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<MichaelLong> currently asahi-diagnose reports OS Firmware: 12.3 on my gentoo installation, which is a problem trying to enable the HDMI output. How can I upgrade the OS firmware for my gentoo installation?
<chaos_princess> no easy way, but if you are ok with fixing things when they break - delete your apfs and efi partitions, then use the installer to install "uefi only"
<MichaelLong> chaos_princess, generally I am, just need to understand the process.
<chaos_princess> if you do /boot as esp - or have something else that installs there - you will also need to preserve it
<MichaelLong> I also have a asahi fedora installation which reports a much newer OS firmware, ~13.6. Is that of any use?
<chaos_princess> not really
<MichaelLong> in terms of "just copying something" over :>
<chaos_princess> in theory - back up your files from ESP, delete apfs stub and ESP, run installer with EXPERT=1, pick uefi-only 13.5, complete install process, restore your boot files, then fix all the places in your system that used old ESP partition uuid
<MichaelLong> deleing "apfs and efi" - hmm I've a couple of them and the additional installation of asahi-fedora already introduced some trouble regarding partition numbering, we needed me to fix / reinstall grub
<cy8aer> Is there some additional development for 12.3/HDMI anyways?
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<chaos_princess> i do not think it will be backported
<MichaelLong> cy8aer, not sure what you mean with additional, but with just 12.3, HDMI out is not working.
<chaos_princess> the most likely scenario is that someone will make it possible to update firmware via the installer
<cy8aer> I wonder, if I need to update to 13.5.
<MichaelLong> cy8aer, ah ok backporting
<cy8aer> yep
<MichaelLong> chaos_princess, thx for the hints, I'll consider it anyways
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<cy8aer> Ok, m1n1 stage 1 upgrade is possible and there is a documentation from @Glanzmann somewhere and it is so rarely needed that I always forget the link.
<chaos_princess> you need to update apple firmware, not m1n1
<cy8aer> chaos_princess: Yeah I mean the firmware update. @Glanzmann wrote a documentation for this to not forget anything
<mps> cy8aer: you mean this ?
<cy8aer> mps: Yes thanks (until we need firmware 15.2... when I will then ask again...)
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<MichaelLong> might be a weird question, but how can I find out, which of the APFS partitions belong to my gentoo installation? I see two 2.3G Apple APFS partitions.
<MichaelLong> (one for the gentoo installation and one for the asahi-fedora I assume)
<janneg> the installer has support for updating the 1st stage m1n1
<janneg> cy8aer: ^^^
<janneg> MichaelLong: should be named accordingly, check with `diskutil list`
<MichaelLong> ah yes I could delete from MacOS, right.
<tpw_rules> is the first stage m1n1 what needs upgrading
<tpw_rules> for hdmi
<janneg> tpw_rules: no, the macos stub needs to be updated, I'm planning to port it back in january
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<cy8aer> janneg: so there is no need to delete both partitions and rescue EFI, just start the installer?
<cy8aer> you developers are crazy 😉 I'll check it out...
<tpw_rules> janneg: that's what i thought. do you mean backport as in 12.3 will be compatible?
<tpw_rules> has anybody been working on trying to update the stub? it seems rather non-trivial but just curious
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<MichaelLong> thx for the help, operation OS firmware upgrade completed :D but not necessarily something I'd like to do often.
<MichaelLong> HDMI output also works now. Next work item on the list: audio.
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<cy8aer> Ahem, it really updates the m1n1 stage1 - not the stub? asahi-diagnose still says 12.3 firmware. So it would be better to listen to chaos_princess - you need to update the firmware not stage1
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<MichaelLong> hm ok audio also works - that was easier than I thought :> (thx to you guys)
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<cy8aer> hm, I have some trouble now: I updated the firmware by saving /boot/efi/EFI, deleting stub and efi partition, reinstalling the stub via installer and restoring /boot/efi/EFI. But now I get "apple-dcp 289c00000.dcp: Failed to get db-xbar: -517"
<cy8aer> And I am only able to boot in single user. It was an update from firmware 12.3 to 13.5. What can I do now?
