ChanServ changed the topic of #asahi-alt to: Asahi Linux: porting Linux to Apple Silicon macs | User-contributed/unofficial distribution ports | Logs:
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<supae> I'm sorry for the beginner question, but I can't seem to find an answer anywhere after a few hours total of searching. How do I set the scaling/resolution in OpenBSD so that it doesn't look unreadable on my Macbook (I'm using xenodm/fvwm as per the defaults)? I've tried using xrandr and a variety of things mentioned all over the internet with no luck.
<supae> if anyone else is running OpenBSD on a Macbook (I'm sure there are tons lol) and could share how they do it I'd be incredibly appreciative
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<tobhe> supae: I use Xft.dpi: 144 in .Xresources
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