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<j`ey> (alright, I understand how systemd does it now, but it's not really relevant!)
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<liv> I don't use systemd :P
<liv> If I close the lid, it just pauses the screen and resumes when I open it
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<liv> well "pauses", I meant "turns the screen off
<liv> "
<j`ey> then you need to use a udev rule, or look into how it's meant to be done with udev/openrc or watever
<liv> yeah I'll do that
<liv> first I need audio to work :P
<liv> cool! I just discovered how you can switch chats in irssi
<j`ey> try with a non spotify source
<liv> I am a noob regarding IRC :P
<liv> I am, will try with YouTube now
<j`ey> but probably a kernel config issue?
<liv> Nope, still nothing
<j`ey> check against chadmed's config
<j`ey> wait, so you do get some controls etc?
<j`ey> do you have asahi-audio, speakersafetyd etc?
<liv> yes
<liv> I don't know if speakersafetyd is running though
<liv> let me check that
<j`ey> i guess that's some openrc type thing
<liv> It was stopped, works when I start it :D
<liv> thank you!
<j`ey> great
<mps> liv: I use busybox acpi for handling events
<j`ey> (fedora ships with a udev rule to start a systemd service for it)
<liv> added it to runlevel default so it will automatically start next time :D
<liv> Another thing is, on macOS, I could remap keys, is that possible here?
<liv> I thought that was in /etc/modprobe.d/apple-hid.conf
<liv> I put `options hid_apple swap_fn_leftctrl=1 swap_opt_cmd=1` in there
<liv> Rebuilt my initramfs, but nothing has changed
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<liv> chadmed: do you know the solution to this?
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<j`ey> liv: try it on a live boot: echo "1" > /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/swap_opt_cmd
<liv> works flawlessly
<j`ey> looks like dracut only copies /etc/modprobe.d with --hostonly
<j`ey> so you could put it in /lib/modprobe.d/ or change how you run dracut
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<mps> liv: if you are using openrc you can put this in /etc/local.d/ some script. without last line
<mps> ofc, you can adapt it to your needs
<leio> my suggestion would be to just use systemd ;)
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<chadmed> just add it to your kernel command line
<mps> leio: oh no :)
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<ydalton> hi, is there a ppa that i can enable to get the asahi mesa fork?
<j`ey> there's a #ubuntuasahi channel, they might have something
<ydalton> on oftc?
<j`ey> #ubuntu-asahi oftc yeah
<ydalton> thanks
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