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<zzywysm_> qdot: there is another option you need to set even though USB_ROLE_SWITCH=y
<zzywysm_> it's a couple entries down from "DesignWare USB3 DRD Core Support"
<zzywysm_> set DWC3 Mode Selection to Dual Role mode
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<chadmed_> urgh we cant package slp's virtio-{gpu,snd} fork of libkrun because it grabs an unreleased archive of the pipewire bindings -.-
<chadmed_> i might be able to massage the local cargo registry to deal with it
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<chadmed_> ok yeah i did a bit more than massage the local registry
<chadmed_> this is vile
<chadmed_> but it works
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<chaos_princess> chadmed_: seems to be missing a dependency on virglrenderer
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<chaos_princess> also does not build with USE="-gpu", which is default
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<chadmed> chaos_princess: oh dear ill look at it tomorrow
<chadmed> built on my system(s) but maybe i had leftover crud from manual installs
<chadmed> doesnt matter anyway because the whole thing is gigajank and we're gonna need more invasive changes to the system to get slp's container to play nice
<chaos_princess> and something else is probably missing, cause i couldn't get vgpu working at all, but there is a high chance that its just my system
<chadmed> you need slp's virglrenderer. i was gonna push that up today but used up all my time on wrangling the vendored pipewire crate for slp's fork of libkrun
<chadmed> idk if its worth spending any more time on though since it all clearly relies on the assumption that youre running on fedora with their kernel and their ootb ulimits etc
<chadmed> idk if thats something we can really fix :/
<chaos_princess> there is virglrenderer in ::gentoo, is that one wrong?
<chadmed> yeah slp's added DRM native context support to asahi. the one in ::gentoo doesn't have that
<chadmed> you also need his fork of mesa...
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<chaos_princess> that all sounds like quite some effort to package
<chadmed> yeah i think i just wont bother with mesa until its merged into asahi/mesa/main
<chadmed> just a massive pain in the ass to version
<chadmed> and the drm native context patches dont apply cleanly to asahi/mesa/main so we cant even just maintain it as a patchset behind a use flag
<chaos_princess> makes sense, merging two forks together isnt fun
<cy8aer> For those who are interested in my mbpro1 HDMI experiences: I got it working in the initrd-phase! The module mux_apple_display_crossbar (and probably apple_dcp) were missing in the initrd. Then it works completely with my debian setup.
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<leio> chadmed: pointers what needs to be messed with? I want my single game to work :D
<leio> that's the single last commit or more of it?
<leio> is there a PR to integrate it somewhere?
<j`ey> no PR as far as I am aware
<j`ey> "virtio: Add vdrm native-context helper " this sounds also related (3rd commit)
<leio> then that's probably a bunch more from Rob
<leio> ok, my hands are full for a bit more with other gentoo things, hope someone else feels inspired meanwhile :)
<chadmed> like i said i dont really see a way to make it reliably work just via packaging
<chadmed> people are going to have to make manual changes to their systems
<chadmed> and even then it doesnt really work :/
<leio> there are packages out there that do mess about with ulimits globally
<chadmed> you can drag steam across the finish line and get it to auth you but it hangs and dies on rendering the main window after logging in
<leio> I don't see that as something we can't somewhat overcome between us
<leio> (the ulimits and such)
<chadmed> app-containers/containers-common should probably do it tbh, seems like a common issue with OCI containers
<leio> interestingly I don't even have /etc/sysctl.conf here
<leio> ah, must be the /lib/sysctl.d stuff now
<leio> the hang is about the mesa bits missing or something else?
<chadmed> no idea, i have everything in place locally it just hangs
<chadmed> and segfaults if xorg tries to use glamor
<chadmed> whatever
<chadmed> i can look at it more tomorrow but im kinda ready to give up. its giving me rpi flashbacks
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<leio> how does xorg enter the picture? Xwayland for steam you mean?
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