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<alyssa> looking at interpolateAtOffset again
<alyssa> unk 2 : 0 -> 3
<alyssa> unknown 3:0 set
<alyssa> bindings unchanged
<alyssa> everything else is shader local changes
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<alyssa> oh what a delight, the coeffs are different if perspective is set. wheeee.
<alyssa> didn't comb through everything in full, but seemingly x/y are swapped in the perspective case (why?)
<alyssa> and you divide by W at the end as expected
<alyssa> but otherwise the same
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<alyssa> ok, yeah, that does it. mostly.
<alyssa> seemingly without the swap. possibly I just misread the metal assembly
<alyssa> but it's still not... quite right.
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