how much you buy into the EBBR concept
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<robclark> for my own personal use, loading kernel version specific dtb is fine.. but it doesn't seem like the most scalable approach long term
<travmurav[m]> robclark: well, I think it's nice to provide an ebbr-y environment for distros (mostly I'm thinking of iso installers of things like fedora)
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<robclark> yeah, it really comes down to how dtb aware distro's want to be, vs how much they just want fw to be "EBBR".. either way I think CHID is a reasonable approach to figuring out which dtb to load (because device specific installers isn't going to scale).. whether CHID is done by something in "efi land" or by distro bootloader, I guess I could go either way
<travmurav[m]> basically what I was thinking of right now was: I want to run code fixups on the dtb on some devices anyway, so dtbloader should know the device -> if it knows the device then it can know the dtb name -> then user can just take `install dtbs` output either out-of-band (via fwupd tracking something? manually?) or copy from whereever distro has it's kernel dtbs without renaming anything
<robclark> or maybe vendors could double down on dtb and ship complete dtb in fw before devices get to consumers.. but we are still a long way from that ;-)
<robclark> problem is device is really N devices
<robclark> OEMs substitute parts
<travmurav[m]> you mean one of many touchpads etc?
<robclark> even for the chromebooks we usually have many different variants.. which consumers only recognize as a single thing
<robclark> yeah, touchpads, panels, etc
<robclark> for the sc7180 chromebooks that needed external edp bridge, we had at least a couple variants
<travmurav[m]> well, it's also then handled somewhat reasonably: read however firmware detects which is present and set status="failed-absent" for the other one
<robclark> I think there were audio codec changes, etc
<travmurav[m]> as in, if in Linux we assume the same dtb
<robclark> we have a way of dealing with that with strappings for chromebooks.. in the uefi world in theory CHID should be different (but not sure if we have enough data points on that or not)
<robclark> IME the SKU is different between the variants
<travmurav[m]> tbh I'm really aware of this mess from the "phones" world, we maintain a special bootloader for a big bunch of qc phones that detects the specific device and almost always have to set display panel compatible and sometimes do ^^^ for a touchscreen
<robclark> in theory, if vendors follow the rules, CHID should be enough to do this in a more sane way than "one bootloader per device" that you have in the phone world
<travmurav[m]> no no no
<travmurav[m]> I mean our bootloader has a table "not-chid-model-detection-rules"->"device and how to fixup it"
<robclark> not sure if we have enough data points on that yet.. but it hasn't been disproven yet
<travmurav[m]> so for WoA efi we have chid which drastically simplifies this
<travmurav[m]> for qc cros I suppose it's a bit more interesting, but I assume for ebbr-y there would be a different, nicer(?) efi provider that would just give us a dtb whichever way cros firmware detects it
<robclark> cros is no efi.. but there is a mechanism for depthcharge/coreboot stuff to figure out what dtb to pass the kernel
<robclark> but cros is also a different situation from WoA... in that the ODMs are working with the firmware providers
<travmurav[m]> yeah I implied that some next stage efi (u-boot/edk2?) is placed instead of a kernel in the usual place
<travmurav[m]> so it's a different set of problems, probably easier yeah :D
<travmurav[m]> robclark: well in the end what I wanted to ask is whether you think putting an array of chid-device mappings into the dtbloader has some shortcomings
<robclark> anyways, the theory is that CHID gives something more standardized than needing to know which random gpio's or whatever you need to look at to figure out "wtf am I running on"
<robclark> array of chid -> whoami seems sane.. that is kind the approach that dtbloader took
<robclark> I guess we'll see over time how many special-case hacks we need
<travmurav[m]> yeah I just want to move it from the dtb filename into the dtbloader itself since I really do want to have device-specific code there
<robclark> but chid is a somewhat established thing in other spaces like fwupd
<travmurav[m]> robclark: I suppose dtbloader is nowdays somewhat abandoned?
<Dylanger> <robclark> "cros is no efi.. but there is..." <- It's pretty nice/easy to use
<robclark> yeah, doesn't seem to be that much use of it currently... but long term, idk.. right know there is mostly one device (x13s) but if you think the the future I guess/hope there will be a lot more
<robclark> Dylanger: sure, u-boot for the subset of things that have u-boot support.. but unless you are signing up to implement u-boot support for everything, that doesn't really count
<travmurav[m]> well I more care about my 7c thingie :P but yes I'm exploring "retrofitting ebbr" for a generic case for past/future WoA
<travmurav[m]> robclark: btw do you remember why dtbloader was converted into an application instead of a driver?
