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<j`ey> new gpu.. lina gonna have fun
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<Tramtrist> m3 macpro space black is pretty sexy
<i509vcb> I quite like my blue M2 air
<i509vcb> The pure black is not my thing
<Tramtrist> i have the blue m2 and its basically black in every light i look at it in
<Tramtrist> The pics of the new pro are .. nice
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<i509vcb> I guess us air folks are being left in the stone age
<ft75> m3 looks great! :) any chance to support it in the next 2 years? :) also it seems, that the gpu driver needs to be completely remade because of the new architecture? :( what a shame!
<marcan> try 6 months?
<i509vcb> well the gpu is a complete wildcard, we don't know
<marcan> and no, the GPU driver does not need to be completely remade
<marcan> that's not how any of this works
<marcan> "completely new architecture" is marketing speak
<marcan> i509vcb: we do kind of know
<nicolas17> I mean
<marcan> it's a new instruction encoding for the same fundamental ISA design
<marcan> that's like one file in the driver
<nicolas17> it's like Intel releasing a "completely new" microarchitecture, it's still gonna be x86_64 on the outside
<i509vcb> someone pulled apart the A16 drivers for R/E or is that just conjecture?
<marcan> someone looked at some drivers yes :p
<i509vcb> ok
<nicolas17> is this based on A16 or A17?
<marcan> should be A17, A16 looks like it was a weird half step
<ft75> marcan: haha, i will remind you in 6 months then! :D glad you stay optimistic :)
<i509vcb> I guess actual mesh hardware will make someone happy
<i509vcb> although the geometry count shader idea is pretty cool for us M1/M2 people
<marcan> I could bring up the base hardware in 1 month, GPU we'll see but probably won't be that long, but I don't want a 12.4 situation repeat so we are at *least* waiting until a stable macOS release with across the board machine support
<ft75> marcan: so first day gpu support then? :) or is it a very hard file to write? :D
<i509vcb> definitely not first day
<marcan> and meanwhile Fedora Asahi on everything else takes priority, I'll probably order the machines now but don't expect to do any work on them until December at the earliest
<ft75> i wonder about mesh shaders and ray tracing though, that ought to be massive and hard for alyssa ...
<marcan> those are *new* features
<marcan> that means you don't *have* to use them
<marcan> you just *can* to make things better
<marcan> ray tracing yeah, don't expect that to move for a year+
<marcan> mostly because there are more important things to worry about, like Vulkan
<i509vcb> agxv needs to reach vk 1.0 first before RT is probably tackled
<marcan> yup
<i509vcb> Sadly I am too busy this week to try to continue my agxv MRs...
<marcan> fwiw this is all exactly what we expected
<marcan> zero surprises except that they bothered to update the iMac (and changed the speakers, groan, means I need to buy it)
<i509vcb> running out of desk space with macs?
<nicolas17> iMacs take a *lot* of desk space
<nicolas17> I think we can all agree this hyped Special Event could have been an email press release
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<marcan> ohhh wait I just had an idea
<marcan> that iMac gets to be Lina's new stream machine
<marcan> she sure could use it for OBS better than I will for anything
<i509vcb> nicolas17: when did common sense ever apply
<blahaj> excited to get my hands on a macbook eventually :)
<blahaj> been waiting to have a viable development platform for aarch64
<ft75> marcan: so you keep all the macs or resell them? or do you have a extra room for them in your house?
<amarioguy> ft75: ot
<amarioguy> it*
<amarioguy> is patreon and github sponsorships iirc
<amarioguy> that lets him afford this much
<marcan> I get friends to use them (see above) so they don't go to waste
<marcan> after bring-up etc
<j`ey> marcan: ++ for stream machine
<ft75> nice you are a good friend!
<i509vcb> marcan: as long as the friends use linux? or nah
<marcan> nah, as long as I get to still test releases on linux
<marcan> other friends use macos :p
<ft75> but pretty expensive gifts then, is lina your wife then? :)
<amarioguy> ft75: not an appropriate question to ask
<marcan> ...
<amarioguy> let's leave this back to hardware...
<marcan> I just said I give machines to friends plural lol
<amarioguy> marcan: btw a17 has aic3 - good chance m3 family has it too
<marcan> I bought chadmed a 15" Air too and I'm pretty sure he's not my wife
<marcan> amarioguy: urgh
<marcan> dammit
<marcan> here I was hoping for device tree changes :p
<marcan> well I guess aic3 is going to be "the" stupid m3 bringup thing
<j`ey> b r i n g u p s t r e a m
<j`ey> my fave
* i509vcb I guess it's not shooting fish in a barrel anymore...
