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<janneg> zerdox: please do not assume that just because something was said to som,eone else applies to your situation. Also mention which device you're on. Which exact kernel version are you using?
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<liv> I can't seem to do /list, am I actually in here or not?
<chadmed> liv: yeah youre here
<liv> okay :D
<liv> well anyways
<liv> I am currently still not rebooted, the script is done and I ran the system update/rebuild
<liv> Since I needed to install stuff now, I was looking to install gui-wm/hyprland (since Wayland seems to be recommended for Asahi), but I can't seem to do so?
<liv> gui-wm/hyprland seems to be masked: `gui-wm/hyprland-0.33.1::gentoo (masked by: missing keyword)`
<chadmed> have you installed gentoo before?
<chadmed> like do you use it on your other machines?
<mps> I'm curious, does hyprland work on gentoo/musl
<liv> I am currently typing from one...
<liv> I have installed Gentoo before and do use Gentoo on my desktop, have used it on my laptop as well before I switched from my ThinkPad to the MacBook.
<mps> liv: with musl?
<liv> no
<mps> aha, ok. I tried to build it for alpine but didn't got it
<liv> I meant that I have installed Gentoo before and am typing from a machine that'
<liv> s running it rn :P
<sam_> liv: lots of stuff isn't yet kw'd for arm64
<sam_> you just have to put it in package.accept_keywords and then request it on bugzilla
<chadmed> liv: ok cool just checking
<chadmed> you can unmask hyprland by adding its atom to /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords
<chadmed> oh sam beat me to it
<chadmed> sam_: do you ever sleep :p
<sam_> what i recommend doing for stuff like this is: gui-wm/hyprland ~amd64, rather than ** or something, because then you can't accidentally get a 9999
<sam_> and no
<sam_> you can also do ~* which means "if it's keyworded on any arch"
<liv> ah okay that makes sense
<liv> so is it like this on much more packages?
<chadmed> nah i have like 3 things unmasked
<chadmed> i would have 0 if i submitted KEYWORD bugs
<j`ey> so ~arm64 means 'unstable for arm64'?
<j`ey> and newer versions, and even whole packages can be masked by that?
<chadmed> yeah
<chadmed> "stable" ~= LTS
<chadmed> not really, but same concept. well tested and supported version
<chadmed> "unstable" ~= latest bleeding edge version
<sam_> (note that i deliberately said ~amd64 here to say "use the ~amd64 version", given in this case, there's no ~arm64 version yet; it means you pick some version which is exposed to ~amd64 users and hence should be fine)
<liv> makes sense
<liv> okay so I now have: gui-wm/hyprland ~amd64
<liv> dev-libs/libliftoff ~amd64
<liv> dev-libs/hyprland-protocols ~amd64
<liv> oops that was not supposed to be sent in 3 messages...
<liv> anyways I have those in /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/hyprland
<liv> and it fails on hyprland-protocols that misses a keywords
<liv> keyword*
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<ChaosPrincess> arm64, not amd64
<liv> why would I tag it as arm64?
<j`ey> sam_ just said amd64 would work there ^
<liv> yeah waht j`ey: say
<liv> said
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<liv> hello again
<chadmed> liv: hyprland-protocols is _only_ keyworded for amd64, not ~amd64
<chadmed> so youve unmasked ~amd64, but there is no ebuild that satisfies that keyword
<chadmed> so you need to explicitly say amd64
<liv> where can I see the keywords?
<chadmed> in the ebuilds themselves
<chadmed> alternatively emerge gentoolkit and use equery
<leio> I wasn't aware amd64 KEYWORDS wouldn't imply ~amd64 in terms of package.accept_keywords against it, hmm
<liv> I thought ~amd64 automatically grabbed amd64 if needed because it's stable anyways
<liv> But it makes sense and gives the user "the control" if they do it like this
<chadmed> in normal circumstances it does but we're unmasking keywords so we have to be explicit
<liv> fair
<leio> but do file keywording requests; not that I'd be very thrilled about hyprland personally :P
<liv> when I used hyprland, I loved it
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<liv> but I want to be able to run hotkeys for OBS whilst not being in OBS (having something else focussed)
<chadmed> the community is toxic as shit and the lead dev is a gigachud, but thats neither here nor there
<liv> but animations..?
