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<i509vcb> I'm not sure why push constants seem to not be lowered in one of the tests I am running
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<i509vcb> Hmm deref_var &pushConstants (push_const PushConstants) seems to be getting lowered after I do sysvals?
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<alyssa> one of the lower_explicit_io's IIRC
<alyssa> your pass order might need some tweaks
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<i509vcb> alyssa: lower sysvals is done. Everything lives in the sysvals buffer now
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<alyssa> Woohoo!
<alyssa> i509vcb: needs a rebase, the meta_begin stuff landed already (I merged ella's commit)
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<i509vcb> alyssa: my branch is up to date, I just ended up filling in a few missing meta_begins I guess while testing things
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<alyssa> i509vcb: split out the patch then :)
<alyssa> thx
<i509vcb> ok
<alyssa> ella-0: please review i509vcb's MR when you get a chance, thank you!
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<lina> alyssa: New kernel debug_flags bit 0x2000 to verbosely explain UAPI usage errors (you probably want that on always by default)
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<lina> alyssa: When you're around, there's a new Dolphin issue seemingly related to MSAA+Depth that goes away when I flush after every draw, so I think it's shader related ^^
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<alyssa> alright
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<i509vcb> alyssa: For indirect compute, I probably use CDM_INDIRECT instead of CDM_GLOBAL_SIZE? (Since that needs the group count at recording time)
<alyssa> i509vcb: yes
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<alyssa> see the corresponding gallium driver implementation
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<i509vcb> If vkCmdDispatch gets 0 in any groupCount dimension. is there really any reason to record the command in the first place?
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<i509vcb> Valid usage doesn't forbid 0
<alyssa> no reason
<i509vcb> dEQP-VK.compute.basic.empty_workgroup_all seem to be fine with me just immediately returning, so I guess thats valid from the cts
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<i509vcb> agx seems to not like negative height, hopefully I don't need to do lowering in shaders for this...
<i509vcb> (needed for KHR_maintenance1 which is one last mandatory extension wgpu needs)
<i509vcb> scissor is uint...
<i509vcb> Although why are Min Z and Max Z floats?
<i509vcb> but X and Y are uint16
<i509vcb> no ignore that
<i509vcb> viewport does have float
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<alyssa> i509vcb: what's the question?
<alyssa> (is there one?)
<alyssa> Viewport::Scale Y is a float and should be possible to be negative
<i509vcb> Does gallium use any negative Scale Y?
<alyssa> I don't remember
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<alyssa> I thought so
<alyssa> look at agx_get_scissor_extents
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<i509vcb> Scale gets passed through fabsf
<alyssa> for the SCISSOR yes
<alyssa> for the VIEWPORT no
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<alyssa> --
<alyssa> with my wip branch, dolphin ubers @ 4k is up to 7.5fps
<alyssa> was like 4.5fps, so this is great progress
<i509vcb> Viewport
<i509vcb> Translate X: 640.000000
<i509vcb> Scale X: 640.000000
<i509vcb> Translate Y: 360.000000
<i509vcb> Scale Y: -360.000000
<i509vcb> Translate Z: 0.000000
<i509vcb> Scale Z: 1.000000
<i509vcb> this looks fine?
<alyssa> yes
<i509vcb> Vulkan doesn't set enable on REGION_CLIP, though that doesn't seem to be the issue
<alyssa> Target is 11.5fps (what I measured on macOS)
<alyssa> So... 65% of the way there are something? :p
<alyssa> 53% slower frametime than macOS, yeet
<alyssa> a bit more usefully, getting 54fps for 2x
<alyssa> (that's almost playable)
<i509vcb> hmm common code gives me this:
<i509vcb> Scissor: min x: 0 min y: 720 max x: 1280 max y: 0
<i509vcb> You have an assert in gallium which forbids min_x > min_y, is that a hardware limitation?
<i509vcb> yes that was the issue
<alyssa> ooh, and with break_if predicated properly, up to 64fps
<alyssa> or 9.1fps at 4K
<alyssa> 79% of the way there, lol
<alyssa> with the heuristic tuned a bit, 67fps
<alyssa> (9.5fps)
<alyssa> 83%, i'll take it!
<i509vcb> Fixing the negative viewport thing apparently was enough to run an iced app (although a simple one)
<alyssa> Nice
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<i509vcb> vkCmdSetViewport(commandBuffer, firstViewport, viewportCount, pViewports) returns void:
<i509vcb> Looking at the API dump we get this:
<i509vcb> commandBuffer: VkCommandBuffer = 0xaaab67735310
<i509vcb> firstViewport: uint32_t = 0
<i509vcb> viewportCount: uint32_t = 1
<i509vcb> pViewports: const VkViewport* = 0xfffff8571848
<i509vcb> pViewports[0]: const VkViewport = 0xfffff8571848:
<i509vcb> x: float = 0
<i509vcb> y: float = 720
<i509vcb> width: float = 1280
<i509vcb> height: float = -720
<i509vcb> minDepth: float = 0
<i509vcb> maxDepth: float = 1
<alyssa> Added some more patches.. some of them are hacks in their current form (just trying to scope out what we're missing) but around now ~9.8fps
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<i509vcb> alyssa: oops in patch, here's another
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