<i509vcb> also why did my client do a /me
<blahaj> bring up stream :)
<amarioguy> bring up stream is fun
<blahaj> yes good content ^-^
<ft75> is it possible to run asahi om iphone? pretty much a waste to only use them as phones if they are so fast now. but i guess if so, then apple would sell way less macs then
<amarioguy> ft75: can you break secure boot on iphones?
<blahaj> ^
<blahaj> iirc there was discussion about this on PostmarketOS
<blahaj> getting an iPhone to boot
<blahaj> i doubt it went anywhere
<ft75> but be amazing that you could always carry your whole stuff around in a little package
<amarioguy> blahaj: i'm talking recent iphones - older ones yes you can defeat secure boot
<blahaj> well yeah old iphones sure but old phones arent really uh good for much
<ft75> amarioguy: i cant do anything right sorry, but it is so amazing you guys can do so much no one else can, you are like tech gods! :)
<i509vcb> I'd think the iPads being M1 would make those easiest to crack open, but apple doesn't make those open
<j`ey> if someone does get it running on iPhones, they can use the drivers, but the asahi project is aimed at the non-jailbreaking things, which is macs only
<nicolas17> being M1 would only make things easier because the drivers are already for M1
<amarioguy> i509vcb: they don't make those open but i'm sure switching a soc and changing some resistors might do the job :)
<nicolas17> but being M1 will absolutely not be easier to "crack open" than A12 or whatever
<amarioguy> nicolas17: anything can be cracked open with the ability to manipulate atoms /s
<ft75> can the real macos run on iphone? in theory?
<amarioguy> ft75: no, m-series and a14 have tangible differences
<amarioguy> and macOS has no multitouch support iirc
<tpw_rules> ????
<amarioguy> tpw_rules: discussions have happened
<tpw_rules> i guess what does support mean
<tpw_rules> cause they have the nice multitouch trackpads
<amarioguy> tpw_rules: i mean touchscreen
<tpw_rules> oh, fair
<nicolas17> marcan: a Rosetta package for macOS 14.1 "23B2073" was just released
<marcan> elheh
<marcan> heh
<ft75> would be nice to run windows on m3 too, so you could run all 3 OS system on only machine and it would be easier for gaming too! :D
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<blahaj> windows i shiver
<amarioguy> ft75: god if only i weren't getting swamped with exams and homework for the past few days...
<i509vcb> I'm not even sure you couldn't implement dx12 on the hardware, let alone with Microsoft's help
<amarioguy> but that' sOT
<amarioguy> that's OT*
<i509vcb> I don't exactly see Microsoft releasing open source dx12 drivers
<amarioguy> i509vcb: head to asahi-offtopic
<ft75> touchbar is dead now i think, no 13" anymore
<blahaj> wasn't the 13" only the air anyway?
<i509vcb> There is a 15" air now
<ft75> amarioguy: what do you mean by exams? i had exams too, i feel sorry for you, i am sure you can keep up fine! :)
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<ft75> i509vcb: dx12 works fine now, there is game port kit now, you should try it! :) works great!
<ft75> bye guys, i have to go outside now, i wish you great success! :)
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<amarioguy> ft75: mostly a lot of engineering stuff
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<Nefsen402> Pretty sure what dictates whether something is open or not is the firmware. And that's hidden inside the flash
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<nicolas17> MBP 13" seems to be gone from the website
<Nefsen402> end of the touch bar for good?
<tpw_rules> rip in pepperoni
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<marcan> good riddance
<nicolas17> MBA M1 is considered "current", MBP 13" M2 is not
<Tramtrist> good riddance indeed
<nicolas17> I like the touchbar :<
<Nefsen402> Tbh worst thing about the non touchbar machines is no physical keys for keyboard brightness. I hooked up what-would-other-be-useless keys to do keyboard backlight in asahi but it's still anoying apple thought people will be bothered to toggle it through the ui
<Tramtrist> touchbar people i have a bond with as i feel they're similar to us orphaned 'mini' people
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<Tramtrist> but theres no way i can work without a physical escape key
<Nefsen402> I always rebind the caps as the esc key
<Nefsen402> please guess by preferred editor
<nicolas17> Tramtrist: Apple Silicon MBP13" has a physical escape key
<Tramtrist> ya i know ... but even that didnt save it :/
<_42372> Does anyone what "dynamic caching" on the GPU actually means?
