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<alyssa> jannau: that 'should' be implemented by a blit on the GPU to a writeback buffer and then a CPU read from the writeback buffer, which is b/w heavy but should not cause unusable slowness on m1-class hardware
<alyssa> I thought we did that properly, but it's possible we're going down a slow path somewhere deep in mesa .. CPU format conversion directly from write-combine memory, for ex, would cause unusable slow..
<alyssa> worth checking a profiler (I like sysprof) to see what's going wrong
<alyssa> might be worth fiddling with PIPE_CAP_TEXTURE_TRANSFER_MODES
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<jannau> hmm, it's not kpipewire but kwin causing the high cpu load
<jannau> util_format_b10g10r10x2_unorm_unpack_rgba_8unorm() called from _mesa_GetTexImage
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<alyssa> jannau: that would indeed be CPU format conversion :|
<alyssa> ideally, the format conversion would happen as part of the blit on the GPU
<alyssa> off hand i'm not 100% sure why that isn't happening / how to make it happen
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<alyssa> see st_getTexSubImage
<alyssa> jannau: oh, hmm
<alyssa> can you try building asahi/mesa:main and seeing if it still reproduces?
<alyssa> I'm wondering if the fast path needs GLES3.1
<alyssa> I don't /think/ so, but..
<alyssa> otherwise, I guess try to figure out why st_GetTexSubImage is bailing to software
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<jannau> alyssa: I'll try, building asahi/main right now
<alyssa> :+1:
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<jannau> alyssa: better but still bad with llvmpipe. I forgot/missed the uapi bump
<alyssa> jannau: ..Right, I also forgot the uapi bump. Uff.
<alyssa> ok, umm
<jannau> not a problem, kernel build is underway
<alyssa> meanwhile i'm trying to figure out the fastest way for AGX assembly to divide/modulo a small integer by 3
<alyssa> the two obvious approaches are multiply-and-shift (2 IC operations) or convert-multiply-convert (2 SCIB + 1 F16)
<alyssa> which is actually faster? who knows
<alyssa> this is not relevant :~)
<alyssa> ooh, for the specific range of [0, 31) it might be doable in 1 IC + 1 SCIB with the `extr` instruction and some magic constants
<alyssa> oh no apple's compiler strongly disagrees with that
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<jannau> alyssa: still terrible with asahi/main, still _mesa_GetTexSubImage_sw/util_format_b10g10r10x2_unorm_unpack_rgba_8unorm
<alyssa> jannau: Alright. Worth looking into why mesa/st is falling down into software, I guess.
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