<cy8aer> (tried to recompile the kernel and rebuild m1n1 boot.bin but that did not help)
<zzywysm_> cy8aer: maybe you don't have the proper PHY for your display enabled in your kernel config?
<cy8aer> zzywysm_: ... that worked with 12.3: is that possible?
<zzywysm_> cy8aer: perhaps, is CONFIG_PHY_APPLE_DPTX enabled in your config?
<cy8aer> just a moment...
<zzywysm_> you may also need CONFIG_MUX_APPLE_DPXBAR
<cy8aer> Ah: CONFIG_PHY_APPLE_DPTX is y but CONFIG_MUX_APPLE_DPXBAR is not set! I'll recompile and get back to you...
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<cy8aer> Back again. It works (including HDMI) but it does not run smoothly: Using the @Glanzmann: mimikry I set CONFIG_PHY_APPLE_DPTX=y but the generated linux/.config sets 'm'. So is there a way to force 'y' there?
<mps> cy8aer: in my config it is =y
<cy8aer> is it possible to force 'y' somehow?
<mps> idk, I simply marked '*' in make nconfig
<cy8aer> it is a bit nifty for me, using the @Glanzmann mimikry: He has a config.txt which is copied to linux/.config. I'll try it again.
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<leio> note that unrelatedly APPLE_DRM has to be built as module
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<cy8aer> leio: just compiling DRM_APPLE, PHY_APPLE_DPTX, and MUX_APPLE_DPXBAR as modules now.
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<cy8aer> hm, I am now able to boot, hdmi works, (sound works) but I still have "Failed to get dp-xbar" at boot time and I cannot boot with plymouth splash. Crazy
<janneg> cy8aer: CONFIG_MUX_APPLE_DPXBAR
<cy8aer> janneg: Yes, every settings above with CONFIG_
<cy8aer> I guess, there is some module missing at initrd time...
<cy8aer> Which module is created with CONFIG_PHY_APPLE_DTPX?
<cy8aer> (DPTX of course)
<zzywysm_> leio: why does DRM_APPLE need to be built as a module? the config documentation invites you to say 'y' not 'm'
<mps> does this means that HDMI works on macbooks?
<leio> no idea, but it doesn't work on M2 Ultra at least.
<leio> I mean, if built-in.
<cy8aer> mps: on my j314: yes
<janneg> cy8aer: the macbook pro doesn't need PHY_APPLE_DPTX
<mps> cy8aer: thanks, will check on j316
<janneg> zzywysm_: no idea, I haven't had a chance to look into it
<cy8aer> Ok, I do have it in ramdisk time. After Luks unlocking everything works fine. janneg Thanks for the information.
<janneg> mps: HDMI on macbook pro currently requires a macos 13.5 stub
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<cy8aer> (just wanted to write ;-))
<mps> janneg: thanks, that explains why it doesn't work in my case (and I don't need it so much)
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<zzywysm_> some of the drivers need to be built as modules for more obvious reasons, like the drivers that load firmware (e.g. wifi/bt, touchbar, webcam, etc.)
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<zzywysm_> also the dockchannel keyboards/touchpads
<janneg> dcp firmware is loaded by iboot. the observed error is strange. it looks initially like everthing works as expected and breaks after the initial modeset
<cy8aer> and I only have it with 13.5, not with 12.3
<cy8aer> (except this stuff is needed only for HDMI)
<MichaelLong> interesting, I've two "cheap" USB-C hubs/docks, both coming with an USB-Ethernet port which is recognized and usable, however the USB-A ports (USB 3.0 and the other has even one USB 2.0 port) are not working, strange.
<MichaelLong> oh it is working when re-plugging the USB-C hub, but only then.
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<qdot> Cross-asking from #asahi (running Gentoo, custom kernel config) - looking for some pointers (monolithic custom kernel) on why I'm getting "Apple DWC3 requires role switch support" when CONFIG_USB_ROLE_SWITCH=y (6.6.0-p14)