<Nefsen402> New register spilling technique?
<Tramtrist> erm.. just realized the M3 base pro has 8GB RAM for 1600$ ?
<Tramtrist> ...
<amarioguy> nefsen402: depends on your definition of open
<amarioguy> even on m-series macs, you can't load custom SEP
<amarioguy> and i'm unsure on if you can load custom other firmwares? doubt it tho
<Nefsen402> Not really the ability to flash the firmware I'm talking about but what the firmware lets you do, i.e give you boot options
<Nefsen402> the ipad m1 probably has a firmware with that all stripped out
<nicolas17> Nefsen402: do you know how the "boot options" work on Mac? :P
<Nefsen402> Technically it's just another OS but i'm talking about things generally here
<nicolas17> this is a fullscreen macOS app
<nicolas17> you can't replace the bootloader on any Apple Silicon system, whether it's Mac or iPad
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<nicolas17> or boot unsigned code from it
<nicolas17> the difference on Macs is you can sign your own
<Nefsen402> I'm being caught on a technicallity here. My definition of firmware encompases the boot options recovery os thing in it as well
<nicolas17> you can't replace any of that
<Nefsen402> I'm not saying you can
<Nefsen402> I'm saying the firmware lets you as you said "sign your own" which is the key
<nicolas17> using that as a definition of whether it's "open" or "closed" is getting caught in a technicality too :P
<Tramtrist> if i end up moving back to japan in April will probably pick up that black M3 pro
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<marcan> amarioguy: only some Cortex M3 firmwares loaded by the kernel directly are unsigned, everything else is signed (though the security of the whole setup is questionable for everything but SEP and ANS)
<marcan> Nefsen402: for keyboard brightness I just use shift-brightness, easy enough
<marcan> _42372: seems to be about shader local memory which seems to make little to no sense... except maybe it does for raytracing
<marcan> is our best guess as to what that particular bit of marketing spiel really means
<marcan> (i.e. raytracing would be less efficient on other GPUs due to this issue, so they optimized it)
<Tramtrist> marcan its all personal but wondering if you paid using yen
<marcan> Nefsen402: the boot option stuff is implemented by the Boot Policy SEP application (alongside some iBoot support) and exclusive to Macs
<marcan> Tramtrist: yes of course
<Tramtrist> i mean the dollar exchange rate is pretty solid right now.......
<Tramtrist> and the japan apple store prices are inflated
<marcan> Japanese Apple Store is in yen, what am I going to do, order in the US and have them ship here?
<marcan> pretty sure they don't do that
<Tramtrist> no i mean pay with another currency card
<marcan> the prices are going to be the same either way
<marcan> I mostly get paid in dollars converted to yen so it's all kind of a wash anyway
<Tramtrist> ahhhhhhhh ok
<Tramtrist> dollars converted to yen .. ya doesnt matter
<marcan> I don't really care to keep a USD bank account, that just makes everything more complicated (like taxes) and I'm not even sure if I can get paid directly in USD anyway
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<Tramtrist> ya its personal situation .. i dont think having a US bank account hits you on taxes but that depends on how much maybe? If youre not a US citizen though I dont think it matters
<marcan> not if I just hold it in Japan (my bank does let me hold USD) but I mean Japanese taxes are going to be more painful to do if I keep USD balances
<marcan> since I have to convert to declare
<marcan> and then I have to figure out what exchange rate to use
<marcan> can't exactly start writing USD totals in my taxes
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<Tramtrist> Ya if youre only filing Japanese taxes
<marcan> I am
<Tramtrist> Right
<Tramtrist> Im a US citizen so tax equalization etc
<marcan> I'm not and glad about it :p
<Tramtrist> We gross up and file both
<Tramtrist> Yeah
<Tramtrist> Lots of citizens feel that way..............
<Tramtrist> Anyway was curious
<marcan> I never had to file Spanish taxes (was only briefly a real employee, never made enough doing odd jobs to have to file) and stopped dealing with the government as soon as I moved to Ireland, where I also never had to file since I had no income besides my main job
<marcan> so I only have to deal with Japanese taxes and thank god
<Tramtrist> Yeah US citizens are the only ones in the world who have to file income tax no matter where they are in the world
<marcan> yup
<Tramtrist> I envy everyone else basically
<Tramtrist> Shoulda got permanent residence in Japan last time.. I really regret not doing that
<Tramtrist> Would have been a pathway...
