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<tpw_rules> so i've got the speaker stuff running under nixos (w/ official versions and configs) but it only works if i manually start speakersafetyd after logging into plasma. if it starts during boot, then plasma shows me no audio devices until i stop it. once i start it everything works again
<tpw_rules> does anybody happen to have any clues?
<tpw_rules> alsa-info shows identical info in both broken and working cases
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<Glanzmann> tpw_rules: Nope, but I have the same issue with Debian with the version I packages approx. around Nov 11 2023. I'll spend the next day to get on par regarding the audio stuff with Debian. So if you find anything out, please let me know, I'll do the same.
<leio> tpw_rules: the autostart from udev works only with systemd:
<leio> and assumes your package installs the rule and the service file (make install)
<leio> chadmed: the speakersafetyd ebuild shouldn't have a systemd USE flag, as it's only used to install openrc service when it's not set - openrc and systemd service files ought to be installed unconditionally when there's no extra deps (and there are eclasses to figure out where to install service files instead of upstream pkg-config variable checks)
<leio> (maybe one day I'll manage to get that far that I can send a bunch of PRs, that day is not yet today :( )
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<stintel> hmmm I'm having trouble charging :/
<stintel> plugged in but still discharging - tried 3 different power supplies that all worked fine before
<j`ey> havent change any sysfs settings?
<stintel> I have the udev rule: SUBSYSTEM=="power_supply", KERNEL=="macsmc-battery", ATTR{charge_control_end_threshold}="80"
<stintel> and I changed that to 100 because I'm traveling today, so I can have a full battery when I leave
<janneg> stintel: that will result in discharging if you're over 80%
<stintel> janneg: I set it to 100 manually
<stintel> hmm, the udev rule seems to instantly set that back to 80
<stintel> I changed the udev rule, it's at 100 now
<j`ey> weird, I would have only expected that to run once
<janneg> it shouldn't, the udev rule is only executed on probe/load
<stintel> now my original problem was: I was building chromium (gentoo), and it claimed the charger wasn't powerful enough, which is bs, I've also tried all 3 which worked fine before
<mps> I still use my charge-ctl daemon, it is more controlable
<stintel> and the battery kept discharging, estimate was ~2h remaning which isn't even enough to compile chromium (takes 4+h) so if that was right, I would have never been able to compile chromium before
<janneg> stintel: that's not true either since at 80% the charger will kick in
<stintel> janneg: it was already below
<janneg> oh
<stintel> let me try again
<stintel> although I don't have time to let it finish anymore, need to leave for the airport in less than the time it takes to compile chromium :P
<janneg> but yes, setting charge_control_end_threshold to 100 doesn't seem to have the desired effect
<janneg> or maybe it does now
<stintel> I guess it's just a bit finicky
<janneg> it was initially at 79% but claimed charging
<janneg> but now it quickly jumped to 80% and then 81%
<stintel> also I read in the code something that charge_control_start_threshold is writeable to not confuse userspace but it's either 100 if charge_control_end_threshold is 100, otherwise it's always 75
<stintel> iirc
<j`ey> yup
<stintel> so maybe I was still > 75 and didn't notice the echo 100 > charge_control_end_threshold not having worked, and somehow the plasma widget decided this meant "charger not powerful enough"
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<tpw_rules> leio: yes, all that stuff is running. the rules and service files are installed afaik. the problem seems to be that speakersafetyd starts too soon, which udev would make worse? also why is it started by the rules and wanted by in the service file?
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<liv> hello again
<liv> needed to reboot the vps
<j`ey> I think the wanted by can be removed
<leio> wanted by doesn't do anything other than ordering when enabled imo
<tpw_rules> "if you omit the line and no other enabled service includes a Requires=your.service or Wants=your.service in its service definition, your service will not be started automatically. "
<tpw_rules> quoth some random stackoverflow post, which was my understanding too
<j`ey> other people dont seem to have an issue with speakersafetyd starting early though
<tpw_rules> for sure
<tpw_rules> also, if i make speakersafetyd wait 30 seconds to start, then wait 31 seconds to log in, it's still broken. so it's specifically an interaction with plasma and whatever it starts, not something else afaict
<tpw_rules> also also nixos runs a pulseaudio daemon per user
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<tpw_rules> (not all nixos users have this issue either...)
<j`ey> liv: did you try out configs from viola
<yuka> tpw_rules: you have pipewire and wireplumber though right?
