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<runxiyu> I deleted my macOS APFS container (intentionally, as I intend to reinstall all systems on the device). I'm still in recovery, activation lock is unlocked, but the "Install macOS" prompt presents me with no disks...
<runxiyu> What should I do now?
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<runxiyu> disk utility gives me no useful options, as expected; a bit afraid that id delete the first and last recovery partitions when operating on the disks and I can't really do a DFU reset
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<Harriet> alright, solved it seems
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<runxiyu-web> is there an option to make the installer download everything first before touching disk?
<runxiyu-web> or, better, a way to specify where i've downloaded the files (especially root.img) and let it just pick up the files locally?
<runxiyu-web> my connection is intermittent and i often end up with incomplete installs and i have to delete partitions and start over all over again several times
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