<liv> When emerging waybar I get this:
<liv> make.conf for reference:
<leio> guess you don't use a desktop profile
<leio> but you have pango installed with USE=X but now get cairomm pulled in, and you don't have matching USE flags on X between existing cairo and cairomm installs
<leio> and because you aren't doing a world upgrade with --changed-use or such, it errors instead of rebuilding pango as well
<leio> (or pango without USE=X isn't possible due to other installed packages)
<j`ey> chadmed: also j4nnau said he wouldnt look at drm/dcp issues from hyprland
<j`ey> (but I personally think that we shouldnt otherwise try stop ppl using it)
<chadmed> yeah idc if people use it but im not going to be fixing it
<chadmed> liv: while work on detangling X from "desktop/gui" packages is ongoing, its not quite there yet for having -X in your USE
<chadmed> i have it, but i have a package.use file with about 12 packages that require X for plasma to work properly
<chadmed> its safest to set yoursel to the arm64/desktop profile and let packagers handle when X can be safely removed
<j`ey> USE="-pipewire" probably dont want that either?
<liv> chadmed: so I'd use `default/linux/arm64/17.0/desktop`
<liv> ?
<liv> lemme read
<liv> this is awesome tysm
<chadmed> liv: yeah thats the one
<liv> tysm
<j`ey> there also seems to be a 23.0/desktop?
<j`ey> can you only have one profile? presumably thats why there's desktop/gnome desktop/plasma?
<liv> yeah
<liv> which macbooks do you all use?
<liv> I am on a 2023 M2 Pro 14"
<liv> base model
<liv> and can I perhaps use someone's make.conf?
<j`ey> if I eventually get a mini I might try out gentoo, but sticking with fedora on this air
<j`ey> I really want to build chromium so I can try debug this wayland issue Im having, but I doubt it can handle it
<chadmed> i have a 14" macbook pro, a 15" macbook air, an m2 max mac studio and an m2 pro mac mini
<chadmed> all running gentoo
<j`ey> quite the collection now
<leio> liv: going to a different version variant involves migration steps; just for USE flag purposes switch between base, desktop, desktop/plasma, desktop/gnome, desktop/gnome/systemd and the like you'd keep the same version like 17.0 or 17.1
<leio> I somewhat doubt you were on 17.0 before
<leio> 23.0 is in the works and not technically released yet and will involve migration steps as well that need to be done according to news item that is going to be released
<j`ey> leio: arm64 seems to only have 17.0 and 23.0
<leio> so if you had 17.1 before, your new choice must be 17.1 too, unless you are working on migration to a newer one
<leio> oh, right, arm64 never had the need to do 17.1
<leio> so you stay on a 17.0 for now
<leio> for desktop there's generic one, gnome one ad plasma one; and systemd or not variants of each
<chadmed> liv:
<chadmed> its a bit deranged because i use clang/llvm as my system toolchain but you get the idea
<j`ey> and systemd/merged-usr
<liv> thanks :D
<ChaosPrincess> "-O3" - found the gentoo user :P
<leio> that there is a clang -O3, not gcc -O3 though ;)
<liv> leio: I switched to the desktop profile, removed all X-useflags I had assigned and made sure nothing was Xorg/Wayland-specific and just did a `emerge -avquDN @world --with-bdeps=y`
<liv> should be enough right?
<liv> chadmed: why do you have so many Macs? /gq
<liv> leio: I was on `default/linux/arm64/17.0` before.
<liv> is `-O3` actually worth using?
