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<alyssa> If you would like to see Vulkan support on M1, help make it happen. is the branch to contribute to. no, "testing" is not a contribution.
<Mary> btw I did some run yesterday and scripted something to grab all assert for every test crashes
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<alyssa> If you would like to see Vulkan support on M1, help make it happen. is the branch to contribute to. no, "testing" is not a contribution.
<handlerug> are you recruiting?
<alyssa> handlerug: are you interested? o:)
<handlerug> as i said earlier i don't know anything about graphics programming, was just wondering if maybe someone keeps pestering you about "vulkan when vulkan when"
<alyssa> there is.. a nonzero amount of pester, yes.
<rosefromthedead> praying for another copy paste-based good first issue :)
<handlerug> but then, is there a ticket tracker of some sort
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<handlerug> yeah that
<alyssa> for vulkan? pick a failing test and fix it
<handlerug> or do you run tests and fix them
<handlerug> okay yeah
<alyssa> rosefromthedead: btw were you still interested in doing timestamp queries?
<rosefromthedead> yeah i got as far as a hacky local branch that sometimes reports jobs taking negative time
<alyssa> ahaha yes right
<alyssa> well, good luck :-)
<rosefromthedead> hahaha thank you
<handlerug> that's what they mean when they say these machines are fast
<rosefromthedead> ikr
<rosefromthedead> my side project queue rotated recently but gsoc ends in 2 weeks so i might stumble back into mesa
<rosefromthedead> worst case i'll try to get round to publishing what i've got
<handlerug> how's the wlroots gsoc project going
<rosefromthedead> good, it turned out to be a different challenge to what i was expecting but it's fun
<handlerug> nice :)
<rosefromthedead> what i'm aware of that needs fixing in my timestamp impl is 1. the time travelling and 2. it assumes there's only one live query at a time because i'm lazy and didn't want to figure out hash tables or whatever
<rosefromthedead> erm
<rosefromthedead> another key problem is that i think i deleted it
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<alyssa> that would do it