<marcan> I should get mine next year!
<Tramtrist> Congrats.. I hear theyre making it easier
<marcan> dunno about the rules changing, but I'm at almost the 10 year mark now
<marcan> so, the long way
<Tramtrist> May be able to file online haha
<Tramtrist> Ya thats.. long
<marcan> ha, I doubt it, Japan still loves paperwork :p
<marcan> especially for stuff like that
<Tramtrist> Ya.. not sure where I read that
<marcan> taxes though I finally did fully online this year!
<Tramtrist> Easiest way is just get married :p
<marcan> yeah lol
<nicolas17> I think I have exhausted my options for figuring out this boardconfig early
<nicolas17> I tried bruteforcing pallas and I found J214AP and J230AP which for some reason I wasn't already fetching (those are T2's)
<marcan> heh
<marcan> I would expect J51[46] to be the new numbers
<nicolas17> [Device(f"Mac15,{x}", f"J{n}{s}AP") for x in '123456' for n in range(800) for s in ["","s","c","d"]]
<nicolas17> brute. force.
<nicolas17> and nothing
<marcan> and J55[67] maybe
<marcan> lol
<nicolas17> so I guess it's not up there yet
<marcan> yeah[
<nicolas17> my kingdom for a complete file listing of
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<kidplayer666> Wasn’t the rule change to IRS merely a new tax filing software that is free to use outside of the control of the amazing companies that definitely deserve their revenue like turbotax?
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<Nefsen402> nice my donations are converting from CAD->USD->YEN. I guess there isn't much that can be done about that
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<holiday> #help
<holiday> nvm
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<ChaosPrincess> Did they really dropped 2 p-cores from the max config on m3pro. yikes.
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<janneg> replaced with 2 efficiency cores. they also chopped of 64-bits of the memory bus, seems to be only 192-bits instead of 256-bits (reported memory bandwidth of 150GB/s instead of 200GB/s)
<janneg> similar for the 14-core/30 GPU-core M3 Max which has now only 300GB/s instead of 400GB/s
<janneg> also boo, no LPDDR5X
<ChaosPrincess> i kinda feel like you could even make a realistic-ish benchmark where m3pro is a downgrade from m2pro
<ar> chopping memory bandwidth, and replacing two p cores with e cores sounds, to me, like attempts at cutting down power usage and/or die size
<janneg> at least not an improvement. If I remember corretly the compared the m3 pro at least once only against M1 Pro
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<marcan> janneg: they are disabling memory controllers for binning purposes. memory bandwidth is down *on the lowest spec model*. it is the same for the maxed out one.
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<marcan> nvm
<marcan> I'm dumb
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<marcan> they do bin the memory controllers on the Max though I think, hence the fraction of 3 size one
<marcan> just not the Pro
<janneg> yes, they do. that's why you get either 36/(48 not offered)/96 GB on the binned or 48/64/128 GB non-binned M3 Max
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<janneg> PSA! avoid updating to Sonoma or installing on Sonoma for now:
<janneg> especially on 14 and 16 inch macbook pros
<j`ey> marcan should you post on the fedora discussion page too?
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<jiro> i have upgraded on Sonoma but i have a 13"
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<stintel> ooof I upgraded 3 weeks ago
<cy8aer> Just a question for my safety: I am on Sonoma (6001) for some days now and did not have a problem: As long as I not play with the screen settings I am fine?
<cy8aer> (do not play)
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<ChaosPrincess> check whether your system recovery works by trying to boot it.
<ChaosPrincess> and if you have a second mac, just dont't worry, worst case you will spend some time doing a dfu revive
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<alain> Hi All, just a small question, if i found a small bug, is there any place to tell it ? (i set the brightness to 10%, reboot and the brightness is like 30%)
<alain> other than that thanks a lot for the amazing work done :) really easy to install and beside sound and thunderbold (what was told on the page) everything works quite nice on my m2 macbook air. First time using fedora... i'm more used to arch and debian but well i'll be used to it :)
<j`ey> I thought systemd was meant to restore the brightness, but I also feel like it doesn't
<alain> well i checked before comming here ;) and it restore the brightness to defaut not to last changed brightness
<alain> i'm on fedora with gnome, maybe it is a gnome issue ?
