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<alyssa> :+1:
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<i509vcb> device and driver uuids, generally systems don't have more than one physical device per system so I can just do something like freedreno and hash a constant for that?
<i509vcb> I implemented the uuid stuff, heavily inspired by freedreno, do I need to throw igalia in the copyright header for that?
<i509vcb> SHA1("agx" + gpu_generation + gpu_variant + gpu_revision) if you were wondering
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<alyssa> seems good
<alyssa> and better safe than copyright infringing ;)
<i509vcb> alyssa: do we want to consider the vm_page_size in the uuid as well?
<i509vcb> Last I recall Linux can't really do dynamic, per process page sizes
<i509vcb> Also I decided to throw the abi version in the hash for good measure
<i509vcb> On that topic what is vm_page_size supposed to be?
<alyssa> 13:45 i509vcb | alyssa: do we want to consider the vm_page_size in the uuid as well?
<alyssa> Shrug
<alyssa> 13:46 i509vcb | Last I recall Linux can't really do dynamic, per process page sizes
<alyssa> Correct, but it is totally legitimate to swap out the kernel and reuse the userspace
<alyssa> I "dual-boot" 4K and 16K kernels on my MacBook
<alyssa> although I think vm_page_size you're referring to is the GPU page size...? which would always be 16K?
<i509vcb> The vk spec states
<i509vcb> > deviceUUID must be immutable for a given device across instances, processes, driver APIs, driver versions, and system reboots.
<i509vcb> GL_EXT_external_objects is less specific but it should match vulkan
<i509vcb> Hence the question around vm_page_size
<alyssa> Probably the SHA1 you listed above is good then
<i509vcb> if page size is an issue we can always just have another patch
<alyssa> :+1:
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<i509vcb> alyssa: expect VK_EXT_external_memory_dma_buf soon in agxv, just a bunch of other stuff I need to implement from dependent extensions.
<i509vcb> I've gotten api.external.memory.* to pass
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<alyssa> \o/
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<i509vcb> agxv currently unsets VK_SYNC_FEATURE_TIMELINE, I'm guessing the kernel driver work for timeline semaphores is not yet done?
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<alyssa> I don't think it's tested, though I'm under the impression it "should" work
<alyssa> (setting it and running the deqps would be the way to find out..!)
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