<chadmed> liv: ive been doing the speaker tuning
<chadmed> plus i need a server, a desktop and a laptop at the minimum
<liv> Does it break often or not? I've always been on -O2, even on painfully slow dualcores :L
<chadmed> m a rcan sent me the 15" to do the speakers for it
<liv> aaah
<liv> that's really nice
<j`ey> chadmed: now that the speakers work, send it my way, ta
<chadmed> also clang -O3 does some vectorisation that gcc does at -O2 but isnt as spec-breaking as gcc -O3
<chadmed> or something like that
<liv> I just have some HPE enterprise servers in a rack :P
<liv> and then a "gaming" desktop that I only play minecraft on sometimes
<chadmed> the weirdest computer related thing i own is a hard copy of the sparcv9 architecture manual
<liv> lmao
<liv> lemme think of mine
<chadmed> like, the original v9 without any of oracle or fujitsu's simd/db isa extensions
<liv> honestly I am pretty normal regarding that
<liv> except for my 80G Windows ISO collection because I wanted to see what they changed over the span of Windows 10 release -> now
<liv> (did not look yet)
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<liv> also chadmed: why do you have -j50?
<liv> do you have the 192GB ram model?
<chadmed> no i have the mini and studio as build machines
<chadmed> using distcc
<liv> ah
<liv> I did that with my servers back when I used my ThinkPad, otherwise a monthly system update would take litteral days
<j`ey> :o cool
<liv> Had 24+32+8 threads :)
<liv> but they are slow Xeon threads so that did not really help as much as I'd like it to, oh well, they helped enough and I am happy to be on a fast M2 Pro nowadays...
<liv> chadmed: what do you recommend for wifi?
<liv> and once I have finished the install script, can I now just reboot and install stuff as normal?
<chadmed> liv: i use iwd
<chadmed> once youve finished the asahi script keep following the handbook as normal
<chadmed> then after that its just a normal gentoo system
<liv> On macOS, I use Karabiner-Elements to remap keys (as the built-in keyboard has a Dutch layout), can I do this system-wide on Gentoo as well?
<liv> I know that it's possible on Xorg, but that it's not a perfect solution.
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<chadmed> i think its DE-dependent for wayland
<chadmed> plasma lets you just select a layout iirc
<liv> Will look into that, thanks :)
<liv> Going to reboot now... Wish me luck!
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<chadmed> ganba
<liv> it works, kind off...
<liv> I think I missed something with firmware, `ip a` shows only `lo`
<liv> but it boots fine
<liv> lspci only shows 5 devices, is that normal?
<chadmed> liv: paste dmesg somewhere and link
<chadmed> or better yet, paste the output of asahi-diagnose
<chadmed> but yes 5 pcie devices sounds about right. basically just the wifi/bt and the sdhc slot are on pcie
<liv> cant really get a dmesg off there :P
<liv> ill see what i can do
<liv> huh, asahi-diagnose said I installed using export mode (which I did not do?)
<liv> or is archlinux-arm automatically expert mode?
<liv> USB isnt working either
<chadmed> did the script build your kernel for you?
<liv> yes
<chadmed> hmm
<chadmed> okay one thing to try
<liv> uname -a returns 'Linux jugon 6.6.0-asahi-10-ARCH #1 PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu Dec 14 02:18:47 -00 2023 aarch GNU/Linux'
<liv> that might help I guess?
<chadmed> build a kernel with this config
<chadmed> to build the initramfs, do dracut --kver $(make -s kernelrelease) --zstd
<chadmed> then grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
<liv> How would I go about that?
<chadmed> same way you would on any other gentoo system
<chadmed> oh wait you cant get the config into the computer
<liv> I could type it over...
<chadmed> no lets not do that :p
<liv> lmao
<chadmed> i really need to see asahi-diagnose or dmesg to give you more info sorry
<liv> would pictures on matrix help?
<j`ey> no usb stick?
<liv> nope
<chadmed> liv: yeah but might upset some of the fedora folks since its ot. if you could upload them somewhere else and link here that would probably be better
<chadmed> its late here now though so ill take a look tomorrow
<liv> dmesg does show some numbers and then 'usb usb1: Product: xHCI Host Controller'
<liv> I can DM you?
<liv> alright
<j`ey> liv: put dmesg on the EFI partition
<j`ey> boot into macOS and upload it
<liv> wait SD might work
<liv> ill try
<liv> yo usb works on 1 port
<liv> ill try that first
<liv> sd works too
<liv> ill upload them in a few min
<liv> ill try building the kernel later
<liv> like in 30m
<liv> asahi-diagnose:
<j`ey> could also upload the kernel config
<j`ey> so which url did you curl the installer with?