<j`ey> dont think so since I think I see the same, will double check by reading the values directly
<alain> sorry if i give more work to people who are already busy in a lot with this crazy work ^^ . I would never had dreamed to have the latest mac laptop with a more friendly OS :)
<j`ey> alain: do you have a /var/lib/systemd/backlight/ folder?
<alain> yes
<j`ey> I'm wondering *when* the systemd backlight service happens, maybe if it happens after DCP has shutdown or something, then it goes wrong
<alain> i also have a small question : is it possible to have the OS chooser screen at each boot ? Or do is it only possible with the long press the power button?
<alain> [root@fedora backlight]# ls
<alain> platform-231c00000.dcp:backlight:apple-panel-bl
<alain> platform-led-controller:leds:kbd_backlight
<jiro> hello alain, did u test debian with your M2 ?
<alain> no :/ i saw after installing fedora that there is an asahi ubuntu version but did not searched further. I was like : ok if the people behind this suggest to use fedora then this means that it would work better with it ^^
<jiro> i think yes, maybe others distro are less stable than fedora but i hope to be able to use Kali or Debian natively on my M2 :-D
<alain> i'll give it a try once sound and thunderbolt are working :) cause i use a usbc dock with hdmi outputs and it works nice with macos (even got 2 ext screens whereas it is not supposed to work) ... i tried it and of course only the keyboard/mouse are working no external screen ^^
<alain> but i guess this is normal, in the background it is for sure thunderbolt :p
<cy8aer> ChaosPrincess: Oh, that works still. I need to boot into recovery to set asahi for my primary boot system. Then that would be the point where I would have the crash. _shiver_ I had luck then...
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<cy8aer> I mean after a macOS update I need to go to the recovery to set asahi as primary boot.
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<billak> Hi I have M1 Pro 16 RecoveryOS version 13.5 OSX version 14.1. Is it normal? RecoveryOS Ventura OSX Sonoma.
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<j`ey> billak: no that shouldnt happen:
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<marcan> I'm starting to suspect it's "normal"
<marcan> as in somehow they actually deliberately intended this, which is messed up
<marcan> there's no way they failed *this hard* at QA
<marcan> but that coupled with the ProMotion bug is a trainwreck
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<balrog> I don't think this is intentional, I think there's some issue when updating System Recovery and it bails out
<balrog> I saw similar problems with Intel Macs with the firmware updater, leading to all sorts of problems
<ChaosPrincess> oh, neat: SFR version:,0 SystemRecovery version:,0
<balrog> is it worth testing for this problem on an M2 Air?
<Nefsen402> I guess it's a good thing I'm still on 13.5
<ChaosPrincess> thats on a 14.1 j314
<marcan> yeah I think it somehow *always* happens
<balrog> and is there an easy way to test?
<marcan> so if it's not intentional they *majorly* fucked up
<marcan> balrog: run the asahi installer
<marcan> I just added a pile of nonsense to check for this situation
<balrog> oh yeah also is there a migration path from asahi on ALARM to asahi on Fedora?
<balrog> wipe and reinstall is fine, if that's the only option
<ChaosPrincess> reinstall
<j`ey> Im surprised there's people changing the resolution/promotion thing
<ChaosPrincess> j`ey: my memory might be wrong but iirc the default is 60hz
<balrog> 120hz causes nausea for some people
<j`ey> ChaosPrincess: 120hz is the default:
<Nefsen402> Promotion doesn't seem to work through asahi with sway (I haven't tried other DE/WMs) so maybe the disabled it to get a more consistent experience between the two?
<balrog> marcan: M2 Air isn't ProMotion
<balrog> so I wouldn't expect it to be affected
<ChaosPrincess> ok, maybe its default on iphones, iirc i set _some_ apple device to 120hz explicitly
<ChaosPrincess> Nefsen402: not supported at all
<j`ey> balrog: in a similar vein, watching videos at like 1080p looks weird to me, Im so used to 720p
<balrog> j`ey: I'm not talking about "looks weird" here, I mean nausea
<j`ey> balrog: I know, for me 1080p will just be getting used to that, for people with nausea of course it's more important to change
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<marcan> balrog: you might still have a fucked up recoveryOS
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<balrog> yeah but it seems like the check in the installer only runs if your machine supports promotion, at least going by the screenshot you shared?
