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<leio> jannau: I got a technical reply on why Samsung support thinks the review site couldn't run the monitor I have my eyes on in 240Hz, but 120Hz only. Do you think it might work fine in asahi, given the following, or the dcp firmware would still not have it work?
<leio> > Unfortunately, the G80SD monitor does not support the frame rate of 240Hz with the Apple device. The resolution was set according to the input signal called "VTDB" according to the specifications defined in the HDMI forum, but unfortunately Apple does not support the "VTDB" function, which unfortunately also means that it is not possible to achieve a frame rate of 240Hz.
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<jannau> leio: no, we are limited to what the dcp firmware detects as valid modes. In this regard we're strictly worse than apple since we can't easily update the dcp firmware. So even if Apple fixes this it would remain broken in the macos 13.5 DCP firmware we are using
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<jannau> I believe it's possible to inject custom modes / edid (BetterDisplay on macOS might support it) but that has to be implemented in the driver
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<leio> jannau: so in theory it can be made to work in the long-term via e.g. mode injection?
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<leio> or eventual firmware upgrade - nothing about the converter limiting this? Other monitors support 240Hz fine on Macbooks supposedly, probably with different EDID approach then
<leio> (I'm having Apple queried about this by my business support contacts)
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<jannau> leio: if there is a way to support the monitor on macos we should be able to support that as well. it won't be a priority for me though. also 4k 240Hz 10-bit RGB is quite beyond the data rate of 4 DP 1.4 lanes
<leio> jannau: this assume DSC, yes. I only care about it going to work "eventually", 120Hz would be an upgrade already. So it kind of boils down to messing with BetterDisplay on macOS after getting it and then making a decision if can't make it work whether to return.
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<leio> unless Apple comes back with anything useful in the coming days
<jannau> if you find EDID the monitor reports we could try what modes dcp offers
<jannau> +the
<leio> you mean the raw EDID dump from somewhere without the monitor?
<leio> jannau: I found this at least, no raw one dumped there though, or I can't spot it at least:
<jannau> leio: yes, ideally the raw dump but the edid-decode output should allow creating the binary edid. no 240Hz mode though, maybe that's only offered on the HDMI 2.1 inputs?
<leio> Don't know. Looks like I should bother with the order then
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