<liv> iirc
<liv> sorry, asahi-diagnose was wrong, this is the correct one:
<chadmed> hm could you try mkdir /lib/firmware/vendor/
<chadmed> then reboot and see what happens
<liv> brb, 15m
<liv> it detects my wlan now
<liv> after making the dir
<liv> ill test further in a few
<liv> gotta walk my dog now lmao
<chadmed> ok cool thanks, need to own that dir in the asahi-firmware ebuild and that should never happen for anyone again
<chadmed> you should build a kernel though once you get rust installed so you can use the gpu
<liv> with the config above?
<j`ey> when you install a package with gentoo, does it just run the `make install` directly, or does it somehow create a package that is installed?
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<leio> it installs to a DESTDIR and then takes it from there (makes a binary package and/or copies to live filesystem)
<leio> via the src_install ebuild phase, which typically calls the equivalent of make install for the given build system in use by the package via eclasses having a default src_install implementation and whatnot
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<leio> (src_install bit does the DESTDIR install, other phases deal with it getting to filesystem from there)
<leio> there are some packages that handcode things in src_install via helpers, but the vast majority end up being essentially make/ninja install to DESTDIR
<j`ey> cool, so it's a bit more like a ""normal"" package manager there
<ChaosPrincess> you can even split the compile and install phase, and do it on separate machines
<j`ey> bindist or hostpkg or something like that
<j`ey> terms ive seem while randomly reading about gentoo
<liv> how can I install the GPU drivers?
<j`ey> liv: you have to build DRM_ASAHI and install the mesa package
<j`ey> DRM_ASAHI relies on rust
<liv> yeah i am currently insatlling rust
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<liv> everything okay? xd
<liv> j`ey: I am pretty new to kernels, how would I go about doing that? Are there docs for that somewhere?
<j`ey> you'll have to ask chadmed about setting up rust for gentoo
<liv> I installed rust
<liv> that's not the issue I think
<j`ey> trying `make rustavailable` in the linux source dir
<liv> Rust bindings generator 'bindgen' could not be found.
<liv> I will Google that
<liv> Could not find anything...
<liv> chadmed:
<mps> so iiuc speakers works only on old m1 air?
<j`ey> that's whats currently enabled without any kernel command line, yeah
<mps> j`ey: thanks. is it possible to enable them on j316 or j293?
<mps> I would like to test
<leio> you need to install bindgen, I think system package works nowadays iirc
<leio> liv: ^^ I think there's some postinst information about it in asahi-sources too?
<j`ey> mps: with the blow up speakers kernel command line still
<mps> j`ey: ah ok. doesn't work in j316. I reported it to povik some time ago
<j`ey> should do
<j`ey> as in, there's support in the kernel
<mps> no, it print kmesg that it cannot initialize it
<j`ey> markan was looking for someone with a machine.. but I cant remember if it was that one off the top of my head
<mps> `rmmod snd_soc_macaudio` even remove /dev/dri/card0 on my machine, new kernels and new m1n1
<j`ey> that sounds odd
<j`ey> dcp depends on SND/SND_PCM, but surely removing macaudio wouldnt remove all that and DCP too
<j`ey> does lsmod show dcp?
<mps> here is dmesg out
<mps> ah, no dcp
<mps> what should be enabled in kernel to get dcp module
<j`ey> if you run menuconfig, and search for DRM_APPLE, it will show you what you are missing
<mps> I have it as yes
<mps> everything looks fine
<j`ey> paste the full dmesg, or grep for dcp
<mps> just grep for dcp
<j`ey> didnt study it too much, but looks about right
<mps> j`ey: thanks
<mps> lets upgrade to 6.6_11
<mps> same with it
* mps add more patience to self
<j`ey> do you have anything in /dev/dri?
<mps> yes, both cards till I remove audio driver
<j`ey> oh
<mps> card0 card1 renderD128
<j`ey> does lsmod show macaudio depending on dcp or the other way around?
<mps> no deps
<mps> and there is no dcp module because I've built DRM_APPLE=y
<mps> now I go to check on j293, will be afk for some time
<liv> leio: where could I find that information?