<tpw_rules> yuka: yes
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<zzywysm_> tpw_rules: i'm into day 3 writing a shell script that starts with the Fedora Asahi kernel config and builds you a NixOS-Apple-Silicon kernel config, and every change i make includes a rationale
<zzywysm_> and it all uses the Kconfig system properly, with no hand-edits to the config file
<tpw_rules> zzywysm_: i'm interested to see, but i did already figure out an interim solution on the wip branch. i'd like the next step to be to just use nixos's built in system but that does have some downsides
<zzywysm_> tpw_rules: i agree it would be nice to use the built-in system, but it's kind of a wreck
<zzywysm_> i'm considering proposing a talk for the upcoming Nix conference in San Diego about it
<zzywysm_> one of the oldest open issues in nixpkgs is about modernizing how the kernel stuff works
<zzywysm_> oh wait, is it San Diego or Los Angeles?
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<marcan> tpw_rules: > if it starts during boot, then plasma shows me no audio devices until i stop it.
<marcan> your pipewire is too old or your udev rules are not working properly.
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<marcan> PipeWire has a check that refuses to open any cards with busy subdevices. speakersafetyd keeps a subdevice busy.
<marcan> I fixed this with logic in PipeWire to check for a udev env var and ignore that subdevice
<marcan> that is set by this udev rule in speakersafetyd: KERNEL=="pcmC*D2c", ATTRS{id}=="AppleJ*", ENV{ACP_IGNORE}="1"
<marcan> this mechanism is not working for you for some reason
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<tpw_rules> marcan: i have pipewire 1.0.0 i believe so i'll double check the second. thank you for the info
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<chadmed> chaos_princess: you're using gentoo right
<chaos_princess> aye
<chadmed> ugh yep just realised i havent updated sys-apps/asahi-scripts yet :p
<chadmed> so your asahi-diagnose is missing all the audio chekcs
<chaos_princess> i can patch the ebuild and re-do it with audio checks
<chadmed> you can just resync the overlay
<chadmed> just pushed the new version
<chadmed> doesnt really matter though its not like youre some untrustworthy rando
<chadmed> when you have a moment to troubleshoot, can you go to /usr/share/wireplumber/policy.lua.d/85-asahi-policy.lua and set hide_parent = false
<chadmed> and then restart pipewire
<chaos_princess> thats the output, which is unfortunately rubbish, i haven't tried enabling speakers before they were done on this machine
<chadmed> and tell me what the volume for the hardware sink is set to
<chadmed> are you on arm64 or ~arm64
<chaos_princess> ~arm64
<chadmed> okay cool
<chadmed> try the first thing i said then when you have some free time
<chadmed> on j314 at max volume i need my pair of proper 3M earmuffs
<chadmed> so if its quiet for you something is definitely wrong
<chaos_princess> the raw was set to 40%
<chadmed> ah there ya go :p
<chadmed> we have a rule that's supposed to set that to 100%
<chadmed> what is the raw called for you
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<chadmed> i have a feeling this is some profile related bs given your asahi-diagnose
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<chaos_princess> ok, setting both to 100%, the speakers is just as ear-hurtingly loud as macos, thx
<chadmed> for my own sanity, can you try deleting ~/.local/state/wireplumber
<chadmed> then restarting pipewire
<chadmed> and then see what the raw sink gets set to
<chadmed> it should also automatically set itself to the HiFi profile
<chaos_princess> what specific name are you looking for, the one in the kde panel is just called "Speakers (Built-in Audio Speakers)"
<chadmed> yeah cool thats what i wanted
<chadmed> hmm
<chaos_princess> the profile is "Default", the only other choice is "Pro Audio"
<chadmed> yeah thats fine, Default is the HiFi profile
<chadmed> can you try the ~/.local/state/wireplumber/ thing
<chaos_princess> deleting it? that is what happened after i deleted it, it also reset volume on raw device from 100% to 40
<chadmed> hmph okay so that rule is not working for you for some reason
<chadmed> you have asahi-audio-1.6 right
<chaos_princess> media-libs/asahi-audio-1.6
<chadmed> in /usr/share/wireplumber/scripts/policy-asahi.lua, can you set line 20 to be `if profile == nil or ~= "HiFi" or ~= "Default" then`
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<chaos_princess> seems like something went horribly wrong, i now have no audio devices and i do not see wireplumber in htop. Logging out and back in did not help
<chaos_princess> headphones do not work either
<chadmed> okay revert that change
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<chadmed> this is a head scratcher
<chadmed> this works fine on all my machines, one of which is a j314
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<chaos_princess> do you need any additional info, pipewire state dump or something?
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<chadmed> the output of `pw-cli i all` might be useful
<chadmed> (with hide_parent = false)
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