<marcan> no, it checks the sros version unconditionally
<balrog> ah ok
<marcan> for a mismatch
<marcan> it then checks for ProMotion and a new enough SFR
<marcan> it shouts for both problems but I just pushed another update so it shouts REALLY loudly in ALL CAPS AND BLINKING if you have both
<marcan> because then you're really screwed
<balrog> > Mismatched System Firmware / System Recovery detected!
<marcan> there you go.
<balrog> SFR version:,0
<balrog> SystemRecovery version:,0
<marcan> I swear literally everyone hit this with Sonoma.
<balrog> how do you fix this, a revive from DFU?
<balrog> if it's happening on an M2 Air that doesn't even have ProMotion... there must be other causes
<balrog> is there an apple feedback number?
<opticron> Heh, I have sonoma on a 14" M1M. I should probably check
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<kidplayer666> uhhhh... im on sonoma too, where do i check the recovery environment version
<kidplayer666> (on m1 13" with touchbar, so i shouldnt have a problem
<kidplayer666> )
<opticron> you run the asahi installer and see if it screams (best I can tell)
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<alain68> hello alain again (this time i needed to register my nick as somehow it forbidded me to reuse alain ^^)
<Nefsen402> Your old nick is stuck behind a password
<alain68> i removed asahi fedora and wanted to give asahi ubuntu a try. So i followed a youtube tutorial with one diskutil erase command and some diskutil partition
<alain68> but without changing my macos ^^. i'm now not able to install it ... even if i don't have the latest OSX
<kidplayer666> what version of osx
<kidplayer666> ah
<kidplayer666> not latest
<alain68> ollecting system information...
<alain68> SoC: Apple M2
<alain68> Product name: MacBook Air (M2, 2022)
<alain68> Device class: j413ap
<alain68> Product type: Mac14,2
<alain68> Board ID: 0x28
<kidplayer666> and mr marcan said very clearly
<alain68> Chip ID: 0x8112
<alain68> System firmware: iBoot-10151.1.1
<alain68> Boot UUID: EA861747-8EBD-48FA-B5B0-9F1F64AE431D
<alain68> Boot VGID: EA861747-8EBD-48FA-B5B0-9F1F64AE431D
<alain68> Default boot VGID: EA861747-8EBD-48FA-B5B0-9F1F64AE431D
<kidplayer666> wait
<alain68> Boot mode: macOS
<alain68> OS version: 14.0 (23A344)
<alain68> Main firmware version: 14.0 (23A344)
<alain68> No Fallback System Firmware / rOS
<alain68> SFR version: 23.1.344.0.0,0
<alain68> SystemRecovery version:,0
<alain68> Login user: alain
<alain68> Mismatched System Firmware / System Recovery detected!
<alain68> Critical bugs in Apple's update process introduced in macOS Sonoma 14.0 and
<alain68> macOS Ventura 13.6 can cause your System Recovery to not be updated properly.
<alain68> It is not safe to install a new OS on this computer until this is resolved.
<alain68> Please apply all macOS updates available and try again. If the problem remains,
alain68 was kicked from #asahi by marcan [alain68]
<kidplayer666> did you use the command line or the crappy gui utikity
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<kidplayer666> and thats normal
<kidplayer666> check the earlier logs
<kidplayer666> and kicked
<kidplayer666> ...
<alain68> sorry i was kicked i guess that pasting all this was too much lol
<marcan> please do not do that
<kidplayer666> just dont
<alain68> sorry :( i'm not used to irc
<kidplayer666> look at earlier logs from today
<marcan> anyway, you have to wait. Apple screwed this one up bigtime.
<marcan> You can try updating to 14.1 and seeing if that fixes your recoveryOS and it lets you install then, but I doubt it.
<ChaosPrincess> alain68: if you want to share huge walls of text over irc use something like pastebin
<kidplayer666> theres a huge bug that semibricks your system
<alain68> ok thanks i will retain the pastbin solution ^^ i used irc like 20 years ago and forgot a lot about it :/
<kidplayer666> fair enough
<alain68> ok so i was kind of lucky to not brick my device when i installed fedora ? lucky me ;p
<kidplayer666> i usually simply dont post that much text, and usually only share screenshots
<kidplayer666> depends on when you installed it
<alain68> a few hours ago ^^
<kidplayer666> but your lucky the system didnt brick itself yet
<kidplayer666> holy bajeeesus
<kidplayer666> you got lucky
<Nefsen402> "lucky" here means not changing your default refresh rate.