<Dylanger> U-Boot support on aarch64 chromebooks would be awesome
<Dylanger> Not sure why Google had to use something different
<robclark> I think if retrofitting ebbr is the goal. dtbloader is a good approach.. and defn I think it would be ok to add device awareness to dtbloader.. since it is supposed to be the "hacky thing that makes things appear sane to distro"
<robclark> travmurav[m]: re app vs driver, check my commit msg.. I think/assume I put reasoning there
<robclark> Dylanger: for CrOS needs there are pretty good reasons to _not_ have the extensibility of uefi
<robclark> uefi root kits are a thing
<Dylanger> Fair
<travmurav[m]> robclark: it was sadly not helpful to answer "why"
<travmurav[m]> It only says how to use it via boot order and that it will always boot grub later
<robclark> travmurav[m]: hmm, I'll look at it again tomorrow and see if I can remember why.. iirc it was because I thought it would be easier for distro's to install that way
<robclark> but not a thing I'm hard-committed to
<travmurav[m]> ah I see
<robclark> ie, whatever works for distro's is fine as far as I care
<travmurav[m]> yeah I'm just thinking it, in opposite, makes it complicated to make the "retrofit" "seamless"
<robclark> yeah, I'd kinda like distro's to just get together and decide how they want linux on WoA things to work.. and then we can make dtbloader or grub or whatever do that
<travmurav[m]> robclark: I think I will play with dtbloader in the future and see if I can make something nice
<robclark> cool
<travmurav[m]> I guess another interesting question would be if there is a way to do proper secure-boot in that case - that is, verify the dtb file was not tampered, but I guess that's a bridge far far ahead...
<robclark> yeah
<robclark> fwiw, one of the things I was thinking about at the time I was playing with chid was.. and this depends on kernel/dtb discipline to maintain "latest/greatest dtb is always compat with older kernels" was to use fwupd to distribute dtb so that dtb would basically just be a fw update
<robclark> all fwupd would have to do is learn to drop the dtb's in the esp
<travmurav[m]> robclark: yeah I also kinda think that dtb should be "out-of-band firmware"
<robclark> that seems like it could be a reasonably scaleable long term soln
<robclark> maybe the app vs driver approach was based on what fwupd could install.. idr.. but I was defn think of how we could make this "out of band fw update" from the OS perspective
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<jhovold> steev: nice to see some progress on that mutter crash, sounds like you've been hitting it daily (and falling back to X)?
<travmurav[m]> <steev> "they're asking for testing; it..." <- fyi it applied on 45.1 fine for me and actually does solve the issue
<travmurav[m]> (external display crash that is)
<steev> travmurav[m]: hm, odd... the debian sources *should* be a clean 45.1
<steev> oh
<travmurav[m]> (I just plopped 9 patches into the alpine apkbuild for mutter 45.1 expecting to see where it breaks and it worked fine)
<steev> yeah... it's dry-run that is failing... because patches patch other things
<steev> i didn't try just going for it anyway :D
<steev> jhovold: and no... i'm only hitting it with 6.7?
<steev> ah, i probably have that one patch in 6.6
<steev> but, i spent all night trying to figure out why the hell we are hitting and... bleh
<jhovold> what patch? the mutter crash is a user space issue and i assume you use the same user space with both 6.6 and 6.7?
<jhovold> iiuc, the mutter wayland compositor crashes on all qcom devices with an external display connected, unless you've patched mutter
<jhovold> the kernel is not to blame here
<steev> there was a kernel side patch we had too at one point... and i *thought* i had it in my 6.6 kernel sources, however, i do not seem to
<steev> weird... my windows machine appears to have locked up - that said, my 6.6.2 does not have that patch, and yet, i can use gnome+wayland on 6.6.2, but rebooting to 6.7.0-rc3 and i cannot
<travmurav[m]> jhovold: it crashes unless you break msm driver in the kernel in a special way
<steev> yes, that was the commit i used to carry
<jhovold> travmurav[m]: ah, that rings a bell, thanks for the link
<steev> but i'm definitely not *now*, and as i said, 6.6.2 works, 6.7.0 does not, i haven't looked deeper but i'll be trying the mutter patch shortly. i know lumag left a comment on it
<steev> And by shortly, I mean tomorrow, because it’s 2am here
<steev> And the first build failed unit tests
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<ajhalaney[m]> hmm, I don't claim to understand SCMI usage very well but I think it is interesting that X1E80100 is using that (afaik other qualcomm platforms don't really)
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<steev> well make them start
<steev> also, the mutter flaky tests are so annoying
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<clover[m]> i disable tests lol
<steev> i'm up to 20 builds now :)
<steev> when it succeeds it errors elsewhere
<steev> and yeah, i COULD disable tests... and i might if the obsolete directories get to be too much
<steev> okay, i give up after 22 attempts, overriding the test :D
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<steev> oh my, i think i see why the tests were flaking
<steev> patched mutter, and still can't get gnome+wayland on 6.7.0-rc3, wtf
<steev> oh ffs
<steev> our override was back because they bumped the defaults a few times
<exeat> If a mutter test reliably triggers that issue, it might be helpful for
<steev> the problem is, i don't know which one is triggering it
<steev> exeat: i'll add in the info though
<exeat> steev: nice
<steev> worst case, it's unhelpful
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