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<billak> hi
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<dererk> Hi there! Do you know about any guides or script or something to make speakers work with Debian systems? I'm running m1 pro and I have the system perfectly running (except speakers of course :P) following this guide
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<dererk> I'm getting this error when attempting to start speaker: Dec 30 09:33:39 asahi speakersafetyd[9395]: INFO [speakersafetyd] Found 6 speakers
<dererk> Dec 30 09:33:39 asahi speakersafetyd[9395]: INFO [speakersafetyd] Opening control device
<dererk> Dec 30 09:33:39 asahi speakersafetyd[9395]: ALSA lib confmisc.c:165:(snd_config_get_card) Cannot get card index for AppleJ316
<dererk> Dec 30 09:33:39 asahi speakersafetyd[9395]: thread 'main' panicked at 'hw:AppleJ316: Could not open sound card! Error: ALSA function 'snd_ctl_open' failed with error 'ENODEV: No such device'', src/
<dererk> Dec 30 09:33:39 asahi speakersafetyd[9395]: note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
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<cy8aer> The speaker support is not patched into the kernel. In addition: Do you run Debian/testing? If not (stable) you do not want to patch the kernel because lsp-plugins-lv2 has a bug which may destroy your speakers.
<dererk> I'm running unstable/testing, yes "Linux asahi 6.4.0-asahi-00571-gda70cd78bc50 #2 SMP Wed Aug 30 07:22:14 CEST 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux"
<chadmed> that kernel is REALLY old
<chadmed> whoever's maintaining that needs to update it
<dererk> I see a linux-image-6.5.0-asahi-00780-g62806c2c6f29 pending, let's give it a try
<j`ey> thats also old by now
<dererk> :-S
<j`ey> should be 6.6
<dererk> Got it
<j`ey> the page you linked is 6.6
<cy8aer> I'm really in two minds about this. I have the solution, but not the capacity to take responsibility for it. Without any warranty and any help: v
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<j`ey> cy8aer: are you thomas?
<j`ey> thomas r that is
<cy8aer> yep
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<dererk> so just to see If I'm missing something *else*, I'm not at 6.5.0-asahi-00780-g62806c2c6f29, this kernel would still need extra stuff to get speakersafetyd to work properly, is that correct?
<chadmed> speakers are only supported with kernel tag asahi-6.6-12 or above with the linked enablement patches on top
<dererk> oookey... now we are getting somewhere :D
<cy8aer> ... and my solution hast a 6.6-14 with the patches
<cy8aer> But with the kernel you need my m1n1 package (for the dp-trees!), and then you will have all other dependencies (like mesa) from my repo if you use my repo. And: no support.
<dererk> just by chance, is anyone aware of a debian/debian-compatible kernel built for that version? It seems the kind person that is taking care of the Debian ones is lagging behind a bit understandably
<dererk> cy8aer, what's your repo?
<cy8aer> yes
* dererk apologizes since was under a rock for too much time apparently and missed all this stuff
<dererk> Thanks!
<cy8aer> And it uses the Glanzmann mimikry with additional patches. The principle is that it uses the in kernel bindeb-pkg make.
<j`ey> mimikry?
<cy8aer> probably crazy translated: the principle how it works
<cy8aer> is the meta package of the repo with all dependencies...
<cy8aer> That is the stuff on my j314.
<cy8aer> hm, I think I will build "testing" packages as well...
* dererk is using unstable anyway lol
<j`ey> ohh it's a german word (mimicry in english)
<dererk> okey, time to give it a try
<cy8aer> k-c sorry
<dererk> thanks in advance, if I don't come back pray for me [!?]
* dererk rebooting into 6.6 kernel, cy8aer powered
<cy8aer> dererk: If you are on firmware 13.5 (for hdmi): please add apple_dcp and mux_apple_display_crossbar added to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules. Otherwise you may get problems with dp-ext
<cy8aer> (oups - hopefully he is on 12.3 and still read it)
* cy8aer begins to pray
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<cy8aer> That is why I don't want to really maintain it...
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<dererk> OH BOY OH BOY! ohhh lorrrdy looordddyyy lord of the bits... I believe nowwwwww \o/
<cy8aer> that were horribe 10 minutes.
<dererk> I got the speakers working, I'm about to start crying :')
<cy8aer> horrlible
<cy8aer> Ok. I will create a testing tree now...
<dererk> @cy8aer, it was my fault, I didn't realize I had set the m1n1 and several gl packages on hold
<dererk> cy8aer, thank you so much! j`ey \o/
<j`ey> awesome
<dererk> I'm literarly into tears now :')
<dererk> its beautifullll mannnn it's soooo beautiful! <3
<dererk> Thanks a lot!
<cy8aer> you should be on the state of fedora now
<chadmed> j316 might be a bit boomy sounding... we're working on it :p
<cy8aer> chadmed: and j314 is great
<dererk> chadmed, you joking... this is crazy good in comparison to having to use an external bluetooth speaker
<dererk> xD
<cy8aer> Yes but it is measured for j314, it may be really better if there are special eqs for j316...
<dererk> great to know, I'll be right there for testing <3
<chadmed> m arc an did j316 but i think he mightve overdid it a bit on the bass because we've had some reports that the convolver becomes saturated at high volume
<cy8aer> I have a testing branch now too, it would be save to switch to testing because my unstable will be really unstable sometime. (just change from unstable to testing in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gitea.list
<cy8aer> There are the same packages in it...
<dererk> got it!
<cy8aer> an apt upgrade should not install new packages, please check this up!
