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<streptokok> Being new to Asahi, I wondered what's up with battery life. Read around, felt reassured it's a thing - and then probably a complicated thing. So if someone wouldn't mind to ELI5 - how come the Macbook battery with closed lid lives for ages with macOS, but hardly makes it through the night with Linux?
<streptokok> And how do people handle this? Maybe it's better to just shut down?
<ciara> streptokok: sleep and power management haven't been developed to the same extent between macos and linux.
<ciara> What i generally do is manually trigger a power down when i'm done using my laptop
<ciara> KDE power settings /do/ allow you to trigger a power down when the lid is closed, however in my experience on the latest fedora builds the system just will .. stop shutting down at some point and get stuck
<streptokok> Okay.
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<streptokok> But is this something that can actually be worked on, or miserable by design, something to live with?
<j`ey> yes it can be worked on
<ciara> It's a known issue that the asahi team want to address more.
<streptokok> Hm okay.
<streptokok> Just wanted to have an idea of the state of affairs. :)
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<PaulFertser> I wonder if those results with ~30 hours of idle system with ssh running were obtained with some patches that didn't make it to Asahi kernel yet or is there another reason regular users are not getting similar numbers?
<streptokok> Grateful for being able to run Linux at all.
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<PaulFertser> streptokok: you might want to run "powertop" to see which processes trigger interrupts too often and not letting the CPUs idle for longer.
<PaulFertser> streptokok: have you tried "suspend to idle"? Is it spending about the same amount of energy as just closing the lid?
<streptokok> PaulFertser: honestly I haven't tried much at all yet. Just noticed the Macbook giving the ghost soon and wondered to what extent it is expected behaviour.
<PaulFertser> "echo freeze > /sys/power/state" to trigger it
<streptokok> I'm making notes for tomorrow. :)
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<PaulFertser> Of course ssh isn't running during s2idle but you can get that way the impression what the battery life would be if no userspace would bother the CPU.
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<chadmed_> PaulFertser: the results were obtained with a stock standard m2 15" air running the upstream asahi kernel doing absolutely nothing special
<chadmed_> almost all of the power management "issues" people are having are with the pro/max/ultra socs, which is a known issue caused by many things, one of which being that we currently dont know how to make pmgr clock or power gate the cores or the clusters without psci
<chadmed_> there are no secret special energy efficiency patches that we are keeping from you, the answer is literally just "we dont know how to do it yet"
<chaos_princess> didnt we end up writing a hacky non-psci driver for deep WFI?
<chadmed_> or more specifically "we havent thought of a good way to do it yet"
<chadmed_> that's already in the asahi kernel :)
<chadmed_> the issue is that triggering WFI doesnt seem to be enough on the t60xx socs to actually clock or power gate anything
<chaos_princess> but also, as a haver of both a j297 and a j314, the battery life difference is quite noticeable between socs :P
<chadmed_> m2 max idles at like 10 W or something stupid like that
<Calandracas> huh my m2 13" air idles for over 48h with the lid closed
<chadmed_> yeah exactly my point
<chadmed_> the issue is almost entirely just on the pro/max/ultra side
<chadmed_> its been known about since day one and it will be addressed
<chaos_princess> Tho i was able to spend like 4 or more hours on battery on j314 with it loaded almost 90% with code compile :P
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<chadmed_> i dicked my j314's battery doing that while plugged in all the time oops
<chaos_princess> oh, im sure i wasn't kind to mine either, but it is mostly ok
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