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<chadmed> oh the patches got backported
<chadmed> neat
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<matteo> hi there
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<matteo> I have no wifi with kernel 6.6.3:
<matteo> is this expected?
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<j`ey> matteo: "apple-dcp 38bc00000.dcp: error -ENODEV: Incompatible devicetree! Use devicetree matching this kernel."
<matteo> ah ok, so I need to get the right dtb
<j`ey> might not be related to wifi issues, but still worth doing first
<matteo> what's the latest supported kernel? 6.3 or 6.6?
<j`ey> 6.6 is what fedora is using
<j`ey> but its using 6.6-12 or so
<matteo> I mean fedora-asahi
<matteo> can I use the upstream kernel?
<j`ey> upstream as in linus torvalds? no, not really
<matteo> I mean fedora 39 kernel
<matteo> fedora stock kernel
<j`ey> no
<j`ey> im confused
<j`ey> wait, you said 6.6.3... I read 6.6-3, sorry
<j`ey> matteo: are you doing anything custom or just using the packages from the repos?
<matteo> I upgraded from fc38 to fc39
<matteo> it wasn't straightforward
<matteo> I needed to remove some packages with rpm --nodeps -e
<matteo> then install manually the release package, and then dnf upgrade
<matteo> it worked somehow
<j`ey> seems like something has gotten into a weird/consistent state :/
<matteo> yes
<matteo> but it's booting with fc39 now, no problems
<matteo> just the wrong kernel dtb
<j`ey> but that should be automatic.. what did you do to fix it?
<matteo> the kernel? nothing, I just dnf install kernel-...
<matteo> rebooting
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