<cy8aer> (just to be on the safe side)
<dererk> @cy8aer, it's attempting to install stuff from today it seems, all mesa related, candidating to 24.0.0-202312301403
<dererk> should I ?
<cy8aer> Yes that works. The packaging mechanism uses the actual build date. Please install these - no harm
<cy8aer> I just see it here too.
<cy8aer> I rebuild all packages except the kernel. So I need a mechanism on my side to manage the packages for both trees.
<cy8aer> s/rebuild/rebuilt/g
<mps> chadmed: > 13:47 ......... chadmed| speakers are only supported with kernel tag asahi-6.6-12 or above with the linked enablement patches on top -- where is link, I'm blind maybe
<mps> thanks both
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<ashi> cy8aer: your packages also work with bookworm(stable), however wireplumber needs to be installed from bookworm-backports (0.4.17) else it wort understand the lua policy file. Maybe you could update the deb dependency to require >=0.4.17 for people who try that on bookworm
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<cy8aer> ashi: be aware: you are not safe with lsp-plugins-lv2 < 1.2.14-1 ( 1.2.14 is testing/unstable. That is why I say: use testing.
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<cy8aer> And (sorry) new version of asahi-audio which now needs lsp-plugins-lv2 >= 1.2.14-1. That is why I said "no warranty".
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<cy8aer> Just to understand why I do this: As marcan told sometime it would not be good if speakers are damaged because of the usage of (asahi) linux: if a significant number of people burn their speakers with Linux and then show up to Apple (care) service with them, it can get pretty messy.
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<cy8aer> Bookworm version of lsp-plugins-lv2 is 1.2.5-1 and there is no backports version!
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<mps> even with patches I can't get speakers to work on j316
<mps> with plain alsa, no pipewire and other layers
<j`ey> what about speakersafetyd?
<mps> yes, with latest speakersafetyd, forgot to mention
<mps> and latest alsa-ucm-conf-asahi
<mps> cy8aer: are you sure it is needed for alsa
<cy8aer> that is the way it works for me - complete with bass enhancing and eq. As I understand it is designed for the whole pipeline
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<mps> IIUC asahi-audio is for better sound quality but not essential
<tpw_rules> the non-good sound quality is pretty bad
<tpw_rules> on j316 it sort of hurt my head
<mps> tpw_rules: acceptable for my use case
<leio> worse than any non-apple laptop? :D
<tpw_rules> probably
<tpw_rules> they just sound lame rather than possibly physically painful
<mps> I mostly use headphones
<mps> maybe I will add asahi-audio to alpine linux in next few days just to check it
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<cy8aer> mps: when I look at a pipewire routing tool (here qjack-ctl) I can see that alsa has 6 sinks (it is devided to the chassis). And then there is a module before this which does the audio stuff (eq and bass) stereo to the 6 ports. So there may not be one stereo sink on the alsa side.
<mps> cy8aer: thanks for explanation but I'm not 'music man' and don't have experience with such things
<cy8aer> mps: it is rudimentary at this point for me too.
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<mps> one of the reasons for switch from debian to alpine was pulseadio
<cy8aer> why?
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<mps> I don't like these (useless IMO) layers
<cy8aer> pulseaudio is completely implemented with pipewire. That is transparent if you just use pipewire. Just ignore the layers
<mps> installed and tried pipewire but couldn't get it working
<mps> simply I don't understand these things
<sven> maybe don’t call thing you don’t understand useless then
<sven> *things
<mps> yesterday installed kde plasma on one of my chromebooks but after few hours removed it, I'm not satisfied with it
<mps> sven: I wrote 'IMO'
<sven> doesn’t change my point
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<mps> ok, maybe then 'useless for me'
<cy8aer> Ok, for only output to speakers or phones it looks useless, but with ardour, and more than one audio interface connected...
<mps> but I wrote all this is not important for me, I mostly use headphones which works quite fine
<mps> j`ey: thanks, opened it in browser and will read tomorrow, maybe it could help me to understand it
<j`ey> it seems quite 'dense' not really a guide as such..
<mps> thinking to install plasma desktop on external disk to test all these things
<sven> one reason you need something that does dsp-like stuff is that you have six separate speakers where some are woofers (to play lower frequencies) and others are tweezers (for higher frequencies). On a normal stereo setup you just have two lines and if the speakers are also split into woofer/tweeter they will have a hardware crossover
<mps> it should work out-of-the-box I think
<sven> Apple hardware doesn’t have that hardware crossover but does that in software instead
<sven> *tweeters not tweezers ofx
<mps> sven: understand, but feel it as complicated to me
<j`ey> hehe tweezers
<mps> :)
<j`ey> it *is* complicated, these are complex machines!
<sven> normal speakers just have a crossover in hardware that’s hidden from you. that thing splits low vs. high frequencies
<sven> additionally these speakers probably aren’t tuned to have a linear (or otherwise enjoyable) frequency response. that also has to be fixed in software
<chadmed> they sound like total ass but youre talking to a brick wall
<sven> and then they are also too small to properly create bass so which can be fixed with some dsp to trick our brains
<mps> I see, but I expected apple did all these things in separate CPUs for speakears/audio. Obviusly I'm wrong
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<chadmed> i even already said you can install an asound.conf that will expose pipewire as the default sink to the alsa api
<chadmed> like your workflow does not need to change at all
<sven> nope, it’s all done in software on the main CPU (quite unlike all the other things they do in firmware)
<mps> sven: now I see
<mps> thank you all for explanation
<sven> sure :)
<mps> looks like tomorrow will be interesting New Year Eve for me :)