<kidplayer666> theres a dangerous bug somehow related to promotion and an outdated recovery environment
<alain68> but i was on fedora and wanted to give ubuntu a try. and as i saw that marcan will have an ubuntu talk soon i was like : ok maybe ubuntu will also official support this :)
<kidplayer666> other people got more credentials than me to explain it
<alain68> so the main issue is the SFR vs recovery diff ?
<marcan> most people won't brick their systems.
<marcan> the dangerous combination is a 14" or 16" machine *and* ProMotion turned off, which is not the default and most people would not do
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<marcan> all that combined with the version mismatch = locked out of your machine until DFU
<marcan> but I am not comfortable letting people install Asahi on machines with a fucked up System Recovery state, sorry, even if it mostly always works
<marcan> Apple need to fix this fuckup ASAP
<balrog> I guess what I asked is: will a DFU revive safely fix the issue if I don't want to wait for an update from Apple?
<marcan> balrog: yes
<balrog> alright
<balrog> I can't say I'm holding my breath around Apple fixing it
<balrog> :(
<marcan> you still get the big ProMotion related warning if you try to install after that on a 14" or 16", but it will let you (as long as the setting is right)
<marcan> I'm going to file a radar now
<balrog> there a way to do a DFU revive from a non-macOS host?
<marcan> and I'm going to shout expletives at all my Apple contacts if they don't
<kidplayer666> Probably not?
<marcan> sort of (idevicerestore) but I would not recommend that particular rabbit hole right now, who knows if it supports Sonoma
<balrog> heh, untested
<jmr2> curl | sh currently fails for me with FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/System/Volumes/iSCPreboot/SystemRecovery'; M1 Air, MacOS 14.1 running in MacOS, not recovery.
<Nefsen402> marcan has apple contacts? I thought apple didn't care about asahi, all they do is let it happen
<alain68> i guess they contacted him after seeing how good he is :)
<Nefsen402> A poaching email would be surprising, but maybe not
<balrog> ...and would probably come with a relocation requirement 🙃
<balrog> among other less than nice things
<kidplayer666> maybe the contact was an angry letter complaining about foss software
<kidplayer666> or just actually knowing people
<kidplayer666> or getting contacted after finding a bunch of worrying bugs
<kidplayer666> or some apple developer finding asahi cool
<alain68> any ninja command to force the recovery to be updated ? i had the same issue on an older mac... like it had big sure and the recovery was like mountain lion :/ but maybe this happened because i changed he ssd back in time. Unfortunately this mbp is too old and had some other issues that's why i'm on a m2 now :)
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<kidplayer666> ehy didnt you get linux on the old mac lol?
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<balrog> alain68: find another Mac that can run Configurator 2 and do a DFU Revive
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<alain68> my wife let the old MBP fall down, i replaced the screen (myself) but it was not as good as the default one and later it had some random reboot... maybe a false contact . Anyhow it battery also seems to die (after 8 years... ) so i went for the easy solution ;)
<kidplayer666> ah crap
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<kidplayer666> well see it this way
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<kidplayer666> ya aint able to substitute the screen on newer ones as easily
<alain68> she helped me have a better one that makes no noise and have an even better battery :p
<kidplayer666> so you wont ever mess up a repair
<balrog> marcan: partly because I'm on the latest Sonoma public beta and it still isn't fixed
<alain68> true, nothing can be changed lol not even the ssd :/
<kidplayer666> yep
<kidplayer666> totally makes sense
<kidplayer666> to have the component that is sure to die eventually be irreplaceable
<kidplayer666> and merely a 200% markup on most upgrades
<alain68> ok i'll give 14.1 a try even if there is almost no lcuk that it fixes something
<alain68> but who knows maybe i'm even more lucky :p
<balrog> I'd say set your display resolution to the default, and make sure your computer is powered externally
<alain68> or should i prevent this update as i had asahi before and it could screen up things ?
<alain68> to remove asahi i did a "diskutil eraseVolume JHFS+ drive /dev/disk0s4" then within the diskutil graphical tool i remove the different partition so that they are merged back and i rebooted the mac... i tried to do what was told in this youtube video
<alain68> strongly when i power off an on it did not ask to choose a boot partition it booted correctly :p
<marcan> jmr2: can you pastebin `find /System/Volumes/iSCPreboot`?