<liv> oops, didnt read the ebuild cargo message :P
<liv> leio: I'll just install dev-util/bindgen for now to try it out
<mps> j`ey: same behavior with j293
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<liv> Rust compiler 'rustc' is too new. This may or may not work.
<liv> Rust bindings generator 'bindgen' is too new. This may or may not work.
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<j`ey> mps: same behaviur like ?
<mps> j`ey: I didn't tried 'diff' but looks like same
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<janneg> dcp depends on snd_pcm but I don't see how removing snd_soc_macaudio should influence any of those
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<janneg> mps: are those timestamps time since boot? Please reboot with the mod option set
<janneg> mps: do you have CONFIG_REGULATOR_FIXED_VOLTAGE
<mps> janneg: what means 'mod' option? and how to set it? in kernel cmdline?
<janneg> the speaker option
<mps> blow?
<mps> ah don't have REGULATOR_FIXED_VOLTAGE
<mps> rebuilding it with =y
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<mps> janneg: REGULATOR_FIXED_VOLTAGE=y fixed it. many thanks
<mps> and speakersafetyd works
<mps> now, how to control speakers volume
<liv> I ran `doas make -j10 && doas make -j10 modules_install` to compile my kernel. It's done now, what do I do now?
<mps> I have this 'WARN [speakersafetyd::uclamp] Failed to set uclamp' as output from speakersafetyd when started it
<j`ey> mps: you need the UCLAMP kernel config option
<j`ey> was just checking if you needed both, but there you go!
<j`ey> mps: that allows speakersafetyd to run on the e/little cores
<j`ey> (but seems to be a warning, not an error)
<janneg> I'm not sure either, I just checked what the fedora kernel has enabled
<j`ey> ah, GROUP seems to be cgroup support
<j`ey> (probably not used much on alpine?)
<mps> aha, thanks booth. will build again now
<mps> fine, one of these (UCLAMP_TASK/UCLAMP_TASK_GROUP) fixes this warning with speakersafetyd
<mps> but alsamixer can't change volume on speakers
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<chadmed> mps: yes that is intentional
<chadmed> speakersafetyd controls the mixer elems. it has to, theres no other way to do this
<chadmed> use pipewire as a system daemon
<chadmed> liv: you can just use the gentoo-packaged rust and bindgen these days. the number of nightly features in the kernel is down enough that mainline rust doesnt error
<chadmed> that warning about it being too new doesnt matter
<mps> chadmed: thanks for info
<mps> though I don't like pipewire
<chadmed> well unfortunately theres no other way to sanely drive these machines. you can even have pipewire create an alsa sink so your workflow doesnt have to change at all
<mps> ok, will look at it. modern things looks inevitable
<j`ey> theyre modern computers after all!
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<mps> j`ey: hah, I'm not modern ;)
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<liv> chadmed: I figured I'd give it a try, installed rust and bindgen using emerge
<liv> worked fine, kernel has been compiled, but I don't really know where to go from now
<liv> I've always used dist-kernels and stuff got taken care of :P
<liv> off*
<liv> idk grammar :P
<j`ey> you need to build an initramfs and run grub
<j`ey> s/run/update/
<liv> How do I build an initramfs?
<liv> Is that `dracut --kver something something`?
<j`ey> hm, i wonder why that relies on /boot as ESP
<liv> j`ey: ${KERNVER} does not return anything, however
<liv> chadmed: Is it safe to build using those commands?
<j`ey> right, you have to make that match wat you just installed
<j`ey> but yeah, best wait for him
<liv> okay this is weird... I installed media-libs/mesa right? It has installed mesa::gentoo for some reason...
<liv> currently emerging `media-libs/mesa-23.3.0_pre20230904`
<liv> I should clarify; I meant: `media-libs/mesa-23.3.0_pre20230904::asahi`
<liv> ETA is 25 minutes from now, according to `genlop`.
<liv> (that's only for llvm, then I need llvm-toolchain-symlinks which is not that big iirc and then I need mesa itself.)
<sam_> i continue to tell chadmed he should be doing dist kernels for this stuff too :p
<liv> Please yes...
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