<marcan> Nefsen402: knowing people at Apple != official contacts
<kidplayer666> just cause the gui utility tends to be kind of buggy
<kidplayer666> and theres awhole wiki page discussing how to uninstall correctly
<marcan> ok, it's starting to sound like this whole mismatched recovery thing is intentional (if stupid)
<marcan> I'm going to update the installer logic
<alain68> poor marcan i'm sorry that i give you more work :(
<kidplayer666> not your fault. blame apple
<janneg> marcan: yes, it seems that the previous OS recovery is copied to the system recovery druing the update
<alain68> for myself in worse case i'll need to lear the dfu restore ... my wife has now her own macbook air (m1) so no more risk that she drop my computer and destroy it ^^
<kidplayer666> the check was only put today to avoid instances of the bug that flaired up
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<marcan> redid the logic.
<marcan> it will let you install now, AS LONG AS you have the screen set to ProMotion mode
<kidplayer666> that was quick
<kidplayer666> what happens if you change it on macos later though
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<kidplayer666> do you have a warning regardless if you have one of the potentially affected models?
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<jmr2> marcan: here you go:
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<marcan> WTF, no SystemRecovery stuff?
<marcan> sigh
<marcan> why is Apple...
<marcan> any idea what the install/upgrade history of this machine is?
<janneg> if we want to keep the more rigid check we could check that the system recovery is at least 14.0 if SFR is >= 13.6
<jmr2> Bought in early 2021 with MacOS 11, did pretty much all the updates as they came out. It still has 12.0 and a 12.1 Asahi Stub. Was multi-boot MacOS11/MacOS12 at one point IIRC.
<janneg> that's hopefully safe as far as system recovery is concerned
<marcan> janneg: that's what the new check does, in one branch with stronger wording
<marcan> SFR 13.6 is not a thing, it goes 13.5 -> 14.0
<jmr2> Would a diskutil list be useful?
<jmr2> It also ran some MacOS 12 beta IIRC.
<nicolas17> one weird thing you may find interesting, the InstallAssistant.pkg contains a SFR/com_apple_MobileAsset_SFRSoftwareUpdate/[long hex string].zip file... until macOS 13.3 when it went away
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<nicolas17> I suspect they managed to reuse data that is already present in com_apple_MobileAsset_MacSoftwareUpdate/[long hex string].zip
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<marcan> jmr2: I really don't get it, maybe the directory is missing due to legacy and it doesn't know how to create it?
<marcan> unfortunately it means I need to find another way to get the version
<marcan> I'm too tired for this right now, sorry, I need to get some sleep
<marcan> this has derailed my whole day
<nicolas17> btw we got the boardconfigs of the new macs, I'll add them to the asahi wiki later
<marcan> cool
<marcan> kidplayer666: and yes you get a warning regardless, a blinking one in the mismatched recovery case
<marcan> blinking yellow if promotion, blinking red if the setting is non-promotion on top of that
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<jmr2> No worries at all. I'll keep an eye on the channel, ping me if I can help. Have a good night!
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<nicolas17> janneg: system recoveryOS = 13.5 22G74; paired recoveryOS = 13.6.2 22G417; macOS = 13.6.2 22G417; the odd thing is that I went through 13.6 and 13.6.1 and even some of their RCs
<nicolas17> (in fact 13.6.2 is an RC)
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<nicolas17> so it's like installing 13.6.1 didn't copy the 13.6 OS recovery into the system recovery
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<marcan> I think some point versions don't update SFR, e.g. iBoot stays the same, so maybe SystemRecovery stays too?
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<dererk> hi there! I saw there were some activity around audio/sound for M1 support, does anyone know if there has been any changes related to whether or not its now possible to run audio on it now?
<j`ey> dererk: it's not supported
<dererk> oh, okey, I saw some changes on a few places, but was not sure about how functional it was yet
<dererk> I saw something was merged and removed some warnings, but nothing above that
<j`ey> yeah there's work going on, but it isn't finished yet!
<dererk> great to know, thanks a bunch j`ey !
* dererk waves around and goes back to Zombie mode
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<jmr2> marcan: just tried sw_vers in both single and double-tap recovery. Single reports 14.1. Double reports 12.2.1.
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<eldondev> Is there a good document on gathering information about the macOS and other software from a running linux install on a dual-boot system?
<eldondev> My understanding is that maybe fedora doesn't support a firmware version I am using in macOS, but I forget the specifics, and would like to figure it out without the manual button-press process.
<ChaosPrincess> did you install fedora using the official installer, without using expert mode?
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<j`ey> eldondev: `asahi-diagnose`, run it!
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